The Snowsong had to weigh to at least around two hundred pounds Darren thought as he sunk into the snow after his throw. He let out a breathe of relief after ridding himself of the heavy burden on his arms. He took a moment to take in a deep breathe before looking back at the effects a heavy Snowsong would have on foreigners. Much to his disappointment, not to his surprise, Rhuryc seemed to caught the man and was issuing orders to Rhaeol as he set him down. He involuntarily moved to assume innocence both of his hands raised up high in a form of mock surrender as he met Rhuryc's gaze. He grinned as Rhuyrc finally showing some emotion for once, he watched as Rhuyrc took off his coat. "Oh my...with me? What might spurred on this sudden request?" he asked with an playing, absentminded tone. He tilted his head as he look a quick glance at Rhuryc's sword, his relaxed mood finally taking the situation as it is. "Ah right, right. Throwing a Snowsong wasn't enough, I'll have to come over there myself," Darren mumbled in a disappointed huff. Seeing he would be at a disadvantage unarmed against the sword, Darren looked to his bags and pulled out two normal looking gauntlets. "My weapon of choice" he explainedsowing his his bare hand. He flexed it a few times before slowly putting on his gauntlet over it, with an approving nod at the new weight on his arms. "Of course I wouldn't use it against someone unarmed of course but you seem to want to do it this way" he noted, adjusting his gloves so they would be fitted tight. "Alrighty then, you said I should start right?" he asked as he casually strolled up to Rhuyrc's range slowly before throwing up his hands up in a to protect his body. A smile that didn't reach up to Darren's face appeared before he took a step in and sent a body blow to Rhuryc. The situation wasn't something Darren wasn't going to take seriously just yet as the first move went quick but with only tolerable stopping power as it approached. |