The Rural Mizahar

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The Rural Mizahar

Postby AustinCarent on March 8th, 2011, 9:19 am

I am not sure how this works in a PbP - but I can already tell that traveling characters will come across more then what is recorded on the main map, small towns and various sights.

Will these be added to the map over time? Is there some submission we should do before carrying a story into a town that doesn't yet exist?
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The Rural Mizahar

Postby Gossamer on March 8th, 2011, 9:27 am

You need to read more of the lore. There are no small towns and settlements outside the noted cities. Thus, I'm confident the answer to them being added to the map is no. Players may found new cities/settlements/organizations and they'll be added at that time.
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The Rural Mizahar

Postby Robert Cithon on March 8th, 2011, 12:54 pm

Yes Mizahar is to dangerous for small towns or vilages to exist in. Without a wall or other defensible structure and somesort of garrison to defend the people the establishment would perish.
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The Rural Mizahar

Postby Ma'ii on June 25th, 2011, 12:49 am

I have been thinking about this the past few days I've come back to the site.

The premise in Mizahar is that there are no small settlements in the wilderness zones in between the cities. However, for agriculture to be able to support a large number of people it requires large tracts of land unless magic is continually used to improve crop yield... or people subsist on fungi. So it makes sense to have some small, fortified, farming settlements within half a day's ride, or in some cases a full day's ride, from the city.

While not truly "rural" in the present day meaning of the word, since they'd be closer to suburbs by our standards, those settlements would be the Mizahar equivalent. Their outlook would be slightly different from the "city folk" since they'll have to fend for themselves quite a bit in case of attacks, at least until help arrives from the city.

Imagine two concentric circles. The inner circle would be the city proper, walls and all, while the outer circle encompasses the area where you can find these agricultural settlements. The outer circle would also delineate the city's effective zone of conrol.

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The Rural Mizahar

Postby Cayenne on June 25th, 2011, 2:40 pm

Ma'ii - there is one such area on the outside of Syliras, I believe.

Speaking solely for myself and my region, Falyndar doesn't have anything like it. :)
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The Rural Mizahar

Postby Essik on August 17th, 2011, 2:46 am

So... I'm sorry to necro-post on this thread, but I wanted to check to make sure I understood things right.

Players who are able to build the skills, resources, and manpower in character would be able to establish these smaller settlements in the wild? I realize that the settlements would have a very rough time of things for a long time, but I just wanted to check to make sure it could actually be done. I have been pondering this whole thing ever since I first joined back in the day.

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The Rural Mizahar

Postby Marlow on August 17th, 2011, 5:33 am

I'm given to understand that it would be possible with enough skilled people. Enough and skilled being the operative words.

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The Rural Mizahar

Postby Essik on August 17th, 2011, 3:16 pm

yeah, that's what I was thinking. some organization and enough people with the the right skills, and good competency in those skills, all pulling together to make it all work out.

That works perfectly fine. Gives me some food for thought, anyway.

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