by Ma'ii on June 25th, 2011, 12:49 am
I have been thinking about this the past few days I've come back to the site.
The premise in Mizahar is that there are no small settlements in the wilderness zones in between the cities. However, for agriculture to be able to support a large number of people it requires large tracts of land unless magic is continually used to improve crop yield... or people subsist on fungi. So it makes sense to have some small, fortified, farming settlements within half a day's ride, or in some cases a full day's ride, from the city.
While not truly "rural" in the present day meaning of the word, since they'd be closer to suburbs by our standards, those settlements would be the Mizahar equivalent. Their outlook would be slightly different from the "city folk" since they'll have to fend for themselves quite a bit in case of attacks, at least until help arrives from the city.
Imagine two concentric circles. The inner circle would be the city proper, walls and all, while the outer circle encompasses the area where you can find these agricultural settlements. The outer circle would also delineate the city's effective zone of conrol.
"We are with you in the raven, in our gods, in our wisdom. When you leave us, you take us. When you walk alone we follow. So take no path that would turn you from honor. For when you turn aside, we all do."
— Kalanue Chaktawe Blessing