Nya was struck with two impossibilities at once, and she paused slightly to take them both in and sort out which she was going to deal with. The first was the scent of snake, which seemed impossible, unless someone had brought one to the fire festival as perhaps a food offering or some sort of garment. It seemed slightly unthinkable, and so Nya second guessed herself and dismissed the notion almost immediately. It was an easy notion to dismiss, truthfully, and she nodded her head at Shai. "Yes, I'm fine." If she smelled it again, she decided, she'd go actively look for it...
Then her eyes widened, and a shocked look crossed her face, distracting her. Abashai surprised her completely. He wanted to dance? With her? Joy flooded her and she squeezed her hand that was still locked into his. The way he spoke was awkward, unlike her normally well controlled bondmate. He smelled of nervous excitement and she tilted her head and fidgeted in response to it until his words explained his emotions.
He didn't know how to dance.
Nya's smile was quick and fierce. She leaned closer to him, ran her jawline up his comfortingly, and whispered back into his ear. "I do not either, but Damien made it easier. We are among friends, so if we practice together, no one will laugh or think badly of us... I would very very very much like to dance with you." The forest cat said, pulling back slightly then tugging on his arm to drag him out into the area where the sand had been cleared for the dancers. They were forming two lines to get ready to go through a pattern. "They dance two ways... in patterns and very close together. This looks to be a pattern, so its more like swordwork than anything..." Nya said depositing her bondmate in the proper place and stationing herself opposite of him in the line with the rest of the women, leaving him to the men. She let go of his hand as the line of men bowed to the women, and the women returned the gesture. Then the musicians started up and the dances began to whirl.
It was an easy dance... two steps forward, three backwards, then pass your partner on the right, whirl, and the line changed direction. So they danced in what seemed to be a large line that rotated in a circle slowly. As they got deeper into the dance, the couples touched more, linking hands and forming arches, unlinking as they stepped back, and finally the men rather than let the women pass would pick them gently up and swing them past on their right side. The steps were easy, and the entire dance was all about flirtation. Each partner tried to outflirt the other one while still touching until the lines came together.
It was great fun, like a permission to flirt, no... not permission - encouragement - to do so. And though Nya wouldn't have with anyone else, she couldn't keep her eyes off her bondmate who's years of sword work, Ryvata and wandering in the desert made him as agile as a cat himself and something of a born dancer. Oh he mistepped a few times, so did she, but they both laughed and corrected themselves as they whirled through the pattern. Music changed and the rhythm altered a bit, but they adapted and learned new patterns, dancing with their friends and knights with their ladies, and even other children.
Nya gradually relaxed and watched the other women out of the corner of her eye, picking up on the fact that they stepped higher than they needed too, tossed their hair with wild abandon, and made their dances more like a courtship. And gradually she relaxed too it, her attention drifting from them and their partners to only her own. And as the dances changed, and they worked patterns that kept them close together, Nya's laughter and joy also filled the dance floor, for she discovered within herself a true joy of being with Abashai like this - this new side of him - this freer more relaxed side. And she also took great pride in him, in how she could feel his own joy through their bond, and how much his smiles shed years off his normally handsome stoic face.
And then she smelled the snake again. It was a close dance, one where Shai was required to pull her to him and whirl her around with her own hands on his shoulders. She growled low in her throat, joy fleeing her features to mix with concern, even though she should have been happy that finally a dance required her to be touching the benshira from almost her toys to the tip of her nose. But instead, there was no mistaking the scent that flooded her senses, and she lifted her head, rose on her toes, and whispered directly into Abashai's ear. "I swear.. I smell snake. I wasn't sure the first time, but now I am. Its closer. It's strong." She pulled away as the pattern demanded, her eyes no longer on her bondmate, but scanning the crowd, the ground, looking for the danger. Serpents were not unpleasant smelling, but they had their own particular tang. Nya broke the line, catching Avi's hand as she danced with Terminus, almost breaking up the line. She whispered furious to the other kelvic, knowing she had skills Nya did not.
"Avi.. your eyes are better than mine. Your hearing too.... I swear I smell snake... will you watch for it? I can't see it, but I swear to you I can smell it... close. I don't want anyone hurt, but I can't find it." Her eyes scanned the crowd walking by and she growled worriedly, but saw nothing at their feet. Nya had never heard of a Dhani, nor had such a thing ever occurred to her. She was looking for a threat from below and would continue to do so.
And just as quick as that, she was back with Abashai, stepping closer to him, for the dance was a slow one designed to let the participants relax slightly in each others arms for a few moments of respite while the musicians got ready for a few more lively numbers. Standing with him, her hand in his and his arm lightly on her waist, she looked up into his blue-green eyes and smiled reassuringly. "She'll see it... we'll find it.... I... " Nya blinked, suddenly aware once more of how good it felt to be with Shai like this. She flushed slightly, settled against him, and momentarily forgot the snake as she smiled slowly. He was so beautiful to her, so strong, but she said nothing. He would feel her thoughts, acutely, through the bond, for Nya's thoughts in that moment were wide open.
And through that link, he'd sense the same tang of snake in the air she could clearly smell.