Oh my... I finally get to post in here. *looks around* I like it!
Huge Congrats
On Weekly. (Yes I rhyme now)
Stats :1
Now on to this BRAWL. You ladies have been talking about it for awhile now, so long that you got me excited lol, so now I'm a part of this. (Watching of course OOC) I just want you guys to know, I'm watching and waiting. Looking forward to your awesome thread, and if I can.. I have some request. Just a few. Lol if I may... You know when you just randomly jot down a couple things? Lol well...:
Hadyn: I want you to duplex someone into a table
Kouri: Ghost dropkick, Azzy for me- opps i mean Do it for Cyrus.
Azzy: Throw Ms. Fubuki across the room
And someone has to punch Shiress for me... Please. I'll pay. All requirements met I will pay lol
(So fun to write >.<) Ok but in all actuallity (<- spelt right?) I'm rooting for you girls, and I'm very eager to see this brawl, so please! Don't rush but get it on the road. Btw people place your bets lol. #Team Kouri Dropkick