Playing with Poison (Darren)

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Playing with Poison (Darren)

Postby Cara on March 19th, 2011, 11:47 pm

Spring 23, 511 AV

Cara was sitting atop a low hill, beneath a darkening sky. Dark-grey, fluffy clouds were rolling in, and threatening to pummel the icy city with another layer of fresh white snow. The sun was poking in and out of the clouds, constantly fighting for dominance over the darkening sky. Cara was watching Darren running around and around in circles, farther down the hill, much like a chicken with its head cut off. He must be training again, Cara thought, as he passed her the fifth time. His footprints had left messy marks of up-turned snow, gone grey and black at the edges, from the dirt and grime that had lodged itself beneath his shoes. He always seems to be working out these days. The air was crisp and cool, and nipped at Cara's nose. The Vanthan girl was growing colder now that the sun was lost behind the clouds, and for the simple reason that she wasn't moving. Cara pulled her cloak more tightly around her as she shivered, and watched Darren's dark hair whiz by again. Who is he trying to impress anyway? Cara wondered, as she ran her right hand absently through her hair. Or is that something he does for himself? Cara sighed. Or maybe guys work out all the time simply so the other guys can't beat the crap out of them. Cara giggled. In such a case, it was difficult not to think of Berus. After all, everyone picked on the pathetic Snowsong, herself included. It took Cara a few minutes to get her laughter under control. "Oh Berus, what a sad excuse for a human being," she mused, as Darren passed her once more.

Darren seemed to be growing tired. At least, he was starting to slow down after his first few laps. His legs seemed to drag. To step into the snow he had already flattened beneath his feet, only to stagger out of them, with clumsy steps. Scattering the snow that lingered between the spaces between each of his marks. His arms seemed to be swinging less forcefully with each of his steps, as though he were losing his will to keep propelling himself forward. His face, which was usually rather pale for one of their kind, seemed to be darkening, and turning red about the edges.

Cara simply sat and watched the younger Vantha go before an idea came to mind. Her eyes sparkled and she smiled wickedly. Cara slowly brought herself to her feet, and dusted the snow off her body. She would propel him forward. "Hey Darren," she called as she began to head down the hill towards his level, "wait up!" Perhaps he hadn't heard, or simply liked the notion of her chasing him, either way, he didn't stop, and Cara soon found herself kicking up snow and extending her arms with each step. Right arm with right foot, left arm with left foot, trying to catch up to him.

Cara's eyes narrowed, she was getting closer and closer by the second. After all, he had been working out for a while now, and seemed to be winding down, and she had just started. Must. Get. Him. Cara thought as she pushed herself to go just a little faster; try just a little harder. He was only a few feet away now, no more than five. Almost there.

Cara finally closed the gap. She was only a foot behind him now. Finally, Cara lunged at Darren. She propelled herself off the front of her feet, and extended her arms out before her. If only she could tackle him, Cara thought, that would make her entire plan so much easier.
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Playing with Poison (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 20th, 2011, 2:29 am

A cool breeze was going through the area as Darren ran around for the 5th time along the trail. He sighed as he started to lose some steam for once. "Hmph..." he said still having a bit of energy he flashed a playful grin as he heard Cara behind him. Since it was her he already saw her a few times while he was running, that's why today he was going around the same area for once instead of the usual run to a random hold and back. In any case he started to slow down letting her catch up. "Hey!" he said as he jumped to the side to avoid Cara's lunge as he turned and quickened his pace. You gotta work for this he said taunting her with a shake while he leaded her on for a bit. Eventually he saw that he might have let the game too long for a bit as he slowed to a halt. Beads of sweat started running down his neck as he waited for Cara to catch up.

He looked her over with a small grin on his face. Unlike him it looked like the whole chase might have tired her out, compared to him she would probably collapse when asked to do a five kilometer run. Heh, I'll have to have her come with me and my dad when we do our mountain training one of these days he thought as he considered the strenuous training and Cara's tendency to get weakened after using her fire reimacy. Yea she wouldn't last day one he thought as checking where he was. They were still near town but could probably go to the woods if the mood permits. He took a deep breathe, he was somewhat tired but still wanted to do his best to please Cara.

He smiled, I'm happy Cara's starting to opening up to me. I mean she went and chased me for some reason he thought. "Hmm I never thought that you'd be the one chasing me" he grinned as he offered her some water from his water skin. "Hey it's your day off also? You should have told me! We could have ourselves another of those...dates again" he grinned as he remembered the event. He got closer to Cara and took her hand " wanna get out of here?" he asked as he looked deep into her eyes with a soft, playful, but somewhat romantic expression.
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Playing with Poison (Darren)

Postby Cara on March 20th, 2011, 3:26 am

Cara's fingers curled into her palms, and her arms reached for nothing more than cold Avanthalian air. She's going down! Cara swung her arms wildly, as though she were swimming through the air. She refused to lose her balance like this. "Woooah," she said, as she stumbled forward and tripped over her foot. And she fails! Cara's brain commented as she landed face-first in a pile of snow, her arms outstretched before her, her knees falling into the snow. She looked like she were bowing to Darren as he ran, and the snow had merely gotten in the way. Lovely, all we wanted to do was use him, and of course he just had to move out of the way. Stupid Darren. We'll get him for that one.

Cara pushed up against the palms of her hands. They were planted firmly in the ground, buried in a pile of snow. They were shivering slightly, and growing a dark purple around the edges. Cara growled as she raised her head above the snow. Her irises had turned dark purple, and they were flashing unpleasantly. Darren was getting away from her. She couldn't let that happen, she needed him. For once...

Cara reluctantly brought herself to her feet, and dusted herself off. When she looked up, she noticed that Darren seemed to be slowing down. Was that on purpose? Cara wondered. Or is he just being nice because his maneuver caused the girl he not so secretly has a crush on to fall flat on her face? Whatever it was, Cara appreciated the gesture, it made everything far easier on her. After all, she wouldn't have to chase him to get what she wanted; just manipulate him, which was by far, her favorite part.

Cara started to shiver now that some of the snow had melted into her clothes. Perfect! Cara thought angrily, as she jogged towards Darren, who had stopped short. Was he waiting for her? Did he want her to catch up?

When she had reached Darren's side, she smiled as pleasantly as she could, which meant that her smile seemed both shy, and unnatural. As though she hadn't bothered to use the muscles that formulated a smile. Never stretched them upwards and towards the sky, so they could reflect the radiance of the sun. "Yeah, well, who doesn't love a good old game of tag?" Cara asked, her tone icy around the edges, now that she was shivering so much. She extended her left hand and gave him a little tap before returning it to her side. "By the way, you're it."

Cara pushed away the water skin he was offering her. "Won't be needing that Darren," she said as he took her right hand. She leaned a little closer to him, so that her body was pressed against his. Her muscles kept tensing. Couldn't you have thought of another way to get what you wanted? He is just so... icky! Cara ignored her brain as she said, "every day is one without work. But Cara, he smells! She gave his hand a squeeze with her hand, as she moved a little closer. And he's sweating! That's so gross! *puke puke puke, bleh bleh bleh* Cara pressed her chest into him. He would more than likely feel her shivering. "Yes, lets. It's getting rather cold out here, don't you think?" Cara inquired as she tugged on Darren's hand. She started to step away from him and through the snow. But where she would lead him was uncertain. She wasn't quite sure where she was leading, but after a few minutes, she decided that there was no point.

Maybe you should just start it now, and get it over with. The sooner the better, right?

Cara stopped dead in her tracks. She stood in front of Darren, simply staring into this eyes. Her hand gave his a little squeeze just before she pulled it away, only to draw it up the length of his body. She started with his hands, and then his arm, to his shoulder. It lingered there for only an instant before it hesitatingly made its way up his neck, and then to his cheek. She stared into his eyes, not certain of what she saw there: fear, confusion, lust, or something else? Cara's eyes seemed to be smiling, reflecting the fact that she was just about to pounce. Her body trembled from the cold as she leaned in a little closer, closing the gap between the two of them. She lifted her left hand and rested her palm on his cheek.

Cara brought her face closer, she could feel his breath on her cheeks. It felt so warm, and smelled distinctly of... beer? Already had too much to drink, has he? Cara's mind complained as Cara's heart continued pounding in her chest. She was certain she could hear it, much like she could hear his. Best close your eyes, her brain advised as she inched her lips closer and closer. She was standing on the tips of her toes, and then: their noses brushed. Skin tingling. Pale lips on his. Pressing softly. Each so cold. Bodies trembling, hers trying not to puke. Is she really doing this?

Cara pressed her body against his all the more. If only he fell, this would be so much more fun.
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Playing with Poison (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 20th, 2011, 6:49 am

She's acting a bit wierd today Darren thought as Cara pressed towards him taking his hand. Hmm...whatever! I don't care! She's looking beautiful today, he thought as he merely nodded at Cara's uncharacteristic comment and nodded his head slowly. She's just so...wonderful! She smells pretty good too. And she's smiling! That's great! Sigh* Cara Cara Cara, Love Love Love. He smiled happily as he took Cara's arm and happily followed her. She's acting weird today... a concerned voice in his head said out loud.

OOCIf you didn't get my latest attempt in humor. Reread Cara's post before this.

As they stopped Darren gave her a weird look as she started her hand closer and closer to his face pausing a little at his neck until it was finally on his cheek. "Cara? What are you... doing?" he managed to stammer as he brought his hand on top of her noting she's shaking. Is she there something wrong with her? he thought as he looked at her with caring eyes. His body tensed as she suddenly moved forward her face coming close to his. "Cara I..." he managed to say before the two kissed, a shock to his system as he closed his eyes focusing on her. He felt her body pressed up to his shaking, possibly from her nerves. Feeling this he moved to return the kiss moving his head forward as he put his hands on her body picking up her leg with his left while he locked his right hand with the left hand that was on his cheek. Picking her up a bit from the ground he sent the two back into the snow small patches of snow flying around as they landed together.

Darren was the first to backed away first as he looked straight at Cara before he went for a deeper kiss this time. His one of his hands was on Cara's thigh while his other one held Cara's free hand tight. A swirl of emotions encompassed Darren as he moved his free hand higher up her dress. He was starting to get a bit more aggressive as his breathing became a bit more labored from kissing Cara for too long. He took another look at her as he was on top of her in the snow again. "Is this going to be our second date?" He asked quietly as he looked deep into her eyes.
Last edited by Darren on March 20th, 2011, 7:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Playing with Poison (Darren)

Postby Cara on March 20th, 2011, 6:19 pm

Cara's eyes shut tight when the hit the ground. So much snow fluttered around them. It should have been a winter wonderland, but all she did was cringe, and try desperately not to puke as Darren returned the kiss, and slowly slid his arm up the side of her body. Cara's eyes opened wide, before she shut them again. Told you Cara, you should have come up with something else.

Cara ignored her brain. He's like a mouse wandering cluelessly into the cat's claws. When he let up, Cara allowed herself to open her eyes, and simply stare at the man who held her. "You could say that," Cara replied, as she glanced down at Darren's right hand, which was resting on the space between her hips and her breasts. The hand was rather warm, his fingers where relatively long, and seemed to wrap around the sides of her body, as if he would at some point, try and lift her closer to him. Cara smiled nervously, perhaps Darren would interpret her facial expression as sheer nerves, or perhaps her having second thoughts. Little did he know how much she loathed the idea of his touching her, raising his hand, just a little higher.

Cara had to make sure that never happened. Especially because she knew that he wanted her, and she was simply interested in playing another one of her little games. Too bad Darren didn't know...

Thinking as quickly as she could, Cara did the only thing she knew how to do, lift her hands delicately to his face. She wrapped her fingers around his cheeks and pulled him to her. "Just shut up and kiss me," she whispered, almost breathlessly now that Darren had been resting on top of her for so long. Their lips brushed again, and soon enough, she was certain to felt something cold. Something wet. Is that his tongue?

Alarmed, Cara began to rock her body back and forth, rather gently. After a while, her body began to pick up momentum, pick up speed, she tumbled on top of him. When she had, her legs wrapped around each side of his chest, planting him in place. She pressed lightly against his cheek with her hands, although her nails still tickled his skin. She stared down at her prey. Better... "This view is far nicer," Cara whispered as she grabbed Darren's wrists in each of her hands, and did her best to use them to help her keep his arms and hands flat against the cold snow. That should keep him from exploring, Cara thought as she leaned into him again, and delicately pressed her lips into the flesh just beneath his chin. Only to lift them again a little later. She slid them down his neck a little, and pressed them lightly into him again. Before repeating the process, drawing her delicate kisses lower and lower on his neck. Best to catch him completely off guard, right? Cara lifted her head again, and stared down into Darren's eyes. It'd be far easier for him to serve his purpose that way.

Was he actually enjoying it?

OOCMurp, don't kill me >.<

Oh and Chessies, if you think Cara went all soft, you ish sadly mistaken.

<---- Knows this is not what it seems. *Wavy hands* OoohoOOHHHoohohoh Woohooohohohoho. *Giggles*
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Playing with Poison (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 20th, 2011, 8:07 pm

Darren smiled a little as Cara finally submitted to his playful banter. "That's right..." he said as she pulled him back to her, smiling at him. This is bliss... he thought as the two touched lips again. Some of his deeper desires for Cara being fulfilled he allowed himself to show her a darker side of him as he pushed deeper into the kiss sliding his tongue inside of her, a wave of new exciting stimulating emotions rushing over. His eyes opened slightly as he felt her moving back and forth, he copied them knowing she wanted to get on top but was too busy kissing to actually saw or get up normally. Eventually they tumbled around until Cara had a secure position on top of him.

He opened his eyes fully looking up to see Cara, his goddess securing himself on his chest as she spoke. He took a look at her figure from below her, a bit trashed but nonetheless still very serene as he mistook her smile as joy...not really. He sighed inwardly when she pinned his hands to the snow. She's...gonna do something, I'm no fool he thought gazing longingly at her silhouette as it leaned in to his neck. "Take good care of me" he managed to mutter as he tried to wrest his right hand free to stroke her hair, moving her hair away from her face trying to get a good picture of this moment. Something that was too good to be true he thought silently. He sighed as he watched her work on him sending tingles down his spine as the kisses on his sensitive neck burned with every touch. He didn't know why he liked this, did he even care? He straight at back Cara when her eyes were on his with an emotion he never felt before.

I don't know what this is but I don't care. I'll continue risking myself until this is real...
Last edited by Darren on March 20th, 2011, 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Playing with Poison (Darren)

Postby Cara on March 20th, 2011, 9:08 pm

"Of course," Cara purred as she let go of Darren's right wrist. He began to run his hands through her hair. So typical of him, Cara thought as she snaked her hands up the length of Darren's arms, to his shoulders. She drew them up the sides of his neck, and then rested them on his cheeks. You need it to have your flesh touch his if you want it to work. Cara was still staring at him. Time to destroy him, her brain urged her on as Cara merely smiled, there was a mischievous twinkle as she stared back down at him. She was looking at him almost hungrily; knowingly. He must think you're about to kiss him again. Cara pressed her fingers into his cheeks. He seemed so peaceful; yet so breathless to her. Even though it'll hurt, he is sure to enjoy this. "Just try to relax, ok Darren?" Cara purred. "It is far more pleasurable that way."

With that, Cara grew quiet. She was concentrating deeply. Breathing in through the nose, out through the mouth. "Just remember to relax," she whispered, as a tingling sensation began to course through the tips of her fingers. She was smiling wickedly. A translucent mist was forming around the edges of Darren's face, being drawn into her skin. She could feel his djed entering her fingers, the palm of his hands. It felt so strong, so intoxicating. A tiny piece of him pounding against the walls of her veins, nipping at the edges of her flesh. "Relax... it'll be over soon," Cara whispered, as the pain began. The impurities of his djed entering her system. Her blood boiling, her body aching. It felt like tiny pebbles and specs of dust had floated in through the pores in her skin. Slowly, they were making their way through every inch of her flesh, ripping her organs apart, and then stamping on them, even though they had already fallen. "Relax," Cara groaned, as she grit her teeth, trying to ward away the pain. Trying to ignore the fact that her body was trembling, her heart was pounding, and she was in so much pain. "Just a little more," Cara whispered as Darren's djed seemed to pool around the side of his face like a pillar of smoke above a raging bonfire. It was trickling into her skin, slowly, but surely, poisoning her. Cara could feel it, his djed, winding around her neck, biding its time until it gave a little squeeze. Sucked the life right out of her.

Cara was gasping for breath when her hands fell from him. She needed to get rid of the contamination, or her heart may explode. Cara closed her eyes and concentrated, soon, a ball of translucent light blue res could be seen hovering just above each of her hands. Cara opened her eyes, and ignited the center, and the top of each of the orbs. She placed the tiny flame she held in her right hand right above Darren's head. The one she held in her left she placed on top of his left hand. Cara gingerly got to her feet, careful not to step on Darren or the flame. She concentrated on her djed again, and formed two more orbs of res- one over each of her hands. She ignited the top portion and the center of each, and then bent at the waist. The flame she held in her right hand she rested in the center of his stomach, the one in her left she placed in the palm of his remaining hand.

Cara straightened herself up. What a sad excuse for a human being. Cara smiled wickedly. He would more than likely be too tired to move for a while. If he ever did get up, that is. If he did, however, and the flame hadn't yet been put out by the winds, Darren was sure to have an interesting time returning to his feet. Poor guy, but he is so easy to toy with. It almost makes such a thing no fun at all. "Hope it doesn't burn you," Cara cackled as she turned away from him and began to head down the hill. She felt both tired, and just plain disgusting. Perhaps it would be best if she simply returned to her hold, took a nice hot shower to wipe the memory of Darren's touch away, and then slipped into bed.
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Playing with Poison (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 21st, 2011, 11:50 pm

The process was rather...uncomfortable. As Cara's hand got near his face he felt a nipping, pulling feeling on his...being. His hand gripped Cara hard as she spoke to him, he cared for her so much, why did she do this? In anycase he wasn't really going to let this go on anymore. His bodies tried to work against this...siphoning, this leeching of his soul, his flux started fluctuating erratically as it was prepping for the burst of power. Starting a motion with his hips he started to rock and thrust pushing Cara up little but little until his pelvis was just about to explode...with energy. However his concentration broke as he heard Cara groan in pain. His face froze in confusion, hesitation, and a general unwillingness to hurt Cara. He gritted his teeth as he felt the initial piece of him snap away and got absorbed into Cara, he cried out in a mixture of pain and ecstasy as she finally stopped leeching off of him. Trying his best to match her leeching with his flux manipulation trying to move his energies away from the general area from where she was touching. His face and upper portion of his body giving off a pale hue as the combination of the lack of flowing energy alongside the siphoning of most of the energy there he was breathing heavily as he saw Cara stop. Regaining his breathe as Cara started forming fireballs. What is this? he thought as she started to place them around him. "This really wasn't too romantic or... good Cara" he muttered under his breathe while she stood herself up. She had a...somewhat satisfied smile. Oh...well at least you got stimulated he chided as he watched her walk down the hill before getting up.

Getting up was a bit harder then he thought. His creaking body feeling very sore turned to look at the little gift Cara left behind. The small flame died slowly as it was only able to burn more snow. Sighing he crushed the last remnants of the fire with his gloves as he steadied himself up. He was beyond tired but he tilted his head up to see the sky. It was still dark outside as he resumed jogging, being fueled merely by the small euphoria from the flux overgiving, a taste of metal in his mouth as he occasionally felt spasms of pain course randomly through his body. This...isn't anything! He thought stubbornly in his head as he trudged through the snow slowly to finish his excercise. He still had 4 more laps to go. This is nothing! If I am to get stronger I'll have to be work to be able to withstand things like that he weezed. Slowly but surely he finished his run right before it started snowing lightly. Catching the first pieces of falling snow he formed a fist to perhaps show to pridefully show that he somehow made a positive out of this trial. I'll have to work even more like this so nothing can ever defeat me! he thought as he finally made it to his room. Standing at the front of the door, he finally collaped, there was no way that the leeching didn't affect him. When he was found they laid down him slowly completely, they only did so thinking it was just him being exhausted after pushing himself so much as usual. No wonder Cara is considered an ice queen. Sigh* I'll have to show Cara what two people who are into each other do ...or something typical I would say. I'm not sre if I care anymore Darren thought as his mind drifted away.
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Playing with Poison (Darren)

Postby Cheshire on May 27th, 2011, 9:35 pm


Character: Cara
Experience: Observation +1, Running +1, Seduction +2, Acting +1, Leeching +1, Reimancy +1
Lore: Missing Your Target, Flirting to Get What You Want, Being Playful for Once, Calming with the Voice, Negative Effects of Leeching

Character: Darren
Experience: Running +2, Seduction +2, Flux +1
Lore: Trying for a Second "Date", Getting Handsy, Falling for Fake Emotion, Getting Leeched, Falling for a Girl too Easily. Letting a Pretty Girl Steal Your Djed,

Additional Note: Very interesting thread guys. I almost thought Cara was going soft. I should have known I was wrong. PM me with concerns.
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