5 Spring 521
Moritz took a heavy breath as he headed down the street. Julan, his ghost companion that tended to follow him about, was bobbing in the distance. He seemed distracted by some of the window displays and items near the front of businesses, only to rush to catch up. This turned into an odd game of catch up where Julan was perpetually losing.
The young Kelvic was a bit more clothed than he liked, wearing the annoying boots that captured his feet in odd ways. He preferred to be bare foot as much as he could, but his mother seemed to have an odd focus on him being shoed and got angry if he left the house without them. Moritz didn't understand why and as far as he knew she had never explained it, but he knew that a fight would ensue if he didn't wear them any time he left the house and so had slowly grown accustomed to it. Annoyed and disliking every moment, but accustomed.
Along with that he was wearing his backpack with some money and other items inside, underneath which he was wearing his weapon harness. The only weapon attached to that was the scabbard on his back which held his pair of dual swords. Not that he was skilled in using two, but as they were of the type commonly used in pairs his mother had bought him two.
They were in fact his reason for being there that day, as his mother had given him some details about the weapons but had also seemed to not know much about them... Which left Moritz to wonder how much of what she said was a gross exaggeration.
He still felt a bit odd wearing the weapons, and was still trying to decide where to best place them, having to make sure they were high enough to not drag but low enough that he could draw them. In the end he had placed them on his back as he did not expect to use them, they were slightly concealed by his pack, and they never dragged when there. They were however harder to draw from there, as his pack tended to block them.
Still a young kelvic who was quickly growing he already matched his mother in height who was 5'4", if not a hair taller, and he only appeared 12 or 13 in human years. In truth he was just over 2 years old, but as was common with kelvic he aged fast compared to a human. He was sure when he was done growing he would be quite the imposing figure, even if he was not quite there yet.
"Julan keep up, we are almost to the smithy aren't we?."Julan, having forgotten that he was leading and managed to fall behind, nodded quickly before returning his gaze to a buildings entrance. Luckily the pair were close enough that he felt he could find the place, and so looked for any signage that would point him in the right direction.
Luckily most of the things to see where at street level, not up or down, and so his Okomo style eyes were good at looking about. Moritz had much greater peripheral vision even in his human form due to his Okomo style eyes, though admittedly not as good as in Okomo form due to the differing shape of his head. Of course that did mean he had more issue seeing higher up and down, but on the horizontal he was quite good at seeing further on the periphery and sensing motion.
It was this view that saved him as a man careened down the street and nearly stumbled into him. Seeing the motion he moved with his feet by pushing off with one leg and turning to thrust his body out of the way, more or less jumping to the side to narrowly avoid the man slamming into him Not, Moritz addmied, the cleanest avoidance, but then he was not trained acrobat like his master. Seeing this man walking as he was Moritz was left to wonder if the man was drunk or uncoordinated. He was about to say this to him when he noticed the large weapon the man was carrying, which brought a smile to his lips. And then a laugh. It left him seeming more like a pack mule than anything else.
"Ha! Mm.... What? Ha! What is that thing?"Looking closer Moritz realized it was shaped in some manner like a blade, though he could not fathom how the man planned to use it if ever it was needed.
"Wait... Is that thing supposed to be a sword? How would you even use it? And when would you even need to use it?"This later part was spoken with much less laughter, and more of a tone of being an actual question. Looking at it Moritz found it to be somewhat absurd, as weapons went. Of course his master Kyra preferred lighter and faster combat styles, but still Moritz could not imagine when he would need to sling a man sized piece of metal at someone, or how that would be the most useful weapon in a situation.
""Like... Really? When would that ever be a suitable weapon?"Moritz was left to decide to himself that either there was no logical reasoning to be found, or at least not one he could find, or that the man was just being silly.
WC: 910