30th of Winter 510 A.V. Satu stood on the small side street, looking out at the busy market. Scores of people, all shapes and sizes walked past her vantage point as her eyes studied them. Nothing was lost, she studied everything she could, and even their emotions touched her sensitive Heart Vessel. How Satu hated this city! Always it was the constant reminder of the weak girl she had once been, scared of the noise and the crush of filthy emotions upon her delicate HeartSense. But after her stay with the aggressive Myrians, Satu was indifferent to it now, and the Konti also understood now what must be done to silence these human’s violent tendencies. So she reveled in their dark emotions, for soon they would pay a price for carrying them. Sagallius had made that plain, and she and Mao would see it through, though Mao was outside the city gates. Satu did not trust these humans with her precious Kelvic, so she forbade her to follow inside the walls. Sagallius! She thought and a smile brightened her face. He was why she was here in this horrid city. Those foolish warmongering humans would never understand the Gift he had given her, and just what it meant to the Konti. People would judge him as they had always judged her and Satu refused to show the Weak her secrets! Sagallius’ mark was intimate and personal, and it was why she had some here, to buy the gloves, and protect Sagallius and herself from judgments. And the gloves had fit well, open as they were at the fingers, allowing Satu the sense of touch to lay Cordas upon the unsuspecting. Satu wished to leave the city quickly, but first she wanted to help someone on their path with her own gift of Cordas. Surely there was someone in this market who was badly in need of correction, and worthy of her loving attentions. Someone she could help set upon a new path. And so quickly she found him, with her HeartSense! And her own Heart leapt to feel the Hatred and Violence that swirled in him as he approached. This man would be changed! Satu’s sapphire eyes lit up, and she straightened then. She was Sagallius’ sage, carrying beauty and regal form in her movements, and she was very willing to spread the god’s message of peace! The man approached and walked past her little side street. Satu moved so quickly after him, that when she stepped out into the foot traffic of the more congested street she collided forcefully with another. The person’s face was hidden from her, and she had to work to extract herself from this road block. It was then that she realized her target had disappeared into the crowd. Her face dropped, disappointment evident in her features, and in her lovely musical voice Satu said, “He has gotten away.” And she turned then to see the man who had impeded the good works she had planned to do this day. |