Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Dusk on March 25th, 2012, 11:01 pm


Please check the Linkmap for specific location updates

For the length of Spring 512 AV, the only temporary housing available is at Traveler's Row. The Golden Dragon has been completely destroyed by the Djed Storm and will not be rebuilt. The White Swan and the Rearing Stallion have both taken damage, and will be rebuilt during Spring; however, they are closed for the duration while the repairs take place.

As such, temporary housing will be very difficult to find. There will be 4-6 people in each room of the Traveler's Row regardless of what money you offer or how much you dislike sleeping on a floor with strangers. However, a small tent community has sprung up outside just to the west of the Gates. Travelers have been encouraged to stay there if they have a tent.

As far as food goes, there isn't any for sale - but there is food for work. If you are willing to clear rubble or rebuild walls or collect debris from the tsunami, you will be given three meals per day as payment. There aren't really any other jobs available at the moment, most especially not in things like the arts or entertainment or any "luxury" trade, since the entire city will be working on recovery.

The Gates of the Wall will not be allowing people in as easily as they once did. Visitors will have to prove that they have enough food to sustain them for their time in Syliras, or they must volunteer for work in order to eat. These are the only two conditions in which people will be able to enter the city. Those who have no food and will not or cannot work will be turned away or directed to the tent city. It will not be done cruelly - the Knights will attempt to convince those who approach that they must do their part to help rebuild civilization and become a true part of Syliras.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM!
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Dusk on March 25th, 2012, 11:01 pm


Moderator's Note: Aria, please pick a specific date and see the announcements regarding the Djed storms and the current condition of the city.
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Miranda on April 2nd, 2012, 8:07 am

9th of Autumn 510 AV

Miranda was relieved to be home, it had been many months since she had seen the Great Wall and the Main Gates.
Quickening her pace egarly she stopped in front of the guards there.
She answered their question honestly but with as little detail as possible.
Why was she here? Merely returning home after some traveling.
Did she need directions? No thank you, i know the way.
At their aproval she moved past them and entered the city, beaming as she once again entered Stormhold Castle.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Kaiyan Snowsong on April 7th, 2012, 4:37 am

Timestamp: 13th of Spring, 512 AV

Kaiyan smiled as she reached the gates of Sylira. Smiling. A rare thing for her these
days. She walked up to the guards, expecting easy acess. But what she heard dimmed her mood and therfore smile down a few notches. Sylira was going through repairs. Temporary homes werent optional unless you shared with four to six others. She wasnt all to fond of strangers. Even if you had housing, for food you were required to work. Not exactly Kaiyan's cup of tea.

Luckily she had a tent and everything, so she was sent off to the tent camp/city thing.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Mirei on April 10th, 2012, 8:36 pm

24th of Spring, 512 AV

For the past day or so, Mirei had been hanging around on the edges of the Syliran Wilderness, watching the city of Syliras and what went on around it. She had been debating with herself on whether or not she should stop here or move on to the next city. As a wanderer she went from city to city but never staying for long and living primarily in the Wilderness. It was dangerous but she knew enough to survive. The issue at hand was that she was somewhat low on supplies and wanted to restock, but there was always the chance that she could get herself in trouble or even get pulled into working.

It was a tough decision but she ended up deciding to follow the path of caution and headed for the gates. The short trek lasted no more than a few minutes, two knights stopping her just as she'd expected and demanding to know the reason of her visit.

"I wish to restock some supplies." Mirei spoke calmly, looking them both in the eyes to show the truth of her words. They just stared back at her and at first she didn't think they'd allow her into the city but then they reluctantly agreed and moved out of the way. Doing her best to be civilized, she thanked the pair and went on her way. If she ended up staying here for a night or two she'd just sleep outside the walls under the open sky.

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Daske Baggywrinkle on April 12th, 2012, 5:40 pm

43 Spring 512.

This was his second visit to Syliras. It had suffered from the Djed storm, but was still an impressive place. He approached the gates and was stopped by a guard.

“Name,” the guard said curtly.

“Daske,” the Svefra replied. The guard looked him over suspiciously. He was all business, none of the easy banter Daske had experienced the last time he was here.

“Where you coming from?”

“Oyster Island.”

“Where's that?”

“About three weeks that way.” he pointed West.

“What is the purpose of your visit.”

“Boat repair and supplies.”

“How long will you staying?”

“A couple of days.”

“Do you have enough food for that time?”

“Yes. And I'll be staying on my boat anyway. I'm just coming into the city to purchase some supplies and get a bath.”

The guard appraised him again. “You won't be buying any food here. Food's scarce.”

“Not a problem,” replied Daske. “I have my own food. But I'm short on other supplies.”

“Go ahead then.” The guard waved him through the gates.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Bryndyn on April 15th, 2012, 9:54 pm

13th of spring

Bryndyn took a long look back at his home city. This was where he grew up, and was born in. Syliras was the only place he had known, and now he is leaving.

He wondered what Zeltiva would be like. He had heard much about it, one of the best port cities in all of Mizahar.

He was going to walk into the wilderness but forgot one important thing.

"Shit!" exclaimed Bryndyn. He had forgot how far southeast Zeltiva was from here; he would need a horse, or at least something of the sort. And where am I supposed to get one, now?, he thought. Looks like he was going to have to sign up to work on the city after all.

He cursed again and angrily stalked back into the city.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Sariana on April 24th, 2012, 12:57 am

Image 73rd Day of Spring, Morning

The gates to the city were huge. Not big, not somewhat large. HUGE. Well, to Sariana they were. As she guided Vrathetu up to them, her blue eyes looked up at the stone walls. It seemed senseless and somewhat cloying to lock a city into one place with stone and metal and wood. They were sitting ducks in her mind, to the forces of nature and war. Still, it was not Cyphrus and they knew more about their own city than she.

Passing through the gates, the warrior looked at the knight closest to her. He looked back. There was no harm or ill-intent in either of their gazes, but there was an understanding. She knew him as such by his statue, his position and his armor. He knew her as such by her demenour and her blades. Sariana nodded in greeting, stopping the horse as he came close to her.

"Let me see your rations." He said in a no-nonsense voice. Opening her packs to the knight, Sariana pulled out the dried travelling food she had packed for herself as well as the extra the women had collected during their travel to the city. There was enough to last three women at least the rest of the season. The knight looked over her, the kelvic and the konti, finally the horse.

"How long are you here for? The city is closed to those who can't sustain themselves. No food for sale, but I know of some places offering food for work helping rebuild. Inn's are all shut, but if you go off just past the gates here, there is a place to set up camp." The drykas nodded, closing the packs.

"We should be gone before the end of the season, just passing through to get to Alvadas." The knight shook his head.

"Dock is destroyed. If your sailing, you will be looking for a miracle or helping to rebuild the dock." The brunette rested her hands on her knees.

"Then that is our direction." The knight stared at them for a moment longer, before stepping back and waving them through.

"You will be checked on stranger. Be sure you hold true to your words." Turning to her companions, Sariana smiled encouragingly and pushed Vrathetu on. As they passed into the city main, her smile faultered and a small curse left her lips. The great city was destroyed...so much pain and fear dwelled here. A strong gust of wind rushed through the broken buildings and camping refugees, sweeping across the trio. Sariana breathed deeply of its message and nodded.

"We have arrived." She said simply.

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Pash'nar on April 24th, 2012, 1:14 am

Timestamp: 73 Spring 512, Early Morning

He'd been to Syliras before, but every time was really the same: he hated it. Cramped, smelly, full of knights. Why was he here again? Oh, right. To put an ear to the ground and pick up some news, possibly some work ... just not that piece of ground over there probably covered in something no one should be touching.

The Djed storm had taken its toll here, too. As he made his way up to the city gate from the docks (or utter lack thereof—just ship skeletons and twisted wooden wreckage, enough to bring a shock to the ethaefel's entire perspective on the djed storm), Syna's earliest rays of light cast sharp shadows in rubble. Still, Syliras was a stronghold—repairs were obviously underway and people were already up working once the dark-haired navigator arrived before the scowling faces of the gate guards. By the looks of things, their already lacking generosity had been further sapped by the wild magic that ripped the land apart at the start of the season.

He was used to being eyed with suspicion while wrapped in Svefra flesh, but Pash'nar discovered a new extreme with the questioning he received. He might as well have dumped the contents of his rucksack at their feet, bribing them with his week's worth of rations:

"State your business." Grunted the first guard, dark eyes studying every blue-black inked line that lay just under Pash's bare skin, already disapproving.

"I'm 'ere t'meet up with some folks for work."

"Work here is repairing the city or nothing."

"Well, I won't be 'ere long an'—" His broken Common was clearly frustrating. The sailor tried not to relish in the other man's suffering.

"How long?"

"A few days. Five at the most." A calloused hand reached up to rub uncomfortably at the moon and compass emblazoned across the back of his sun-kissed neck, cerulean eyes wandering the faces of the other guards,

"Have enough food, then? If not, you'll be working for it."

"Oh, aye, I've enough. I ain't stayin' in yer pet—er—fine city. I've got my boat."

"Hurry along, then. We don't want your kind wasting our resources. Tell your friends to leave too while you're at it." The tall, greasy man in too much armor spat at the false Svefra's feet but stepped aside.

Bristling, Pash held his tongue and scuttled inside before any of the petching idiots changed their minds. Would he have to go through this every morning? Petch. He wasn't going to be here long at all.
Last edited by Pash'nar on April 25th, 2012, 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Nira'lia on April 24th, 2012, 5:51 am

OOCNira'lia's travelling with Sariana and Sylkra. :)

73rd Day of Spring, Morning

Nira'lia stood beside Sariana as she spoke to the knight. The konti looked devastated when she heard about the state of the dock. Her face became paler than it normally was. However, Sariana was adamant in her responses, and Nira'lia knew that they'd find a solution to their predicament.

She and her two companions only planned to pass by Syliras. They were here to find a boat that would get them to Alvadas.

"We will definitely stay true to our words," said the konti as she grinned at the knight. Then she followed Sariana and enter the city. She looked at the mess before her. "Yes, we're here," she responded to Sariana, frowning.
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