The season continues to be hot and dry, all while the mysterious poisonings from last season continue, and the strange philterer who set up in the Surya Plaza has seemingly vanished. However, as the season continues, less and less people seem to be falling ill, with the city's water deemed tentatively safe about halfway through the season. If this is true, or if it will last, remains to be seen.
Overview of Season Events
☼ Daytime Event - ☾ Nighttime Event
☆ Moderated/Prompted Event
☆ Moderated/Prompted Event
1st: The Watchtowers flare yellow, signaling the end of spring and the arrival of summer.
5th: People from all over the city gather on the Sharai Peak throughout the day and night to honour Lhavit's revered beasts for Okomo Day; the turn-out is less than usual as people are still ill throughout the city.
☆☼ 8th: The philterer's stall in the Surya Plaza from the previous season returns, but is no longer occupied by the old woman named Tamara; instead, on the morning of the 8th, a young woman sets up the stand for the day. She's offering strange and powerful philters in exchange for help, and claims to know something about the poisonings.
Note: I will post a starter to this thread with more information at a later date, so keep an eye open if you're interested!
20th: The number of people who are ill and falling ill begins to decrease noticeably, but the city still cautions against using water from its reserves.
38th: Very few people are ill anymore, and the city tentatively lifts the ban on its water supplies. Nobody save for a few are quite sure why the poisonings stopped, but the city is relieved regardless, especially as the river has begun to wane due to the excessive heat and little rain.
45th: The Midsummer Festival is held to honour Syna and the arrival of summer, with additional celebrations for the return of good health and a newly safe water supply. The Taiyang withhold from their usual fire performances given the intense heat and dryness of the season. Traditional painted pendants and conversation starters written on red slips of paper are handed out to familiar faces and strangers alike.
☾ 62nd: Beginning in the evening, thick, dark clouds roll in over the city, and many hope for rain given the hot, dry climate of this season and the last. However, the storm is of a type that most Lhavitians have never seen before; a dry thunderstorm, the city seems to shake with rolling thunder and lightning flashes illuminate the night sky, but no rain falls. The storm continues all throughout the night, departing in the early hours of the morning.
91st: The city celebrates as another season comes to a close.
OOC Info
I will be posting a starter thread involving the new stranger in the Plaza and the philters she is offering; there will be more information in that thread when I post it. The point of this thread will also be to address the cause of the poisonings within the city in one way or another; there is the potential for this to turn into a more extensive modded thread depending on a few things, including interest from players.
Weather Throughout the Season
The summer is by and large uncomfortably hot and dry, continuing the trend of the previous season but even hotter and with less wind to cool the air. There are a few days with more clouds and breezes, providing some relief from the heat, but less than a handful of rainy days, and the only storm comes in the form of the dry thunderstorm that takes most Lhavitians by surprise later in the season. Hats of all shapes and sizes become the latest fashion as people attempt to stay cool, most citizens bringing out airy, loose, and sometimes sheer clothing to combat the heat.
Seasonal Challenges
Complete 6 of these challenges to earn Lhavit's Seasonal Medal. A maximum of 3 challenges can be completed in a single thread, and if doing multiple challenges in a thread each one should consist of at least 800 words; that is, threads containing 2 challenges should be a minimum of 1,600 words, and threads containing 3 challenges should be a minimum of 2,400 words. Single challenge threads should be a minimum of 1,000 words. If you have completed the challenges, then post them to my office with links to the threads.
✧If you took a philter from the woman in the plaza, explore its effects on your PC (with another PC)
✧Write a thread involving a cat, a strange crystal, and a silk handkerchief
✧Have a water fight (with another PC)
✧Earn 5 XP in a skill somehow related to water (Ex. Fishing, Swimming, Sailing, etc.)
✧Write a thread in a location that your PC hasn't been to before
✧Get drunk and/or high with someone and kiss them (with another PC)
✧Earn 5 XP in a skill somehow related to plants (Ex. Gardening, Herbalism, Botany, etc.)
✧Go shopping for a hat in an attempt to combat the heat
✧Earn 10 XP in any one skill of your choice
✧Break a bone doing something ridiculous
✧Write a thread involving a cat, a strange crystal, and a silk handkerchief
✧Have a water fight (with another PC)
✧Earn 5 XP in a skill somehow related to water (Ex. Fishing, Swimming, Sailing, etc.)
✧Write a thread in a location that your PC hasn't been to before
✧Get drunk and/or high with someone and kiss them (with another PC)
✧Earn 5 XP in a skill somehow related to plants (Ex. Gardening, Herbalism, Botany, etc.)
✧Go shopping for a hat in an attempt to combat the heat
✧Earn 10 XP in any one skill of your choice
✧Break a bone doing something ridiculous