Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Cid on April 25th, 2014, 9:23 pm

9th Day of Spring, 514

Cid approached the gates with pride. He had finally made it. He would start a new life here. No more alcohol, no more pointless bar fights, and no more guilt. He was a new man, with a new dream. To join the Syrian Knights.

Two gards stood in front of the gates, the one to his left held out his hand in said "Halt. What is your business in Syrilias?"

Cid lifted his chin and smiled. "It is my plan to join the Syrian Knights!"

"A noble cause." Stated the other guard. "And what is your name?"

"My name is Cid."

"Alright, I suggest you go find an inn to stay at for the night. Get yourself set up, and someone their can direct you where to go to learn more about the knights."

Cid nodded his thanks, and walked through the gates.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Mela on May 8th, 2014, 9:40 pm

22th day of Spring, 514 A.V.

Mela walked up the the gates calmly, hoping that the city would be a good place for her to start her quest. It was unusual, being away from Mura, but she didn't mind all that much. She had always known to some small degree that she would be leaving the Isle at some point, and she was now confident in the skills she had learned, all the while knowing that they were still.... lacking. She would take care of that soon, if the opportunity were to present itself.
Her horse was walking a little ways behind her, being led on a rope as it had been acting rather temperamental that morning, and she didn't have enough knowledge to be able to calm it down. In fact, she was rather surprised by the fact that it had yet to try and bolt, yet. She was hoping that it's willingness to simply follow her wouldn't change anytime soon.

"Halt, state your name and purpose here" said one of the knights at the gate, it's voice holding no emotion. Mela thought about that for a few seconds, before realizing that it was because there were so many visitors passing through, that it was nothing new for them. She was rather happy about that, because it meant that they hadn't recently had any problems.

"My name is Mela, and I am here as a visitor from Mura, following the call" she said, her voice completely calm. If there was nothing to fear, and the pair of knights in front of her showed good character thus far, so she knew there was nothing to fear from them, then there was no reason to be anything but calm.

They looked at her for a few seconds and she had a feeling that they were checking for problems with her and her belongings, but, upon finding none, they opened the gate, and let her pass through. She felt a sort of nervous excitement upon entering the city, the first settlement outside of Mura that she had visited, and she was excited to see what she would find inside of the walls of Syliras.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Asher Nightrunner on May 11th, 2014, 8:43 pm

12th, Spring. 514 AV.

As Syna rose high into the blue skies embrace, not a single cloud could be seen. It was warm and comfortable day, a young man and his horse strode towards the gates of the mighty city Syliras. Asher and his strider, Karne walked side by side as they walked up to the gate. "Finally, we've made it Karne" he said with a smile spread across the young Drykas face. He had been traveling for awhile to reach this city, here he would begin his quest to become the greatest leatherworker in the world, and some day return to his people with his craft and maybe a wife. But for now he need to focus on getting by. He would look for work among the people of this city, his pride like that of his people begged to be worked. To get his hands dirty, to earn his share in this world. He took in a deep breath as the cities walls spread in front of his eye. Walls were not something that he had seen in his life among his family. He wondered if they were for keeping things out, or keeping people in. He ran his hand along the jaw of Karne, who snorted in a friendly fashion. The strider had be along side Asher, since he was but seven years of age. They wouldn't be separated if ether could help it. "Come Karne let us begin our new life" Asher said as he picked up the pace, striding towards the city.

"Halt!" called out one of the guards, Asher slowed not stopping till he was in front of the guard. Karne's head was above Asher shoulder at this point glaring along with Asher at the man who dared stop them. "What business do you have here" the guard asked. "I have come to make a name for myself, to become the greatest leatherworker in the land, soon even you will be clothed in my work and it shall keep you safe" Asher said with a wide smile on his face. The guard looked him and his horse over before stepping to the side. "Very well, continue. But don't cause any trouble or you'll have to answer to the knights" he said. Asher nodded, though he truthfully didn't fear any knights it wasn't his goal to cause trouble. He, with Karne by his side, strode into the city eager to begin their new life.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Jaicym Snowsong on May 14th, 2014, 5:32 pm

60th of Spring, 514 AV

After many weeks of travel, Jai breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing the legendary gates of Syliras a mere 50 feet from where he stood. The Vantha's mythical eyes, which usually could not decide on a color due to his constant consideration of his surroundings, glowed a brilliant ocean blue as he approached, announcing to the world his happiness at reaching his goal.

The trek had been long, and he was running low on food and gold, but with the city within reach, Jaicym pressed on. Sighting the two guardsmen at the gate of the citadel, Jai couldn't help but admire their armor. Jai loved armor. It was so heroic, so symbolic. Perhaps he would purchase some armor of his own some day. Not that he meant to actually go to war, but he should imagine that armor like that would make one feel as though they were a character right out of legend. Jai knew a thing or two about that feeling. It was the feeling that kept him going.

"Good evening, traveller," stated one of the knights, sounding jovial, if a bit drowsy. "What business have you in Syliras?"

"Seeking refuge, good sir knight. In fact, I was actually planning on making this city my home for the next year or so. Where exactly would I go about doing that?"

After getting directions, and informing the knight that he reminded him of a tale he had once heard about a knight who saved a princess from a fire breathing rabbit, the weaver of legends stepped into the now open gates to investigate this new city, and discover its secrets.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Forgos Terras on May 21st, 2014, 6:25 am

17th of Spring, 514 AV:

Forgos slowly trudged towards the gate, one heavy footfall after another. The pack he carried rattled with every step, tools clanking against his precious supply of Isurian steel. It had been a long trek indeed with all that weight on his back, and the young Isur thanked Izurdin with every step that he'd faced neither inclement weather nor highwaymen along the way.

He noticed a number of stares directed at his left arm, but he carried on without paying them any mind. He'd grown plenty used to odd looks since leaving his homeland, and respite drew far too close to stop for the curiosity of others.

"Well, what brings an Isur here?" a guard asked, gaze still locked on the gem-like appendage.

"I hope to stay here for some time. Where might I find residence? And where might I find work as a smith?" Forgos kept his voice low and did not bother to look up at the guard.

A few minutes later, answers locked in his head, Forgos gave the guard a brief nod and set off into the city. "Well now, let's see what such a stronghold of humans has to offer... But first, a good night's rest."
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Royas the Chainer on May 22nd, 2014, 3:07 am

1st of Spring, 514 AV

Having freshly faked his own death in Sunberth, Royas continued down the path to Syliras. He had decided not to change his name. He was certain that even if anyone from his past discovered that he was still alive, they would find it in their best interest not to chase him down. He had garnered a bit of a reputation for violence in his many years of criminal slaving, and his old accomplices were surely well aware of what to expect if they got on his bad side. Royas had faked his death to leave them behind. If they came after him, he would have to remove them from his life by force.

The plan was simple in theory, but a bit harder in execution. Royas was going to become the greatest crime boss in Syliras' history. Of that, he was certain. It was simply a matter of biding his time and making smart choices. These Syliran Knights, though just as equally pathetic as everyone else besides Royas, were a serious threat to Royas' victory. He would have to stay out of their radar for the time being.

As he was considering this looming danger, Royas became suddenly aware of the presence at the gate; the very knights he would be combating. Making his way to the gate, Royas spoke gruffly to the guard on the right.

"I'm coming into the city."

"On what business?" the knight retorted, a slight edge in his voice at Royas' disrespectful tone.

"I'm here to start a new life," Royas said. After all, it wasn't a lie. He let a rare smile dance across his lips, his insides tingling with deception.

The knight took his smile as a sign of gratitude, and gave the signal to open the gates. The "businessman" stepped through the archway into the metropolis, his malicious grin growing as he passed by the knights. Royas the Chainer was back in business.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Radiant on May 22nd, 2014, 3:48 am

Do you know what time it is? Magical Goddess represent!

Hello! I'm Radiant, DS of Syliras, I have noticed you have some problems that needs fixing. Until you do so, you may not RP in the forums.

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Kylina on May 28th, 2014, 9:11 pm

97th of Spring, 514 AV

Kylina gasped in awe as she gazed at the city through the gates. Syliras. The name was like music to her ears. Well, she thought it was much better than Wind Reach, which was closed every winter and had the potential to be bitter cold. And Kylina wanted to travel. She had a wandering spirit, according to her mother. Like her dad. That's why she'd never met him. Apparently he'd left for Syliras when Kylina was just a year old. Kylina didn't remember much of him, though he'd sent postcards for many years. Kylina had wanted to be just like him. That's why she was here. To follow in his footsteps.

Kylina almost jumped when a guard spoke. "Halt and state your business." Kylina stared at the guard for a moment before processing what he had said.

"Oh!" She yelped, startled, as the guard's words finally seeped into the place her mind had retreated. "I'm Kylina. I'm just visiting Syliras for a little while." She had tried to keep her proud and tough air, but her confidence had deserted her as soon as her eyes took in the massive city. The guard nodded, straight-faced. It must take great discipline to a knight. I would never manage that, not for a day!, the young Inarta thought happily. She caught her breath as she stepped into the city. Finally traveling. Finally following her dreams. Finally following in her father's footsteps.

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Valien on May 31st, 2014, 9:28 pm

90th of Spring, 514 AV

It was the nearing the end of the season when Valien Altare approached the gates of Syliras, his daughter Serah's hand in his. He held onto her hand firmly, leading her with him as they approached the gates. She followed, looking tired and haggard, and her small hand in his was thinner than he would have liked. The journey had taken its toll on them both, but Serah strode forward bravely, taking determined steps that would have been admirable to him even if they weren't coming from an eight-year-old child still recovering from a fever. She'd grown up a lot this season--too much, in Valien's mind. He wanted to see her be a child again. Syliras might offer that possibility, and for that reason and that alone, Valien approached the gates.

He eyed the city with some distrust, although he was quick to mask it before he reached the guards. Being from Ravok, he didn't have the best opinion of other cities, and Sylirans, as far as he knew, held no stock with Rhysol. But then again, did he? After what had happened last winter, he didn't know what he believed anymore.

He came to a stop as a guard hailed him, Serah stopping beside him. Her grip tightened on his hand, but she said nothing, keeping her eyes on the guard. He'd instructed her to remain silent throughout the whole interview, and only speak if she was spoken to. He hoped that would be enough. Would the guards even let them into the city? For all he knew, he was marching himself and his daughter to their deaths.

He kept his free hand at his side, near where one of his knives were hidden, just in case.

"Halt," said the guard. "State your name and your business in this city."

"My name is Valien Altare," he said. "This is my daughter, Seraven. We're looking to settle in this city. We won't cause any trouble." He meant it. He was done living a double life. If he could, he intended to go straight.

He expected more questions, more suspicion on the guard's part. He'd expected something like the guard asking where he was from, maybe requesting paperwork that Valien had so far been unaware of. But instead, the guard simply looked them over before nodding, stepping aside. Maybe it was Serah's presence at his side, or maybe that was just how things were done in Syliras. Either way, he would have said a prayer in thanks, if he still knew what gods to pray to.

"The Housing Authority'll get you started," the guard said, as Valien passed. "Straight through, you can't miss it. Get some food in that girl of yours. She looks like she's about to fall over."

Valien nodded in thanks, taking Sera by the hand and stepping into the city. He would never admit it, but he was truly grateful for the concern.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Ashe'nya on June 2nd, 2014, 12:04 am


Day 3, Season Summer, 514 AV

The city was huge. There was no way from the ground to see how huge the city was exactly, but it was certainly different from their previous city. The journey itself from Zeltiva was long enough on foot in her opinion, but just staring up at the main gate of her—their—new home, made the journey completely worth it. There were so many things she could learn her… and maybe perhaps most she could have learned in Zeltiva, but she wasn’t about to question her father’s abrupt decision to move.


Speaking of her father—Ashe’nya whirled around to face her father, who happened to be staring at her rather sternly. She knew that look. " Sorry father." A sheepish smile crossed her face as he came to stand beside her. He wouldn’t hold it against her, it wasn’t as if it was the first time she had forgotten the rest of the world as she locked eyes on something new.

"Halt!" A guard called out as the two approached the main gates. "What business do you have here?" Was that honestly something they needed to know? Ashe’nya couldn’t help but tilt her head slightly in thought, but her father seemed to expect the question. "We’ve come to make a home in this city." The guard glanced the two of them over for just a moment before stepping aside to let the two of them enter the city. Without hesitation her father threw an arm around her shoulder in a half hug, smiling down at her. "Shall we?"

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