4th Day of Winter, 511AV {{Mid-afternoon}} Aeryn glanced up at the large gates towering over him, letting out a low whistle. He hadn't seen anything quite like it before, seeing as he came had come from a simple farm. Looking up at the ramparts high above him, he could make out a few blurs as he raised his hand to shield his eyes from the sun bearing down on him. Archers, most likely, he mused silently. This city was quite protected, he gathered. Switching his gaze back to the gate before him, he caught sight of the two guards standing at posts on either side of the gates, their job obvious. Question the visitors, make sure there is no trouble. And so on. Aeryn strolled up confidently to the gates stopping about a yard away from the knights. He gave a curt wave to them as they sized him up. They stood there for a tense moment before Aeryn flashed a wry smile at what looked to be the elder of the two. "Beautiful day, is it not?" he asked sarcastically, referring to the intimidating looking clouds above, threatening to drench them at any moment. The elder guard glanced at the sky at his remark and held back a smile of his own. Instead he simply asked, "State you're business here in Syliras, stranger." Aeryn gave a small shrug and glanced at the younger knight briefly before turning his gaze back to the elder. "Oh you know, sight-seeing and whatnot. Figured I'd stay for awhile, perhaps find something interesting to do," he replied slyly, shifting slightly where he stood so that the knight was able to glimpse the blade he had at his hip. He was sure the man had already noted the bow slung over his shoulder. After seeing Aeryn's sword at his hip, the knight glanced back at him sharply, distrust blatant on his face. He obviously didn't catch on to the fact that Aeryn was messing with him. He had no intentions to do anything illegal whilst he was here. Exactly the opposite, in fact. Aeryn glanced briefly at the Windoak symbol etched across the man's armor, before looking back at the man and flashing a toothy grin. "I'm just messing with you. I'm not going to be doing anything illegal while I'm here. Actually, I'm looking for the Recruitment Office of the Knights. I'm guessing you could direct me there, yes?" he asked hopefully. He hadn't exactly thought this all the way through, and it was only now that he was here that he had no idea what he was doing or where he was to go. As realization dawned on the elder, Aeryn watched as the man returned his smile halfheartedly. "Why didn't you say so?" the knight asked, seemingly relieved that his job had been made easier, before going on to giving him directions that Aeryn could hardly remember. Nonetheless, not wanting to seem rude, he smiled and thanked the man for his assistance. He'd probably just ask one of the people inside the city where the place was. As he was ushered into the gates, he glanced back and gave a polite nod to the two Knights. "Thanks for the help. And have a beautiful day," he called out to them before disappearing into the bustling city. Ah, nothing like walking around a crowded city and not know where the petch you're going. Aeryn figured he liked the place already. |