by Banir Ironwood on August 14th, 2011, 3:14 am
Ok! Hey everyone I'm new to Mizahar and I'm also new to this whole idea of forum posting, joint story writing, and generally almost anything on here. But long story short I'm trying to ask permission to play as a rare race of Isur known as the Uluth Clan. I understand that these requests are probably more common than not but I do strongly wish this as it can tie in wonderfully to my characters background and persona. I seek this more for character development and expansion, as well as to add to emotion put into my writing. I tend to get passionate in my literary skills if I'm highly interested, and needless to say this sight and this clan has me quite interested. My character's physiology and the way he acts can tie in with this clan quite easily. I believe that this will help in making an interesting if not powerful thread. The trade off for having this arm will be rather than like most Isur who are often strong and patent. My character will have a more damaged idea of what he is and socializes more awkward, on top of this he will be more understanding of others than himself. I am open to revisions if necessarily to gain this permission but would like to keep this as it is if possible.
"Where life leads me, is where I shall go. The greater question is, who is willing to accompany me on such a long travel?"