"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." -Muhammad AliWhen I first started working on carrying out my To Do List, I stalled - it felt like it would be impossible to do everything. And it was, but it definitely wasn’t impossible to get started with what I could. It felt empowering to cross some stuff out - threads with Feyra and Torc; add some edits to Calligraphy wiki; eat a salad; hug my mom; and chill with cats, just to name a few. I even met up with an old friend and went rock climbing (my arms are so sore, but it was worth it to ring the bell at the top!) Oh and today was free Italian Ice day at Ritas. ~Good Times
Now on to focus on Vala, who I feel I have been cruelly neglecting due to other chores and duties.
Oh before I forget -----> DRAW A PICTURE OF VALA (note to self)
Anyway I know I should let her write herself, keeping her true to her motives, but I have some major life goals for Vala that I don’t want to lose in my muddled mind.
~ Master Glassblowing!!!!
~ Gnosis mark from Priskil and Izurdin (more if its possible)
~ Help Torc craft Aquiras’ heart (If he’ll let me)
~ Bear a child (no idea from who yet, but preferably from a different race)
~ Get sick from child birth - I’ll come up with some horrible incurable condition
~ Transform into a Nuit to stay ‘alive’
I read a lot, mostly non fiction nowadays, but I use to love fantasy and sci-fi more than real people - kids were annoying and wanted me to share my candy. I remember the good ole’ days - staying up until 2 am, reading with just my bed light on, ensconced in my fluffy blankets. I use to think that an open book would keep the monsters away, so it was ok to read outside of my blanket force field. (Just to explain. A blanket force field is when you cocoon your body and head in the blankets - it only activates when everything is covered, and then the monsters can’t get you.) Anyway to my main point - a well rounded character makes or breaks a story.
I concede some stories are event driven, characters are more or less symbols of humanity. (Thank you AP Language and Composition and AP Literature -.-) but those weren’t the books I read as a kid, for one simple reason - they didn’t let me escape.
I read to escape: myself, my family, my life.
I almost got into a fist fight with a girl because she called fantasy books “Stupid.” She argued that they made no sense and there was no reason to read them. She was one of those girls that read Gossip Girl books, real life books about cliques and boy drama. I, heck we all, deal with that kind of drama crap everyday - why would I want to read about it in my free time? Sure fantasy has a lot of real life elements and drama but it gives me the distance I need not to make it too personal and remind me of how bad I feel - instead I can feel sad for and laugh at the poor sap who’s planet got blown up for a intergalactic bypass.
Wow I totally got sidetracked by that little rant. I mostly wanted to talk about how I was going to flesh out Vala’s character. In the few threads she’s had, Vala has come out to be shallow, petty, idiotic, a suck up, and hardworking. Sure she is all that and more, but if connected, those traits don’t make sense together, yet.
To be honest, Vala is more like me than I will ever admit. She’s a little crazier and can get into more adventures, but like her, I am a nice jackass (muhahaha I’m an oxymoron)
Anyway, I want to apologize, to anyone I thread with and the mods that read my threads, if her reactions seem unnatural (tell me if you think they were really unexpected and I’ll check it out). They will all make sense once her background is fleshed out. (like Vala, few people understand why I react the way I do in some situations). I’m probably more transparent than I make myself out to be, but like most teenagers I still like to tell my parents I’m ‘complicated’.
This post ended a lot deeper than I first expected. Here’s a picture to lighten the mood.