Cleaning +5, Investigation +5, Organization +3, Teaching +1, Reimancy +3, Storytelling +3, Body Building +2, Auristics +5, Research +4, Arcanology +3
Vivian and Albastin K’etir: Their History, Drust: Murdered Albastin, Pie Cozy: Form and Function, Family Hierarchy Nomenclature: Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather, etc, Arcanolgy: Studying magic items with Auristics and determining what they do, Arcanology: Woven spells working together, Restoration Wand: Form, Function and Appearance, Lobster Cage: Form, Function and Appearance, Party Provision Chest: Form, Function and Appearance, Magic Eye Bracelet: Form, Function and Appearance, The Perfection Chalice: Form, Function and Appearance
Awards: Restoration Wand, Lobster Cage, Party Provision Chest, Magic Eye Bracelet, Perfection Chalice (Quest reward acquisition Thread)
Cleaning +5, Investigation +5, Organization +3, Teaching +1, Reimancy +3, Storytelling +3, Body Building +2, Auristics +5, Research +4, Arcanology +3
Vivian and Albastin K’etir: Their History, Drust: Murdered Albastin, Pie Cozy: Form and Function, Family Hierarchy Nomenclature: Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather, etc, Arcanolgy: Studying magic items with Auristics and determining what they do, Arcanology: Woven spells working together, Restoration Wand: Form, Function and Appearance, Lobster Cage: Form, Function and Appearance, Party Provision Chest: Form, Function and Appearance, Magic Eye Bracelet: Form, Function and Appearance, The Perfection Chalice: Form, Function and Appearance
Awards: Restoration Wand, Lobster Cage, Party Provision Chest, Magic Eye Bracelet, Perfection Chalice (Quest reward acquisition Thread)
PM me with questions or concerns.