Evarette Karmine "My Heart is True as Steel." ![]() Physical Information Race: Drykas Birthday & Age : 486 AV - 19 years Gender: Female Physical Description Evarette possesses few of the typical characteristics of her race, earning her a distinction among her people that has not always been positive. Rumors abound that her mother was not Drykas...a rumor that was neither confirmed nor denied by her father. Her dark, chestnut hair is shot through with auburn and red when the sun licks it's coiled lengths. Her eyes are a dark and subtle blue, as enigmatic as the glittering, sapphire spaces that fall between the stars. Evarette is not beautiful in the classic, stunning sense...but instead, she embodies the unique, wild nature of the word. Of a strong yet willowy build, she is built to live astride the beautiful horses that her race relies upon. No taller than 5'7'', Evarette could be considered petite for her slight build. Her typical garb consists of nostalgic, hand-sewn projects that encompasses fabrics and designs from her life. Pieces of her father's old, leather riding cloak were stitched together with to make her first pair of riding breeches. (According to her father, the hide had originated from his first bonded equine companion, Ickarus. It was his way of keeping him close...as no other horse had been brought so near to his heart since.) Her blue linen tunic was embroidered with a myriad of whorls and crescents, earthen patterns that flowed down from her shoulders to her wrists in tiny stitches...Something she'd worked on herself, studying the patterns that adhered to her culture. She was not of age to bear the intricate tattoos her kind were known for, and so it was a just compromise in her own mind. A twisted leather belt doubles as a looped halter and rein combination when it comes to bringing in the horses, among a dozen or so other uses she has been able to find for it over the years. Her boots are sturdy and Cyphrus made. Character Concept Evarette has issues when it comes to trusting people. She has experienced very little of the world outside her own class and culture, and therefore possesses a gentle, naive set of expectations...despite what her father and brother have told her. Quick to smile, and even quicker to laugh, Evarette led a buoyant childhood, brought up amongst a dozen other families during the periods her father was gone for months at a time. This left her reasonably well-adjusted when it came down to conversing with others. Evarette acts as thought she refuses to acknowledge the concept of a stranger, and one could expect her bright, piping voice to pose the first questions when drifters paid a rare visit. While her blithe and vibrant nature has served her well in her home community, it becomes her downfall as she abandons the only home she's ever known to investigate the disappearance of her brother. She soon discovers she is too trusting of people in general, and quickly learns the valuable skill of holding her tongue. Evarette has a knack for saying too much at the wrong time, inevitably plunging her into trouble. For all her pleasantries, she has quite the temper when it is coaxed to the surface...a trait her father swears she inherited from her mother. Character History Evarette's father, Edmund, was born and raised in the vast grasslands of Cyphrus, belonging to the Topaz Clan and of the Karmine Pavilion. He was the first and only son born to Rurik and his beloved wife Kivuli. When Edmund's parents were killed on a hunting expedition, his uncle Talon (the Ankal of their family Pavilion) took him under his wing. Talon had four daughters, and raised Edmund as a son. He was brought up well, and grew into an admirable young man who did his best for his family and looked out for the other members of his community. The elders had high hopes for him, as did Talon. Edmund bonded with his Strider companion, Ickarus, at the age of 12. He received his Wind Marks upon the length of his left arm; a series of tribal spirals, interwoven delicately from shoulder to wrist. At the age of 16, Edmund disappeared. Nearly 15 years passed before he would return. Much had changed. He bore many new scars. Tattoos of not only Drykas origin, but foreign patterns as well, adorned his skin. His horse was not with him, but his two children were. Evarette was two when Edmund strode back into the village, supporting her on his hip and leading his eight year-old son, Dorian, by the hand. Few recognized him, and those that did hardly knew what to make of him. Talon himself was taken aback. He offered Edmund a place in his Pavilion once again, but Edmund insisted he would not tread upon his uncle's hospitality. Instead, he settled himself and his two children in their own tented unit nearby. The people did their best to welcome him back into their circle...but so much had changed about him. There was a hollow glint of sadness in his eyes, which could be caught pinned to the horizon in the direction of Sylira more often than not. He carried a darkness that seemed to consume him from within, turning him silent and brooding...The only one who could ever entice a smile from him ever so often was Evarette. When Evarette turned 5, her father left her and her brother in the care of Talon. With nothing more than the assurance he'd be back the following spring, he left on a borrowed Kavinka mount. Evarette took it in stride...her charm had earned her a favored spot amongst the families of the Topaz Clan, for hardly anyone could resist her shining sapphire gaze or trill of laughter. Dorian, on the other hand, was markedly too much like his father. The resemblance in both appearance and attitude cultured a vastly different world of acceptance for the young boy. Dorian did not seem to care. In fact, there seemed to only be two things the boy cared about at all...his father, and his sister. The fact that Dorian doted upon Evarette at all thrilled her to the bone...and she could often be found shadowing his footsteps, teasing him playfully, drilling him with questions about this or that, many of which he answered in his soft, quiet way... Edmund returned almost a year later, bearing a new scar, and a young Nightwalker colt for Dorian. The appearance of the colt infuriated a number of the village elders...Stryders were well renowned to be the horses to chose Drykas riders. One simply did not choose a horse for himself, let alone one that was not a Stryder. But Edmund had his own plans, and he answered to no one. He began Dorian's training with the colt, named Ivar, the day after his return. It was a routine that melded into the next several years of Dorian's life...Much to Evarette's envy and dismay. Striving to retain the connection with her father and brother, and despite their insistence she learn from the other home-making wives of the village, Evarette would creep out to her brother's practices and beg him to let her ride Ivar with him. Having grown familiar with the young girl, Ivar accepted her nearly as well as he did Dorian. Evarette was convinced, like most Drykas children, she was born to be on horseback, and she took to it like a natural. Though she never rode Ivar without Dorian, it never failed to ignite her heart with joy every time she found herself astride him. She shunned the follies and practices of the other girls in the village, thriving instead on whatever her brother would share from that day's hard work, or whatever she could glean from her father. When her father took Dorian on his next journey out of Cyphrus, they left young Evarette behind in tears. This time, they gave her no indication as to when they'd return, nor why they were leaving to begin with. Instead, her father wrung a promisefrom his uncle that Evarette would be well cared for, and that Talon would see to it she was married off respectfully to a member of an acceptable Pavilion. However, Evarette refused to feign interest in the affairs of marriage and familial life. Though of an appropriate age, she had no dowry to speak of. Her own heritage was considered questionable, as the origin of her mother was unknown. Though she spent may days caring for and seeing to the welfare of the Clan's Striders, she had yet to bond with one of her own. At best, Evarette's prospects for marriage were grim... Two years passed before Dorian returned astride Ivar. Her father was not with him. Though overjoyed to see him, Evarette was stunned by the absence of her father...the reasons for which Dorian was reluctant to share. Deciding it was best to give him time, Evarette was prepared to let him come to terms with whatever it was before pressing him for anymore answers. Before that could happen, however, Dorian disappeared a week later...leaving Ivar standing outside Evarette's tent one cool, autumn morning. Astride Ivar--the only part of her family left to her--Evarette abandoned her home the morning the first frost of winter kissed the tousled grasslands. She set off to discover what happened to her brother, perhaps her father too...for in her mind, there was nothing left to tie her to Cyphrus any longer. Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore) Riding - (25pts.) Storytelling - (10 pts.) Hunting - (10 pts.) Hand to Hand Combat - (5pts.) Lore - Equine History Lore - Cyphrus Flora and Fauna Equipment and Possessions -1 set of clothing (hand-crafted leather riding breeches, embroidered tunic, belt and fur-lined cloak) -1 bedroll and a wool blanket, a set of cooking utensils, a small trapping kit and a water skin. -1 Nightwalker stallion, Ivar -Small dagger, carved ivory handle, am heirloom from her father. Ledger 100 gold mizas Thread List - Destined For Calamity: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic790.html -Inhibitions: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic804.html -Tethers and Feathers: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic810.html -w.i.n.t.e.r.i.z.e.d : http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic1049.html |
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