Basic Information
Race: Human (Vantha)
Birthday & Age :Spring 1, 495 (16 years old)
Gender: Female
Physical Description
Danyella (Dawn-Yell-Uh) stands at a short 5'1. She has goldenbrown skin, with straight black hair, with amethyst highlights striating in them. Her eyes are typical violet but like her race change with her moods. She has not a mature beautiful face but more of a girlishly cute face. Her eyes are always searching being an often overcurious soul. She has a slender but taut body.
Character Concept
Danyella loves physical labor despite her slender physique. She's an avid smith, a miner by heart, and dabbles in construction. She's incredibly curious of all things. She often unwittingly walks a dangerous life, she only sees usefulness and practicality in new skills, thoughts, and people, rather than determining if it is right or wrong. Anything can be useful no matter how taboo society may find it. This often gets her in trouble with law enforcers, religious peoples, and others.
She's uncomfortable around blood and animals, the earth and hardworking are her companions. She has just become of age but doesn't really have a desire to marry and leave her hold, if only because it would be impractical.
Character History
She's lived in Iceglaze all of her life. She was raised by her father, also a miner and smith, after her mother died giving birth to her. She has no siblings and her father never remarried. She's learned to manage a home with him while progressing in her trades. She currently assists her father in his blacksmithing shop and on mining expeditions.
Training & Skill Points
Dagger 5/100 (5 starting package)
Throwing Daggers 1/100
Hammer 8/100 (5 starting package)
Mining 13/100 (10 starting package)
Blacksmithing 13/100 (10starting package)
Weaponsmithing 8/100 (5 starting package)
Construction 5/100 (5starting package)
Carving 10/100 (10 Racial bonus)
Masonry 5/100 (5 starting package)
Carpentry 5/100 (5 starting package)
Intimidation 1/100
Negotiation 1/100
Metalsmithing 1/100
Lifting 1/100
Throwing 1/100
Leadership 1/100
Running 1/100
1 Mark of Morwen
Selling Weapons
Mental Mapping of Weapons (basic)
Crafting Throwing Daggers
Not Affected by Flattery
Fighting Yukmen (Basic)
Guiding through the Snow
Simple hooded fur shirt, Simple fur breeches, simple fur lined gloves(Starting Package)
A hunting dagger with a large amethyst in the bottom of the hilt (heirloom)
Grindstone (purchased)
Hammer x2 (purchased)
Miner's pick (purchased)
Leather waistbelt (purchased)
Fur lined boots (purchased)
Muskox breeches (purchased)
Muskox Parka (purchased)
Tongs x2 (purchased)
Fur lined gloves (purchased)
100 gold mizas (Starting coin)
-25 gm (grindstone)
-5 sm (hammer)
-3 gm (miners pick)
-2 sm (Leather belt)
-5 sm (Fur lined boots)
-8 sm (Muskox breeches)
-1 gm (Muskox Parka)
-5 sm (Second hammer)
-5 sm (Tongs)
-5 sm (Second Tongs)
-5 sm (Fur lined gloves)
70gm 65 sm
Thread List (Chronological) (Finished)
Spring 8, 511
Trip Around Iceglaze
Spring 11, 511
Into the Maws of Ice and Stone
Spring 12, 511
Scavenger Scourge
Thread List (Chronological) (In Progress)
Spring 2, 511
Off to Work We Go
Spring 3, 511
For All the Boozers and Losers
Spring 9, 511
Sorry, Wrong Store...
Spring 10, 511
The Story That Never Ends I
Spring 30, 511
Morwen's Torch Part 1: The Tragedy
Spring 67, 511
Super Awesome Adventure Group of Doom
Spring 68, 511
Frustrated, in All Languages