Entering the Icewall Gates, Anima searches the area, taking in the vivid scenery and lush evergreen trees in the distance. The snow carpeted the ground and the buildings and even small, weak grasses that grew here and there in tufts and patches. Signs of the earth's barren state, but also of it's enduring flora. The snow gave the perception of the sky gently weeping, and as Anima studied the blanket of white embracing the earth, he thought of the sky hugging the land. the area.
He slowly scourers the encompassing area with his eyes and his nose, fearful of an attack from any direction. Knowing that the city was populated and presumably a place of refuge and refreshment gave him no comfort and was not compelling him in any way to lower his guard, because, after all, it was his edginess and over cautious ways that kept him alive, that kept him breathing, and it was thanks to those and those alone that he existed in his current state today.
Not long after raking the area with his senses he detects his ally, a friend of age and of trust. He signals Maakasu with his eyes, something they always seemed to be doing, a symbol of their kinship and their pact of brotherhood and also a sign of their trust. Without a word they both begin moving, walking synonymously to wherever they might end up, but reassured that at least they wouldn't be alone for the moment.