[Syliras Location] Stormhold Castle

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Re: [Syliras Location] Stormhold Castle

Postby Gossamer on March 16th, 2010, 6:40 pm


Anna nodded. "Well, that certainly makes sense. There's a process of course. First you must become a squire. It requires certain oaths be taken and you to work on your skills. We require you to learn the sword, lance, and shield as well as to ride a horse and fight from its back. We can provide the equipment as long as you provide the motivation. Generally you train under a knight that will become your sponsor later. Length of being a squire depends on you and how fast you train as well as how well you learn your weapons. When your ready, you will be given a quest to challenge all that you've learned. Upon completion of this quest, you will be knighted. Now, do you have any questions or concerns? We know this can be a difficult process, rife with struggle, but its well worth it. The Knighthood is exception in these troubling times. We hold no accord to family, wealth, or position when awarding knightings. It is simply based on your merit and how much you put into it." She said gently, letting the other two men agree or disagree accordingly. But they said nothing, only nodded.

"So, is this what you really want?"
She asked.

NoteCan you talk to Jedo, or one of the other AS's concerning your training? I would also suggest joining adventure threads to get your weapons skills and riding higher. I'm not sure if your still active on the site or interested in playing Owen, but make sure you let someone know or even start self moderated threads in regards to your advancement of skills.
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Re: [Syliras Location] Stormhold Castle

Postby Gortimir Strongfield on March 22nd, 2010, 11:10 pm

Finally progress was being made. Since entering the overwhelmingly predictable city, Gortimir felt the only progress he had made was in the temple when Izurdin was communicating in some way with the Isur. He felt at peace there and comfortable- feelings that did not carry over to the other places he had visited so far. The structure of the city and demeanor of the citizens here just gave him the impression of being forced or perhaps conformed into something strategically planned by some controlling higher power. The thought was amusing but the short, muscular man would not outwardly show his entertainment with the thought.

Dexri seemed to be quite the businessman. His organization was showing through and his mind for economics seemed to be overshadowing his care for the Knights he was representing. Of course he wanted these structures along the roads to be strong and sturdy, but if Gortimir had listened thoroughly then these attacks and losses suffered by the Knights came during construction. The Isur intended to play this fact when negotiating.

Gortimir nodded while listening to Dexri explain about credentials. It was sound business practice for a potential employer to want to know the accomplishments of potential employees. This question did not bother him, in fact it made him respect the man more for his judgement, and he certainly did not take it the wrong way. He started to reply, "Nothing around here that you would know about, as I'm new... around here..." His voice was allowed to trail off as the blueprints were brought out and focus was realigned.

The blueprints seemed very accurately drawn which spoke volumes about the professionalism either intended or demanded from the Knights. Which he was still not sure. The Isur had truly not constructed entire buildings before and his experiences came while growing up among his people and watching his father while helping where he could. The Isur were a very talented race when it comes to creativity and creation, thanks entirely due to Izurdin himself, and Gortimir would only want to put forth his best efforts. The taunting task of building an entire outpost lingered in the back of Gortimir's mind, but equipped with such accurate plans he felt his relatively limited developed skills could prove to be enough to accomplish the task and be proud of the results.

With the skills he did have in architecture, Gortimir identified the masonry requirements that he really had only the most common knowledge of. The carpentry and construction he felt he could manage, again mainly because of the accurate, legible, clean, and simple nature of the blueprints. As for the flying foes the Knights were facing, but the time he got out there and started working he felt his creativity should come through with some sort of answer. Being honest, the Isur replied simply, "I'll have need of somebody more skilled than I in masonry. I can learn from them easy enough I'm sure that with some demonstration I can take it up well enough to meet these requirements. Concerning the rest of the plans, the structure seems simple enough." All the structures in this city seemed simple, for that matter. In that regard, these prints did not surprise the blue-hued man one bit.

"I can accomplish what you seek with the labor and resources you've mentioned. Without knowing the area well nor being familiar with the threat your Knights face, I cannot guarantee the precise timeliness of completion," It was not a lie, though he left out the factor of never completing an entire structure like this before. Collectively he had most likely helped his community with several times what Dexri was asking, but that was also not alone. Continuing to keep his pride in tact, he decided to give this keen businessman an answer he should understand regarding the price. "I would not feel honest if I demanded a high price without you being familiar with my abilities. Though the risks involved with these flying menaces should inflate the costs, I would suggest an agreement that if you are satisfied with my work future contracts would be worth more, as you see fit." It was, of course, his way of expressing his experience was not vast but that the nature of the job required more than typically minimum wages demanded by new lead architects.
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[Syliras Location] Stormhold Castle

Postby Thorn Blackwood on April 8th, 2010, 4:30 am

I had never seen so many people. There were people of all races selling a variety of items. It certainly was a melting pot city. I was not looking to buy anything so after asking a few directions I found my way to where the Syliras Knights main office was.

I nervously walked into the office. At first I didn't see anyone and I became frightened that I was in the wrong place. Then a women walked through a door behind the desk. She was wearing a Knights uniform and she looked extremely pleased to see me.

"Hello. I am Thorn Blackwood. I really wish to be a Knight. I already know how to fight using a sword and I know the basics of the shield please allow me to join your ranks." I said quickly in one breath.
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[Syliras Location] Stormhold Castle

Postby Gossamer on April 8th, 2010, 7:28 pm


Dextir thought nothing was unreasonable that Grotimir asked for - he routinely supplied people like master carpenters and masons on building projects. The real need was for someone to coordinate and see that all the parts turned into a nice whole. It didn't surprise him that the Isur hadn't designed buildings around Syliras either since he would have heard of an Isur engineer. Everyone would have. But folks drifted for various reasons, and no doubt Grotimir had one of his own as well. The Syliran Knights were open in their dealings and willing to give people chances. After all, Glav had sent the man and no fraud would obviously come to inquire about a building project - there were far more riper pickings out there had for less work.

"Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll pay 500 GM up front with another 500 GM at the completion of the project. I'll provide a stone mason and allow you to select your own materials with an open purchase order from us."
Dextir turned around and began filling out paperwork. "The merchants in Syliras know how to deal with us... give them this number and show them this document, and they'll know where to deliver the supplies. We normally send out caravans every four days, so this....." Dextir handed him a writ of permission to acquisition materials in the name of the Syliran Knights with promise of reimbursement from the knight coffers upfront. The document had a project number that also translated to a caravan that would haul the project. "You've got ten days to shop and anything you can't find you can ask me for including personlelle recommendations. We like to keep an eye on who we staff, so hires have to be approved through this office with preference given to contractors who have worked for us before and done a great job. Here's a list of those..." Dextir handed him a list of specialists - a stone mason was on the list as well - with locations and how to contact them. "I'll leave this project up to you, but the Caravan leaves in ten days, so you need to have materials purchased, equipment gathered, and workers hired. You can pay them all via this project number.. the syliran treasury will issue mizas accordingly they just have to drop by with their title and the project number themselves. Anything else you'll need... the contingent of knights I'll send with you can provide. They will do manual labor as well as part of their duty.. so twenty knights should be more than enough. They'll be a commander with them - you'll answer to him though you are in charge of the building project itself. Any questions? You decide on the number of personnel and their salaries. You are also in charge of hiring. Accounting knows what a fair price is so pay them well but not too well or too cheaply. I get reports on expenditures every four days. Is everything clear?

Dextri asked, looking thoughtful. Grotimir had some work to do to gather up materials. A smart builder picked them all himself, though some in fact had trusted assistants that could do the job just as easily. He had a lot of work cut out in a short time if he hoped to have all his personnel hired and all his materials purchased and dropped off to the point where the caravan could take them south to the building point. Sure, there were some materials already on site since the project had already been started, but Grotimir had no idea what sort of quality or quantity they were so he'd best assume he had nothing and use what might be there as a bonus.

Mod NoteI'll leave it to you to gather supplies and hire personnel. You can use NPC or the Matchmaker and make the building of this place a real adventure party. You can assume Grotimir hits the treasury up for his 500 GM upfront fee, and then we'll get started on another thread when you get ready to go. In the meantime i'll respond in this thread if you have any questions ic.
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[Syliras Location] Stormhold Castle

Postby Jedo on April 11th, 2010, 5:17 am


The fair, short-haired woman was all smiles at the newcomer, but it wasn't exactly a smile of pleasure. It was more like a smile that was receptive and automatic, much like what people would get from a clerk. She nodded at Thorn as he finished his introduction.

"I am afraid its not quite as simple as requesting it, Mr. Thorn. You have to fulfill certain tasks to become a knight."
she answered, her smile growing a bit wan. "I know you have a lot of inquiries, so I will direct you to the office of my superior, Sir Von Fiedler."

She bolted from her seat and moved towards a portal to the left of the office which was bordered by two potted plants on either side. Unlatching the door, she pushed on and gestured for Thorn to come forward. "My name is Laiona Farsier, by the way. Please, come this way."
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[Syliras Location] Stormhold Castle

Postby Aleath on April 17th, 2010, 4:55 pm

42 Day of Spring 510 AV

Getting accustomed to the city a little bit, Aleath decided to explore the famous Stormhold Castle. For two days she was walking through the city, looking for employment, but without success, so she decided to look here.

She was, as usual, accompanied by her dog. Aleath made it to the fourth tier and looked around. She shook her head, because she saw only stores and Bazaar. That was not where she had planned to go.

Going up the third tier, she saw lots of people, mostly merchants, so she tried to talk to one of them.

"Hello, my name is Aleath. I'm looking for an employment. Aren't you, by chance, looking for an emplyee?"
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[Syliras Location] Stormhold Castle

Postby Gossamer on April 17th, 2010, 8:47 pm


One of the merchants stopped, looked puzzled for a moment, then smiled. "Ahh, you will be looking for the Syliras Welcome and Employment Office, Miss. They can surely help you there." He said with a friendly smile then directed her to where the office was located.
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