[Mhakula Tea House] I like two clumps.[Soren]

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Mhakula Tea House] I like two clumps.[Soren]

Postby Emizal Silverden on March 28th, 2011, 5:24 pm

Emizal smiled, she didn't know much of sward play but she was pretty sure he didn't know much either, there for making it a even playing ground for both. She looked to the server as she walked over and tried speaking with them, thankfully her common was good enough to get through that she wanted to use the training area for a friendly brawl. The waiter lead them into a room that was large and clear of tables. In the corner they had what looked like to be swards made of wood. She smiled as Javi entered the room behind her taking a seat at the door. Javi's eyes where locked on Emi's every movement. She walked over to the wall picking a wooden sword from the collection, she turned to Soren as he entered. "I assume that you are stronger then me, being that you are male and also taller then I." She walked to a corner, "And that we would be tied in Shooting, seeing you have the same soars As I." she swung the sword playfully in front of her, it was almost a fluent movement but needed some work, "so swords would be the perfect competition, give us something else to add to our weapons." she turned to face him, ready to begin.

Going to be gone for a while, but will be able to post, just not as often as I want.
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Emizal Silverden
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[Mhakula Tea House] I like two clumps.[Soren]

Postby Soren Thundersong on March 29th, 2011, 6:56 pm

Soren and the others were led down a staircase and into a room of equal size to the tea house itself. This one, however, was clear of tables and such. Several people, both men and woman were practicing with wooden swords in different areas of the room. The crack of wood on wood was harsh, but the occasianal thud on skin and bone was almost an unbearable sound. Soren was suprised to see how fluid and quickly the movements with the dao were delivered. This was a style he could grow to enjoy.

Dropping his pack against the wall, he dropped his cloak on top of it. Mika sat beside it, Eying Javi and Emizal warily. Soren saw his opponent grab a practice sword from a nearby rack. "Eager, are we?" He grinned and walked to the rack. Picking up the wooden dao, he was quite surprised to find the sword was lighter than most he had handled. The actual metal ones would be heavier though. It had a good balance though, and Soren thought the lightness might actually help him, seeing as he was used to much smaller daggers.

He took his place across from Emizal, feet planted in a strong stance. "So, you ready?" Not waiting for an answer he lunged foward, a thrust at her stomach. He hoped his speedy start would throw her off, or atleast gain him the first blow.
Soren Thundersong
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[Mhakula Tea House] I like two clumps.[Soren]

Postby Emizal Silverden on April 5th, 2011, 3:40 pm

Soren was quick, as he lunged forward, Emizal could tell that he had never held a sword before in his life, or at least fought with one. And as for her self, she was sure that she was also getting it wrong. Emizal’s hand gripped the end of the wooden sword, as she turned to her side. Sorens blow caught on to her shirt, ripping a small tare in it. Shocked hit Emizal as she felt the pull of the wooden sword, she quicky jabbed an elbow into his back, jumping away. She looked down and saw the tare; her eyes widen a bit as she took it all in. “So you intend to attack a person with so much of a little warning. Pathetic.” Her voice was sour; she didn’t like being made a fool of. She decided before this fight that she would use hand to hand and sword all in one. She sometimes watched her older brother fight, and found out that mixed together it would lead to a for sure victory. Though this was her first time ever having to swing a sword even if it was wooden, she knew that in order to win, she would need to use other tactics that she learned.

As she looked back up to Soren, her eyes narrowed. She gripped the sword tightly as she twirled it in a circular motion. She saw by gripping it this tightly her wrist didn’t have much movement, so she loosened her grip, this allowed her to move her wrist and still able to hold on to the sword. She crossed the sword in front of her, holding it with her newfound grip, she hoped by keeping it like this, it would allow her to defend or attack. Her other hand stretched out, as she circled Soren. She looked for a weakness as she eyed him like prey. He seemed to be ok from her elbow, much was expected, for he was almost twice her size. She saw that he was just as new to this as she was, and she suspected that his footing would be just as bad as hers, she quickly adjusted her self, not planting her feet flat to the ground, but instead staying on her toes. The adjustment was small, but she could already tell that this was better then being flatfooted.

Her lips went into a lose grin as she lunged forward swinging the sword at his torso, the swing felt heavy in her hand and wrist, knowing that he would probably block, she quickly turned her body around, getting low to the ground. On one foot she balanced her weight, swinging her other under Soren. She was at least hoping for a trip, that way she could gain the upper hand. As her body moved she was glad she made the adjustment of her footing. The move seemed to already be more fluent then what it would have been before. As for the sword she could feel he wrist giving in, she quickly straighten her wrist, and started to use her forearms. The feeling of burning shot through her arm. Next time she will need to hold the sword differently, so not to have this burning sensation.

Going to be gone for a while, but will be able to post, just not as often as I want.
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Emizal Silverden
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