Timestamp: 3oth of Winter, 520 A.V.
Continued From: An Innkeeper's Day I
It was a top priority for Taz to get the buns in the oven. While she let the dough rest a moment, she turned to her baking hearth and loaded in some fresh wood. She lit the fire from banked ashes she had in the hearth stored in its corner pile. Then once the wood was going, she turned back to the dough. She patted it happily, ran her hands across the smooth flour-dusted surface of the ball she’d turned out onto the cutting board, and reached across the workspace to pick up her pastry cutter. It was a long metal blade – square – like a cleaver, with a handle on one end of the long edge of the square instead of jutting off the end. The bamboo handle was comfortable and it allowed her to slice the dough into twelve portions.
She then took each chunk of the twelve and rolled it gently in her hand. She shaped the buns into the size she wanted, then allowed each of them to rest while she prepped the baking pan. She covered it with lard and dusted it with flour. Then, taking a small knife out of her carving block, Taz went to the icebox and cut off a portion of butter to melt in a small pan in the heat of the pastry oven. Pulling a paintbrush out of her drawer, she carefully dipped it in the small pan of melted butter and reached for her sesame seeds. The small white dried seeds were packed in a spice jar on her spice rack. She loosened the lid and with a flourish grabbed up the paintbrush and began coating the top of each bun with butter. Then, once they were damp with enough butter to hold the sesame seeds, she sprinkled a bit of them over each bun.
Tazrae didn’t let them rise long. She just held off placing them in the oven until the oven temperature felt right enough to bake them. Once the oven was ready, she placed each bun on the prepared baking sheets and slid them into the oven. Then she inverted a small sand bell glass and nodded to herself. When the sand ran from the top portion, through the squeeze, and into the bottom portion, the buns would be more than done.
Twelve buns weren’t enough, Tazrae knew, so she started on her second batch of bread dough and began putting that together. It went faster than her first efforts had been on the first and before even the first batch was coming out of the oven, she was already prepping the next pan of buns once more. the first was dense buttery things that would hold meat well.
Taz didn’t want to cook the meat until she actually had guests show up. But with the second batch of buns in the oven, there was nothing stopping her from prep all the rest of the food, especially the meat, and make sure it was ready for the dinner bell.
The first thing she did was finish grinding all the meat. Then she seasoned it. She could cook it two ways… first in a patty form that would rest between the buns and be piled high with fruit and vegetables. The second way was run the buns open-faced and rather than grill the meat in patty form, she could put it in a frying pan and fry it after it was seasoned and make a saucy meat sauce to pile on the open-faced buns.