35th Summer, 520AV:
It was natural to be anxious on the first day of starting at a new workplace, Yvar kept telling himself as he crossed the bridge. His nerves were more pronounced, though, on this particular day. He still wasn't fully at home in the city, having only recently become a resident. To make matters worse, he'd had trouble sleeping. When he finally did nod off sometime in the wee hours, the Inartan had been plagued by the strangest, most discomforting dream. The details had faded when he awoke, covered in sweat, but something left him unpleasantly disturbed - a feeling that remained with him still.
Arriving outside the office of the Stargazer Gazette, Yvar paused a moment to steel himself before opening the door and stepping inside.
Immediately, he was taken aback by the office itself. Such a large open, airy space yet packed to the rafters with his favourite commodity – information. Shelf upon shelf lined the walls, taking his mind back to his time spent in the Enclave back in Wind Reach.
Returning to his senses, his azure eyes located the woman he was here to see. She seemed oblivious to his arrival as he scanned the pages before her. Yvar made swift progress across the length of the office to stand before her.
"I'm Yvar. Due to start work here today...", he said.
Kenvell looked up and smiled warmly. "Ah, yes. Very punctual, I see." She picked up a considerable pile of old, tattered papers from her desk and shoved them into Yvar's hands.
"These are from the archives. They've all been damaged in one way or another and are in danger of becoming illegible. You'll need to copy them verbatim onto new pages which will take their place in storage.", her smile was warm and genial, but she seemed intent in getting straight to the point.
Yvar nodded his acceptance and stepped back a moment. Looking around at the office filled with shelves and papers, but rather lacking in desk space, he paused in thought.
"You'll have to clear yourself a space to work, I'm afraid.", Kenvell explained. "Once I'm done with this I'll have more jobs for you." With that, she returned her attention to her task.
The new boy stood a moment, looking around a little lost, before retreating into the office proper, where things seemed considerably tidier. Finding himself a space, Yvar placed down the papers into as neat a pile as he could muster. Finding his own way around, for the most part, he gathered some blank paper, a writing implement and some ink and sat himself down. The pile of papers was intimidatingly high but he neverthless took the top item, placed it beside him and began to carefully copy its contents.
If Yvar had been hoping for some interesting work, those were dashed the moment he began to copy the faded text. 'The harvest festival of Autumn 509 was well attended and remarkable for the quality of root vegetables on display in the quarter finals of the amateur horticulture competition...'
The Inartan took great pains to copy the text neatly and accurately, desperate to make a good impression on his first day. As he settled into the task at hand, though, the mundanity of the subject matter conspired with his lack of a good night's sleep to leave him utterly exhausted. Determined not to make any mistakes on his first day, at least, he told himself he couldn't afford to let his attention flag. He filled his lungs with a long, slow intake of breath in an effort to rouse himself before ploughing on with his writing.
OOC: Wordcount = 606