Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Leralon on October 27th, 2014, 4:01 am

Leralon slipped through the crowd, keeping her hood over her face and trying not to draw attention to herself. She wasn't a criminal, and didn't have any real reason for hiding her face, other than to remain anonymous. She disliked to be noticed and preferred to remain unnoticed. A passerby knocked into her and she instinctively snarled, revealing her sharpened teeth and surprising herself. She shivered at the breeze, though fall had just begun, she could already feel winter on the way. I hate the cold. Her yellow eyes seemed to glow from the shadows of her hood as she eyed the nights and archers guarding the gate. She quickly slipped away and through the gate and into the city.

The 2 day of Fall, year 514
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Thomas Garmand on October 27th, 2014, 5:44 pm

60th, Fall, 514 AV

Thomas hated crowds. Despised them. This crowd going through the gates to Sylrias, his new home, was not helping him any. He wanted a life on his own and somewhere to practice magic on his own. He found it in Sylrias. He was getting closer to the gate, eyeing the guards with quick glances. He wasn't a criminal or anything, he just didn't want to stir tension... which was highly unlikely in this crowd. Finally! He had reached the gates. His new home. A new life.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Autumn Wilde on November 8th, 2014, 6:58 pm


69th of Fall, 514 AV

A new season had come, pre-winter, as Autumn liked to call it. She found it redundant to call the season Autumn, and preferred using it's other name, Fall. She never understood why her missing parents had decided to call her by a season of the year, but she liked it nevertheless.

The enormous walls of Syliras seemed foreboding and unforgiving when Autumn approached them. She began to regret her choice to leave the safety and comfort of Zeltiva. Maybe I'm not cut out to travel the world, a musician has no place wondering through these dangerous lands. But it was too late to turn back now.

She had hopped on board with another traveling stranger that had a wagon. For a small price of 5 silver mizas he agreed to let her travel with him. It was a long journey but they had finally arrived.

The guards at the gate went through a quick check of the man's belongings, Autumn's backpack and Gea'tar case, decided they were not ill and carried no diseases, then let them through.

Autumn had at last reached her temporary home, the largest city in Sylira.

Autumn Wilde
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Mors on November 9th, 2014, 10:18 am

69th of Fall 514

He'd finally returned to Syliras, he felt no joy or pang of despair. His eyes looked on the gate with slight disdain, regardless of how well defended a man was, there were always ways to break in. His eyes darted to the guards as he passed.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Ssharathassorin on November 10th, 2014, 6:59 am

Walking along in his human form felt unusual, no tail for balance or fork in his tongue, on the outside he showed no real signs of trouble though as he saw the gate to the huge city. Approaching the large gate he spoke to the guards, hus voice having the distinctive hissing of a Dhani he said "Ho, tthere friendss!".
The two Syliran guards seemed unimpressed by his friendliness and they simply looked at him and stated "Atate your name and business newcomer".
Sorin smiled and approached, stating with a smile to the pair of guards "Ah, Shtraight to tthe point, I like it! My name iss Ssorin, and I have come to join the order of tthe knights of Ssylirath".
The pair of knights at the door smiled a little at this prospect but ultimately changed their tone to him "It's Syliras Sorin, but good luck in getting into the order and I sincerely hope you succeed, Good luck in Syliras sir!".
Sorin walked forewards, saying only one more word which was "Thanksss" before stepping through the gate into the bustling city, but he wasn't going to waste any time, for him it was off to the Stormhold Castle to enlist for the order of the knights of Syliras!
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Kah on November 18th, 2014, 4:56 pm

50th of Fall, 514 AV

The afternoon sun beat down on the hulking creature as he made his way up to the gate. From a distance, the guards would simply see a large figure comprised of nothing but a tall head and large legs, and completely without arms of any sort. As Kah came closer, however, they would see that he simply walked on all fours, his shorter hind legs easily concealed behind his enormous and powerful torso.

He wore a dirty yet serviceable cloak, obviously much larger than those worn by others looking to enter the city of Syliras. A rucksack containing his belongings hung to his side, and an enormous iron staff, easily as thick a human's arm, was strapped to his back. He carried a wooden staff in one hand, and as he came closer the guards could see that there was a tribal symbol connected at the top, and hear it clack against the ground, in time with his other three limbs.

As the guard walked to the Jamouran, Kah pulled his feet down underneath himself, clasped the wooden staff with his toes, and sat down. He pulled the rucksack around and quickly found a bag of rations; dried nuts and berries, and a collection of different insects. He popped a butterfly into his mouth and began chewing as the guard stopped in front of him.

Even though he was sitting, the guard still had to look up to meet Kah’s eyes. "Good day, Jamouran,” he said with a friendly nod, while suspiciously looking the huge figure over. Such suspicious looks bothered Kah little. The man did have a job to do, after all.

Kah gulped down the morsel. “Good day… Sylirian,” he answered, unsure of the correct name for the people of Syliras. While deep, his voice contained a rather soothing quality.

“What business do you have in Syliras, and how long will you be staying?”

Kah took another bite from his back, put it back into the rucksack, and then swung it back to his side. “I’ll be looking to move in for a while. From what I understand, this city is not only safe, but a decent place to make a wage. A real gem in Mizahar, yes?”

“Ye have that right,” he said proudly, his chest puffing slightly. “Well then, you’ll need to make your way to the welcome center. They can put whatever talents to good use. You can also find housing at the Housing Authority deeper into the town proper.” He stepped to the side without another word.

Kah grabbed his staff with his hand, and stood back up. “Thank you. Have a good day,” he said simply before walking forward towards the gates. He stopped when the guard’s voice found again, and turned slowly back towards him.

“Do yourself a favor, Jamouran, and be useful. There are opportunities aplenty inside those walls, and we care little for dead weight.”

Kah nodded silently, and with a sure yet slow walk, went in through the gates and into the city of Syliras.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Cosimo Nayt on November 20th, 2014, 2:31 pm

1st of Fall 514
For some unknown reason, Cos had decided to go outside of the castle. Now, he was returning and a little impatient. Rumour has it that a sick man tried to enter Syliras but wasn't allowed. As a result, he held up the line for nearly half a bell.

Could the knights be any slower? Seriously. I have been out practicing magc to join there ranks and now I havr to wait. I hope I don't have to be watching over people like this all day. I do believe it would get quite boring.

Nearly 40 Chimes later, thoughts continued to rush through Cos's head. Finally, it was his turn to be checked.

"Any cargo on you? Sick?"the knights asked as they looked at Cos all over. Apparently, they had seen a recent rise in the amounts of illegal narcotics being transported into Syliras. Ah well, not Cos's problem.

"Good. Let him pass!" the knight yelled. Cos walked in and headed towards his parent's home.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Saelian Ash on December 1st, 2014, 2:58 pm

Winter 1, 514

(ooc: Saelian is arriving by ship so this is set at the docks actually)

Saelian pulled her travel cloak more closely about her thin frame, to better block the chill breeze that clutched and tugged at her, as if eager to bring her ashore. Thoroughly sick of travel by sea, and literally having been sick for most of the days since setting out from Alvadas, she too was eager to remove herself from the ship upon which she had booked her passage, and return to dry land. Despite being able to clamber across seemingly sheer rock surfaces and hang upside down while spinning in the exotic dance form of her race, the continuous motion of the deck under her was foreign to her senses, and she had suffered accordingly. But the city was now within a long stone’s throw, the sailors in the jolly boat pulling hard at the oars as they crept up to the pier at which they would moor. For the past hour or more, the Symenestra had gazed upon the grey walls of the city, as it loomed closer and closer. Far from engendering any feeling of claustrophobia, the slablike edifice seemed to beckon with a siren song of enclosure, equating to familiarity and safety. Sae would be overjoyed to get out of the open, and into its cold, solid embrace. She looked forward to being “underground” again, even if it was a cavern created by man out of a sheer monolith of stone. To her, it would seem much more like home than the never ending forests and mountains of the Unforgiving, which had taken so long to cross. Neither would she miss the enclosed yet tiny wooden box that was the ship in which she had crossed the Suvan Sea. No, she would be happy to be on solid ground and within those solid walls, or so she believed.

Time, of course, would tell….
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Saraphina Skyglow on December 2nd, 2014, 1:03 am


Saraphina Skyglow

10th Day of Winter 514 AV

T he massive stone walls rose up around her as she pulled Abaccus to a halt a short distance away. Her breath froze at the image the towering barricade displayed. She wasn't necessarily unaware that Syliras was a walled city and certainly she'd seen such structures before. But the ice barrier of Avanthal had always had an inner beauty and sense of freedom held within it. She'd never feared that wall. But this one that surrounded the bustling city seemed so...intimidating. Saraphina questioned her choice to leave the port city of Zeltiva for this rumored home of armored knights and peaceful welcoming's. Still, there was a lot of Wildlands around the stone wall, plenty of places for her to set up a campsite within the mountains and forests. The ginger Kelvic was not one to settle in such a large, crowded area. She much preferred the unpredictable and untamed wilds to the civilized city. But she'd traveled this far already, might as well go inside the keep and see what was around.

G ently touching her toes to her Bloodbane's flank, Saraphina readjusted herself as her sorrel stallion moved towards the fortified gates. Looking above her, she could see several men and women with quivers on their backs and bows in hand moving along the top of the wall. A well guarded city for certain, that was a bit more reassuring. Even if the wall did make her feel stifled and itchy. As she drew closer, two large, armored men moved from their posts beside the gate and waved to her. Frowning a bit, she pulled Abaccus to a halt and spoke in an annoyed voice, "What's wrong....am I not allow to go into the city?" She'd never been stopped or questioned when traveling back and forth through Zeltiva's gate. Why were these two objecting to her passing through? One of the guards gave the red head a slight smirk and spoke with authority, seeming unaffected by her tone, "Standard check for anyone going into the city Miss. We are expected to greet and inspect everyone passing through the gate for the citizen's and the city's protection. Won't take but a moment, if you'd be so good as to dismount. What might your business in Syliras be Miss?" Saraphina exhaled from her nose in irritation, but did slide out of the saddle and onto the cool ground.

A s the two knight politely checked over her gear, she glanced around. Morwen's hand did not touch this land as heavily as Avanthal, which was to be expected. But the chill in the air and frosting of her breath made her smile none the less. Turning back to the two guards, Saraphina answered in a less picky tone, "I'm traveling about the lands, exploring places and learning new things. I was a mercenary in Zeltiva, I suppose that would be a good place to begin in a new city." The one guard who'd questioned her gave a small smile and nodded to the gates after he finished looking her things over. A few more words were exchanged as the guards told her where to seek out a few job opportunity's. Giving a nod of thanks, Saraphina swung back up into her horse's saddle and nudged the Bloodbane through the gates. Into Syliras and her next set of lessons, meetings and adventures. It made the towering walls become forgotten in her mind.

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Yuri Lehrer on December 4th, 2014, 9:07 pm


40th of Winter 514 A.V.

Time: Evening

It was nearing the end of a cold Winter's day, which meant that it was getting colder by the minute, Yuri Lehrer shivered a little, but was thankful he had finally reached his destination after 30 days of traveling on the road from Zeltiva, however as he approached the in the shadow of the gate, he couldn't help but be awed, he rarely saw such... large scale architecture. When he was visible to the guards at the gate, Yuri dismounted from the back of Theophanes and greeted them. "Good evening gentlemen." The guards stopped briefly before continuing on their path towards the young mercenary. "Good evening sir, this is just a standard check, so we can make sure that you aren't carrying anything illegal into our city, so if you would be so kind to let us have a look at your equipment and state your intentions for visiting Syliras?"

Yuri was more than happy to oblige the guards, after all it was their job, after they had finished their inspection, he spoke "My intentions for coming to Syliras are as they have been since I left home, help those who are unable to help themselves, and I believe that the best way to do this would be through actions, which is why my profession is a Mercenary, now gentlemen, if that is all?" Finishing his impromptu speech with a question. the guards replied "Yeah, that is all, enjoy yourself Mercenary, just don't go breaking any of our laws." With that Yuri walked into Syliras, wondering who or what he might encounter during his time here.

All thanks to Assilsa Curare for the signature.

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