The soft lilac suffusing his irises intensified as his curiosity rose in tandem with the more the man said. A Syliran. He had not encountered a Syliran in quite the span of time, since..Well, since his father. This newcomer was fast proving to be a most interesting fellow. Turning his head to Berus, he waved his left sword at him in a dismissive manner, gesturing with the deadly weapon as if it were his own hand.
"Our spar is over, for the time being. You fought crudley, and without skill, but you show ingenuity and promise. Though, the next time you enter into combat, set aside your compassion. Stopping to ask after the wellbeing of your foe could well get you killed." His soft purple gaze gradually became mixed with a dark, rich yellow, the two colours swirling lazily about each other like two different inks poured into the same pot. "You look like you could use the attentions of one of the Whitevine healers. I would advise seeking them out immediately. I've been told sleeping with a head wound is strongly advised against, so make certain you attain aid before heading off to do anything else." Once more the weapon was raised, this time to beckon the young bard onwards, indicating for him to hurry on. "Shoo, before you collapse. I do not wish to carry you to get patched up." Turning his attention from the battered looking man, he focused his gaze upon Rhuryc once more. Reversing his grip on the twin blades grasped in his fur-strapped hands, Amondaris gently slid the meticulously cared for weapons back into their sheaths, the hilts giving a minute click upon reaching the metal rim of the scabbards. His weapons now out of the equation, the young hunter shifted his weight to lean upon his left leg, his armour rustling faintly with the motion. He was a big man, Amondaris. Very tall, but not too broad. Lean of muscle and limb, yet clearly not in a manner that indicated a lack of strength, the warrior was slimmer than the foreign warrior opposite him, and likely lighter. The younger male held himself in a peculiar fashion, his every movement and gesture light and measured. He combined the natural grace and elegance of the swordsman, so like that of a dancer, with the savage and feral limberness of a wild animal into a distinctive stance, the man's posture and gait easily recognisable as that of a hunter and warrior. The eyes, too, spoke of time spent far too often hunting, or alone in the wilderness. Always roving when not in conversation, keeping tabs on everything and anything in his immediate viscinity, vigilant for so much as the slightest sign of trouble. Yet, when he spoke, his gaze fastened to whomever he talked with, the stare direct and bare, holding in it a natural challenge for dominance. The man didn't even notice he did such, unfortunately, and some would understandably get annoyed by the constant staring. How this foreigner reacted to his peculiar manner would remain to be seen.
Syrlias? He hadn't encountered anyone from the city of Knights since he was a child, a mere pup. His father had hailed from Syliras, though he was no Knight. He studied Rhuryc again, noting the large blade sheathed at his side. Could this man be a Knight, perhaps? Did they ever leave the city? If so, what was he doing here? Perhaps the man had heard of his father...Well, there was only one way to find out. He would, unfortunately, have to dust off what fledgling social skills he possessed, and actually talk to the man. This, would be interesting.
Approaching the man with a long, loping stride that looked as if it could devour leagues in very short order, he extended his hand, the appendage almost entirely covered in straps and swathes of fur and leather of the purest white. "I am Amondaris. I'm from around here myself, though I spend all my time in the tundra." A slow dip of the head indicated his understanding. "The fact that you can speak Vani at all is a good thing, Sir Rhuryc." He nodded at the attire the foreigner was clad in, a faint smile quirking the lips hidden behind the length of fur. His eyes, however, betrayed his amusement, taking on a deep, dusky gold hue, reminiscent of the setting sun. "You should consider buying furs or something more suited to the cold." In response to the query about the bleeding, the hunter merely shrugged. "The cold will cause the flow to either slow to a trickle or stop, and after that I can stitch it up. I've sustained worse, don't worry." Dismissing the topic from both conversation and thought, Amondaris swiftly moved on to other matters, the young man becoming surprisingly loquacious since his initial appearance. "May I ask what brings you here? Just seeing the sights, or here for more important matters? I don't mean to pry, of course, but you seem to be a man possessed of an interesting path in life. I don't exactly get to talk to many people." He paused here, tilting his head to one side gently as if in thought. "Hm. In fact, I think this is the first time I've spoken to people in a very, very long time..So forgive me for any lack in social graces. I am somewhat rusty." Reaching up with his left hand, he pulled down the covering of his face and drew back his hood, giving himself a quick shake to settle his hair into some semblance of neatness. His face was handsome, albeit in a cold, hard manner, and was possessed of strong, stubborn features. Yet the easy, warm smile that now graced his lips softened the otherwise harsh appearance of the man, lending him a surpsingly friendly, affable air. The man could almost be mistaken for a different person, such was the contrast between this smiling, charming individual and the passionless warrior of but a few moments before.
Raising a hand to absently rub at his stubbled cheek, the callouses of his fingers rasping against the roughly shaven facial hair, he spoke once more, the voice soft and strangely gentle for such a large man, the tone thoughtful, almost ponderous. "My father came from Syliras. It is unlikely, but perhaps you knew of him? He and I have..Matters to discuss. Went by the name Darinius Stoneblade?" |