Utsu Kinjiro

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Utsu Kinjiro

Postby Utsu on March 8th, 2011, 5:57 pm

Utsu Kinjiro
Basic Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age : 24
Gender: Male

Physical Description
A very gruff yet boyish looking individual. Having been a rather hardy type of person he's rather fit able to maybe even model. He's considered to many rather handsome, his curly back hair always seemingly going with the wind. However he has lots of telltale signs of physical deprivation and that I've been through a lot expression cause people to be especially wary of him. He looks like the type that doesn't want trouble, rather trouble finds him.

Character Concept Surprisingly enough to his somewhat cold exterior he's a vary amicable sorta of guy being very outgoing and never (what he think is) rude. He usually goes the extra mile when it comes to women as he often tries to seduce them. Living as a hunter he's usually found on the outskirts of town occasionally helping travelers and merchants to the town and warning the guard of shifty activity that might have went down.

Secret :

Character History
Born on into the Aisha promising a life of modesty as a wilderness guide alongside with his parents it seemed his life was going to be set and enough for him. However disaster struck as his parents were attacked by a freak wave of bears as they were leading a trade group on the way to Lhavit. Inheriting their gear he is usually found on the outskirts of Lhavit studying to follow in their foot steps. Occasionally Hunting and foraging for training he looks often at the city remembering the home where he and his parents lived.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
30/100 Weapon - Longbow Competent (15@SP, 15@RP)
10/100 Seduction Novice (10@SP)
5/100 Camouflage Novice (5@SP)
5/100 Hunting Novice (5@SP)
5/100 Stealth Novice (5@SP)
5/100 Tracking Novice (5@SP)
5/100 Wilderness Survival Novice (5@SP)

What hunger does to people
How to talk a girl into drinking too much

Equipment and Possessions
Cotton hood
Cotton Shirt
Cotton Pants
Canvas gloves
Leather Shoes
Wool cloak
Longbow, Composite
Longbow Arrows (200)
Arrows, Hunting (200)
Arrows, Fishing (100)
Camouflage Armor
1 Boat Boots
1 Flint & steel
1 Preservation Kit, High Quality
1 Tent, four-person
1 Canoe, Bark
1 Fishing Kit
1 Fishing Pole
1 Fishing Net (25 sq.ft.)
1 Rucksack,
1 Map of Lhavit
1 Bird call
1 Bedroll
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
Food for a week
1 eating knife
1 Flint & Steel

2 hunting dogs- One black, one light

Secret :

Black Dog (Girl) - Len

Secret :

Light Dog (Boy) - Zen

Lhavitian - Common - Fluent
Various - Common - Basic
Nari - Common - Poor

600 (traded in at start)
Longbow, Composite - 100 gm
Longbow Arrows (200) - 10 gm
Arrows, Hunting (200) - 40 gm
Arrows, Fishing (100) - 20 gm
Camouflage Armor - 50 gm
Surcoat - 2 gm
Buckler - 15 gm
Boat Boots - 25 gm
Flint & steel - 1 gm
Preservation Kit, High Quality - 55 gm
Tent, four-person - 10 gm
Canoe, Bark - 10 gm
Backpack - 2 gm
Fishing Kit - 10 gm
Fishing Pole - 1 gm
Fishing Net (25 sq.ft.) - 4 gm
Rucksack - 1 gm
Map, Lhavit - 1 gm
Bird call - 5 gm
Bedroll - 1 gm
Dog, hunting (2) - 30 gm

Total - 600 mizas
-356 mizas
244 mizas
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Last edited by Utsu on March 20th, 2011, 1:59 pm, edited 39 times in total.
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James Anator

Postby Darren on March 11th, 2011, 5:45 am

so you don't have to go back
The original PC of Miria and Bolivar

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James Anator

Postby Utsu on March 15th, 2011, 7:47 pm

Quick Reference sheet.




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Hopeless Romantic
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