Timstamp: AV 511, Summer
There were many rumors as to why Vileras' bloated body was found afloat in that small cove. It had taken months of searching, long after the Incarnata family had smothered that last flicker of hope. The search group, comprised of a few extended family members and Devmond himself, had taken a needed break at the Suvan Sea, only a few miles from Alvadas where one of the younger cousins had taken a trip to collect seashells. The girl had come running back screaming and empty handed. When they examined the body, it was quickly apparent that all manner of sea-creatures had taken pickings, and not much else could be recognized. Then one of the uncles saw the heirloom, the engraved lock given to all the eldest children, that still hung on the torn out throat They decided to burn the body there at the shore; there was no reason to grieve the woman at home with that awful sight.
Around that morbid campfire, the Symenestra family discussed what could have happened to that unfortunate lad. Devmond, however, watched his brother's body grade down to ashes with his mouth shut tight against the fantastic theories quietly breathed in and out by the salty air. One uncle mentioned the last message received in Kalinor. Vileras had mentioned, in passing, a pretty daughter of a Syliras Knight. He had mused that she was healthy and outgoing, making a good candidate for his harvest. This evidence gave way to a circle of reasoned gossip that told a tale of a hero being slain in martyrdom against a vicious knight whose only motive was trying to hinder his child's romance.
Devmond, now older but just as silent, gave a small smirk as he adjusted his eldest brother's heirloom under his cloak. They could talk and talk, but there was probably no god in heaven that cared to watch Vileras pass to another life. It was best to leave those fears buried like the heathens did their dead. Even so, Devmond straightened his back and tilted his head up a little more as he approached the front gates. The Syliras Knights may not have been responsible for his brother's death, but that did not mean he could relax after the many nights that sunken face appeared in his dreams. He prodded his horse up a quicker trot and until he could see the eyes of the two guards under their thick helmets.
He nodded curtly to one of them with a simple greeting and dismounted, glancing up at the ramparts with the archers peering back down. His packs were searched and his horse's teeth were examined. It did not escape his notice that the examination seemed to be repeated a few more times than necessary for an ordinary traveler. They must have asked what was his business was at least five times. The answer given without hesitation every time, "Want to work as a writings teacher at the Welcome Home." This was a lie, he was here merely for pleasure and relaxation, but to hell with being honest. Symenestra had a certain reputation that made traveling difficult. You had to be creative to stay out of trouble. Finally, one of the guards gave a tap to the doors and they were opened to him.