OOCBigger post than usual, because size matters indeed 
Truly it was hard to expect so much work from a small estate such as Sanctuary, still Riverfall was a big city, so that had to be it. The evening was expected impatiently, and once it finally fell, Mizuriel saw it as an opportunity to go out for a bit, and see what the city looked like at night, maybe even see some of the sights under the moonlight. Samantha certainly seemed to like their time out as she was running around the town, glaring at people, amused by the lack of the natural light. It was not that hard to understand her, after all they did have a much more leisurely set schedule before his newfound employment. While she was not a spoiled brat most of the time, the recent change of pace effected her mood from time to time.
She was walking in front of him, until she suddenly ran straight towards him, stopping only an inch away. Then she pulled his leggings easily, while looking up at him, almost as if she was trying to get his full attention. As soon as Mizuriel looked down onto the girl, he realized she was up to something, he knew her that much. The very next second he could see the girl running away from him, stopping to look if he was still behind her every couple of steps. So she wanted him to chase her? Or was it hide-and-seek this time? Either way he was not in the mood to let her get away, especially with the darkness pressing around them. Quickly rushing towards her, just when he was sure he had a hold on her shoulder, she slipped away from his hand and disappeared behind what seemed to be a turn leading towards an alley.
Speeding up further, he found himself almost stepping onto her, as she was crouching next to a shadow covered silhouette. He was not sure should she be angry at her for being so damn stubborn, or should he commend her for finding someone who obviously required some assistance? Letting it slide for now, he patted the girl’s shoulders gently, gesturing her to move away as soon as she had turned around. She was quick to listen to Mizuriel, as she got behind him, sending worried glances to the unconscious, dark covered stranger.
Quickly crouching next to the man, Mizuriel first checked if he was still breathing by laying his head down onto the man’s chest. He slowly stripped the man’s upper body, pulling him towards the part of the street that had some light shining onto it. What he saw was encouraging, as bruises seemed to cover the guy’s chest, and he could spot an occasional spot of sickly yellow color on his back as well. He could probably not mend him fully, but still he could try. Turning around to Sam for a moment, he was about to ask her if she could fetch some water from the waterskin in his backpack, when he finally realized he did not have his backpack with him.
Focusing his power for a brief moment, as he sent out silent prayers to the goddess, he bestowed his right hand unto the stranger. As the power surged away from Mizuriel and into the stranger, he could feel his condition was improving, still even after the healing process was done, it was far from perfect. The front of the man’s body seemed completely healed up, while the back still had two or three yellowish bruises in its lower region. Just in case he missed something, the healer moved his hands over the man’s ribs to make sure they are still intact. Even while he could not fix broken bones, Kavala probably could, and it was better to mend such things sooner rather than later. The man was lucky, which seemed to sound pretty ironic with the current situation, no ribs were broken, and if some were fractured, the fractures were so minor that he could not feel them by touch.
Turning over his shoulder to make sure Samantha was still there, he sighed in relief when he found her standing sill as a statue. After nodding her briefly with a small smile, he turned towards the man, slapping him firmly on the cheek: “Hey. Wake up! Wake up! Do you feel sharp pain in any part of your body? More importantly, can you walk or should I carry you?” a bit excited he could help, Mizuriel was not as shy and patient as usual as he shot a bunch of words into the ears of a man who probably could not even hear him, yet. |