Open The Sound Of Music

Gilbert is looking to meet new people as he wanders the streets.

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The Sound Of Music

Postby Gilbert Grimwald on January 7th, 2022, 12:11 am

15, Winter, 522 av
2 chimes after the 7th bell
Zeltiva, West Street

drip.. drip.. drip..

To some, water could be maddening. To people already a bit daft, it simply triggered a sharp maniacal chuckle. Not because it was funny, quite the contrary. It came out of revelation.

Dancing in the dark, marvelous blue orbs fluttered with each droplet that fell from the cracked stone ceiling of Gilbert, known by most as Gil, Grimwald's flat. However, the orbs weren't orbs at all, in fact there was nothing overly special about them. They were just eyes.

"How weak a thing may seem on the surface, but given enough time, it can penetrate stone." He marveled in quiet reflection, giggling to himself once more. "Now, where was I?" his beard crunched as he twisted it between his forefinger and thumb, "ah, yes!"

Jumping up, he squinted as the light from his window pierced his eyes. He had been sitting in the dark for far too long, it was time to go.

Gilbert flung his door open and the creaking made him wince as he remembered back to the time that he said he was going to oil the hinges. Trivial things like greasing doors could wait, he had to appeal to the masses. Surely they were waiting for him, eager to lend him their ears!

Stepping out with a stretch, he reached to his back and brandished one of his few prized possessions. A Lute that he called Gwyndoline, she was worse for wear, may have even been missing a string. Cracking his knuckles and wiggling his fingers to loosen them was the only preparation he needed as he plucked one of her strings. The sound was awful as Gwyndoline sang, she could bring a tear to the eye, but not the kind of tear you would typically think of when listening to moving music.

The out of tune twang made the man in front of him squirm in discontent as he tried to bury his own head into his shoulders and hunched over with a sneer.

"Not again, Gil. People don't want to hear that rubbish."

"Patience, Edgar," Gil grinned, "I'm just warming up!" He tried to reason with the grumpy old man.

"You said that yesterday, and the day before that, and the day befor-"

"You just haven't heard the right tune.."

"I don't think you know 'the right' tune," Edgar snapped back, "In fact, I don't think you have any tune at all, your playing is as flat as that hat you wear."

Ordinarily, a being would be reduced to shame at such a one sided exchange. Gilbert on the other hand just plucked another string, louder than the last. Edgar growled and stormed off.

"I'm certain that others will appreciate what I have to offer."
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The Sound Of Music

Postby Rohka on January 10th, 2022, 8:27 pm

A map.

That’s what she twirled in her hands now. A city map, drawing out the basics of Zeltiva. She unfurled it, looking straight at it, before folding it up again. Feeling the edges with her fingers, she tried to recreate some of the images in her mind. The mountains, the little squares and circles, the trees… It was beautiful to look at. Bought at a general store. However, she was no expert at reading the piece of parchment. The sybil was having difficulty finding her way around, and decided to just take to the streets for a walk.

In plain clothing, mostly covered by a simple cloak, and her trusty silk headscarf wrapping her hair up into a bun atop her head, Rohka (or Rohkaria, to some, as she was testing out the name to herself), walked straight into West Street, not quite knowing where she was going. In fact, she’d wanted to explore a bit.

In truth, she was avoiding her true path.

It pained her to think about exactly what she needed to do. She felt so much freer when she didn’t think about it. That’s why she was out. To get some freedom away from thinking too hard and doing what she was supposed to do, which was to find the people she needed to find.

In some way, she figured maybe a stranger in a shop would know an answer… if she even had the courage to ask a question of them.

Once she passed the Saville, she felt more comfortable, having been there before, but still, she was a bit lost. Roh could see all manners of shops around herself. It was at this point that she realized how early it really was that morning. It was no wonder that the street seemed a bit empty, with people just beginning to set up their booths, baubles, and outdoor signs.

Suddenly, she heard a loud twang.

The sybil spun around quickly at the sound…

It caught her by surprise, and she’d turned so instinctively that it frightened her for a moment before she shook her head, feeling silly for being shocked by such a noise. She didn't manage to hide her tail. Quickly tucking it beneath the cover of her cloak, Rohka found the source to be an instrument of sorts, held by a man in a hat and a beard.

Rohka, not caring for how it may seem to others, simply waved to him before speaking up.

“Hi. You okay?” She wasn’t all that sure why she asked. It was almost as if the sound made her think there was something wrong.

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