Time: Spring 511 av
Vimos craned his neck, looking up at the formidable gate before him. A light rain started to fall as he walked toward a few travelers and a couple bored looking Syrilian knights checking travelers for sickness, maybe weapons he wasn't sure. The gate loomed high above him as he approched the knights. One of them beckened for him, and he trotted over.
"Good day, friend how can I help you?" Vimos asked, his voice like rocks sliding downhill, but polite. He had a military respect for the knights, both having been through some training as a scout himself. He set his meager pack upon The ground beside him and removed his brown green mottled cloak. "Traveled far?" the knight asked bluntly. Vimos nodded, showing he was in good health. "Aye from the homeland itsself." Waving him on, the knight nodded. Vimos retrieved his cloak and pack, and strolled into the city.