Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Sha Vandor on April 28th, 2012, 12:15 am

77th day of spring, evening.

Sha walked from the apartment he'd stayed in since he lived her. Suv, seeing that his friend's warmth had vanished, barked and followed Sha through the streets. He arrived to see a few men working hard. He looked at the guard observing them. "Vandor. What are you doing here, drunk?" The guard said jokingly. Sha smiled and held up the few Mizas he had. "Ran 'outta Port. Need some work to get it back. And I need a horse to get out of here." He said. " Get to it then Sha. You'll get paid when you do." Sha walked over and saw a woman pass, an Eypharian. He smiled softly in her direction before getting to work. He began to rebuild with the others, hoping for coin instead of food, something he had. If he couldn't get that, well, that was okay with him.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Cobalt Ravenguard on May 12th, 2012, 10:34 am

80th Day of Spring, Mid-day

With the gentle of rustle of leaves coming from the wilderness under quick footsteps, an erratic Cobalt rushed towards the gate. Panting heavily, it seemed the wild was a bit too much for her to handle. Swearing under her breath, she took a few deep breaths before approaching the gates of Syliras. In the attempt to enter, the guards posted stop her.

"What?" she asked, looking unamused. "You saw me leave this morning!" As the guards insist, she huffed, crossing her arms. "I left in search of someone. Surely you've seen me roam these parts." After a brief silence from the guards, she raised a brow. "Y'know, playing a delightful melody? A wonderful tune worth at least a few silver...?"

Seeing the guards still disinterested attitude, Cobalt Ravenguard sighed, shaking her head. "Is that not enough? That's how I make a living! You wouldn't put these delicate fingers to manual labor, and risk losing potential masterpieces, would you?" Another brief silence and she sighed once more. "Fine, fine, let me in and I suppose I'll do what's needed..." As she passed the guards, she swung her lute around towards her front, strumming a light melody. She'd say whatever they wanted to hear, but following through was a different matter.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Evora on May 12th, 2012, 5:00 pm

80th day of Spring, evening.

Evora welcomed the sight of the city gates. She was tired from the long ride and it had been awhile since she had stopped in a city. Gaurds flanked the gates and asked her to dismount.

"My name is Evora," she said jumpin from her horse, "I have come to stay in the city for a time."

"How long do you intend to stay? There's not much in the way of food around here," one of the gaurds replied looking dissatisfied by her arrival.

"I have food to last me the week. Beyond that I am strong and can work. I will earn my keep." The gaurd nodded and went on to inspect her and her mount for signs of disease while another gaurd checked her food supplies.

Once he was satisfied the first gaurd declared she could pass, "You can pitch a tent to the west. Other than that there isn't many other places to stay."

Evora nodded as the reclaimed her possesions and passed through the gates.

Despite the damage from the storm the city was grand and Evora found herself...scared? What was she doing so far away from Wind Reach? From home? Yet she knew she could not return now. But where exactly was she going?

She drew a deep breath and led Sora, her mount forward into the city.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Marian Tarmikos on May 27th, 2012, 12:49 am

-91st day of Spring, 512-

Only one day remained before the jewel of the watchtowers shifted from green to yellow. Spring has passed into history, but it would never be forgotten. But man could not dwell on history when he had a life to live. Well, man that didn't include Marian Tarmikos. He a long life ahead to ponder the past. Good thing he enjoyed that kind of thing.

Battles and politics from a century before were not passing through Marain's mind, though. Not when Syliras sat before him like a blooming flower among weeds. Half of the season had been spent on the past, but today, Marian was in the present. Zeltiva had been his home, but Syliras was a beauty. Even the rising sun couldn't prevent the young man from staring. He was truly at awe of the city that has become his home.

Spending most of past season riding on a wagon, Marian had chosen to walk the rest of the way to the city gates. And as he stepped through the first gate, he felt dwarfed by his surroundings. To the knights standing watch, he appeared the be the true tourist; they often witnessed open-mouthed visitors staring at the pristine city. Maybe it was because Marian made himself so noticeable that one of the knights chose to speak with him first. That is what Marian assumed, but really it was because he stood alone.

"Good morrow, traveler. What business do you have in Syliras?" Marian glanced at the man addressing him. The knight's features carried the same perfection the city radiated; his beard was neaty trimmed and his hair armor polished. If not for the scar across the man's left cheek, he truly would've been perfect. At least in Marian's mind.

"I'm moving here, Ser." Marian had read somewhere that that was the proper term for knights. "A job is also on my agenda." Marian didn't know how to finish, so he merely grinned. A true tourist.

At least the usage of ser pleased the knight. "Times are tough, master. The storm hit Syliras hard, and it might be difficult to find a home. If you don't have food enough to provide for yourself, might I suggest helping with the final repairs to the city. Otherwise, you might have to spend your time in the tent city nearby."

Marian chewed his lip, deep in thought as he considered the knight's words. "I think you for the warning, Ser. I do have food enough to last a little while, and the apartment I intend to live in has already been purchased in advance. If I find myself in need of food, I'll be sure to look into helping the city. Really all I need is directions to my apartment. . ."

Hoping to avoid any more difficulty, Marian went straight into asking his directions. He provided the information his father had given him and the knight filled in the gap. While they spoke, Marian showed him the food he had with him, and thankfully, the knight figured it was enough for now. Once directions were finalized, Marian gave his final thank yous and good days before walking onward. He did not pause in the courtyard, although the temptation was great. He was not here to stare at every little thing.

Well, maybe not today. Tomorrow, when he was loose in the city, who knows what he would find. His restrictions would be gone, and he would do what he wanted.
"The mind can travel farther in a single day than the fastest horse could traverse in a lifetime"
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Gaius Sivet on June 1st, 2012, 2:10 am

1st Day, Summer in the year 512 AV

The gates pose an imposing figure, even to someone like myself who has lived near mountains of untold power and age. I approach the guards and my pace slows to a crawl as the teeming mass of people is slowly questioned, processed, and filtered into the city. Finally I arrive at the gate and the Knights look me over with an intense dedication that borders on unsettling.

"Not seen any like you before. Up from Wind Reach?" one Knight asks as the other inspects my gear and rummages carefully through my pack, noting the contents with interest and placing everything carefully back in its place.

"Yes, from Wind Reach," I reply as the Knight hands back my pack and I nestle it comfortably onto my shoulders. "I suppose the first things I should know are how to find work."

"Right over that way," the first Knight replies, pointing to one side of the gate where a tall, stone building stood, clearly marked with a hanging sign painted with neat, flowing script 'Welcome Center and Employment Office'. "Unfortunately, it's closed up for the spring, you'll have to wait if you're looking for a job."

I nod slowly and sigh. "Well, I knew this wouldn't be easy, I didn't come for easy. Thank you, sirs," I say, before entering the city amid a press of other newcomers and the din of their excited conversations.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Jay Dasher on June 12th, 2012, 8:41 pm

3rd Summer 512

Jay walked up to the gates with bread in his hands.

"Hello men, I came here before and you told me to get lost until I had food so here you are" said Jay as he handed his bread over "Now you guys probably won't see me again as then next time I come through these gates"said Jay

"On you go" said the guard "but no more of your cheek"

And with that Jay walked through the gates.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Brazo Fullbring on June 14th, 2012, 8:15 pm

timestamp: 14th of summer, 512 AV

brazo had been travelling to syliras to, hopefully, join the knights. He was well aware he would have to pick up some odd jobs to stick around at first, but he was willing to do so. he had had some incidents with a few caravans along the way but luckily he had managed not to shed any blood. "I wish people could just accept that I am a good person, even if most of my kind aren't." brazo sighed, but he was glad to have managed to convince one or two caravans that he wasn't the bad guy. but one time he had had to pin down one of the gaurds, even though he didn't actually harm the man.

"I wonder how much further to-" at that moment, the walls of syliras came into sight. with a laugh he said "well that is amusing timing." He lined up at the gate, waiting for the guards to inspect him. many people stared at brazo in confusion and were probably wondering what the zith was doing. Brazo remained silent until he arrived at the gates to be inspected. the the guards stared at brazo suspiciously, then the one on the left asked, rather suspicious of brazo and his weapons, "who are you? and what is your business?" to this brazo replied, "my name is brazo fullbring. and I have come here in hopes of joining the knights." to this the guards laughed and the one on the right said, well wouldn't that be something, a zith with a sense of honor enough to join the knights!" at this, brazo thought, "I should teach- no! I gotta stop thinking like that and forced a smile and a small laugh. he then replied, "I have the honor for it. my only worry is that my instincts might get in the way." then the guards returned to business and the one on the left said, "whatever, I'll have to search your pack." brazo removed his pack and handed it to the guard and waited until he had searched its contents and handed it back. then the guard on the right told brazo to show some flesh for diseases, brazo cocked an eyebrow, but he pulled up a sleeve, showing his fur and skin to be unblemished except for the scars on his face. Finally, the guards waved him through saying,"mind your claws and swords or you will end up in a cell."
I am mostly stuck using my extremely outdated phone to post, so when I first post, capitols, and not put into paragraphs will come up. I will edit these posts at school. If I remember.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Desthemond on June 15th, 2012, 9:11 am

15th of Summer 512 AV

They're touching him.

Desthemond crouched up in a tree branch, staff in hand, his smile ever-present, but his eyes wide as he watched the guards search the man. The guy had done nothing wrong, simply approached the gates. And they started touching him. He cocked his head to the side, trying to understand why they felt the need to do this.

Perhaps there was a thief about. Perhaps someone had stolen something and they were looking for evidence. Well, Desthemond had nothing to hide, he was no thief... but he certainly was not about to let these strange men touch him.

Only one solution.

Desthemond jumped down without a sound, and swiftly ran further from the gates to the safety of some tall brush.


The guards stood at the ready, idly scanning left and right, awaiting another who would approach the gate for their inspection. It had been a boring morning so far, to say the least. A traveler here, a merchant there. Nothing significant, they simply had to go through the motions and let them on by. It was then that a man came running through the brush towards them, with nothing but hand and foot wraps on, holding his clothing and a large stick out in his hands.

"See here, I am clean!"

"By the Gods man!" One of the guards quickly drew his sword as the other stood, mouth open in shock. "What do you think you're doing, this is a respectable city!! Who are you?!"

"Desthemond, sir." He gave a low bow, then straightened and held out his bundle of clothing to the men. "See, clean."

The guard recoiled. "What are you shoving that filth at me for, where are your clothes?"

Desthemond, confused, laughed "Right here, sir."

"Well why don't you put them on?!"

"You touched that man... You were searching. See here, nothing to search." He again motioned the clothes towards the guard.

"... Oh Gods your looking to come into the city?? Alright look I believe you go... Somewhere and put your clothes on." Desthemond eagerly nodded and hurried off. The other guard muttered "You really think we outta let this one in?" "Not really no. Either he's real honest or he's hiding somethin." "Looked like a Symenestra... You don't think he's come to..." "Well if he is, he ain't gettin outta here alive."

Desthemond returned, fully clothed. He stopped a ways from the guards and looked at them expectantly.

"Alright now that you're decent, whats your business in Syliras?"

"Work, sir." He cheerfully looked from one guard to the other, excited that they seemed to express interest. They, meanwhile, looked doubtfully at his obvious lack of muscle, his teeth, and his eyes.

"Definetely Symenestra, sir..." "I know..." I see. You know, Syliras is fairly well known for their women... You going to be doing any... Sight seein while you're here?"

... Desthemond cocked his head to the side. "Sunsets, sir?"

The guards stood confused for a moment then mumbled "Gods the man's mental..." "They must have thrown him out..." "You know I hear they're big on blood line and all that probly didn't want him pollutin the pool ya know" "What if he's faking it?" "Well we'll let him in... Just tell the other guards to keep an eye on him, and if he tries anything funny he's dead." The guards straightened up to face Desthemond, who hadn't budged and had in fact heard everything they had said.

"Alright, come in. But remember, we're all watching you. Nothing in this town goes without us knowing." The guards moved back and opened the gates. Desthemond happily walked inside, turning back to give the men one last grand bow of thanks.

What a delightful city.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Allan Campbell on June 15th, 2012, 4:48 pm

Allan walked up to the gate. Still invisible he whispered in the guards ear, "I will be going in now if that is ok with you."

Allan laughed as the guard jumped and then he blinked through the gates.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Aia on June 20th, 2012, 3:15 am

19th day of Summer, AV 512, Afternoon

Aia pulled at the hood of her cloak, feeling the sun's rays becoming almost uncomfortable as they permeated through to her skin. Her buckskin Colorsplash stallion Tarvos plodded along lazily as they neared the imposing ironoak doors which were flung wide open for entry. The doors were closely followed by the inner gates, which were also open at this time of day. The gates were overseen by two rather large and impressive Sylirian knights, their armor gleaming in the afternoon sunshine. Her hunting cat, Sirocco, trotted along beside Tarvos as he slowed so that Aia could dismount to approach the doors.

She ran a hand along Tarvos' neck as an expression of her gratitude for his patience with Sirocco, who was still learning his boundaries with the relatively calm stallion. The mischievious cat often nipped at his hooves, darting between them for sport with little care for his obvious size disadvantage against the stocky horse. Aia grasped Tarvos' yvas gently and walked beside him through the ironoak doors. At the gates, the knights visually inspected her mount and paused to check her yvas bags. Tarvos stamped impatiently while Sirocco swatted at his reflection in the second knight's armor, bearing his teeth and rumbling with a low growl. Aia muttered under her breath in Pavi and Sirocco paused mid-swipe to meet her piercing green eyes, which all but glowed with displeasure at the cat's behavior.

"Keep your...beast, under control please. Animals need to be kept under control inside the city." The knight eyed the odd animal with disaste as Aia scooped him up in her arms, clutching his topaz knotwork collar to thwart any attempts to escape. Aia nodded at the knight, meeting his eyes for a moment and he waved the three on through the city gates. She kept her eyes fixed on the bustling city ahead, eager to return to her apartment for some much needed rest.
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