28th Winter 521 AV - Taz & Alric's Apartments He had had to take a break for a few days since he had last tried anything with magic. Part of him enjoyed that, the lack of responsibility but also the fact that he didn’t have to wrestle with any moral qualms, in regards to magic and its uses. It had been somewhat freeing, and he had taken as much advantage of that as he had been able to. Not that he had been up to much beyond nursing the slowly retreating headache and trying not to get cornered too much by the Associates and face the complications that his still highly strung sense of touch had caused him already. As soon as Yolanda and Jessie had realised that their teasing caresses had not only brought crimson to his cheeks, but also some rather unwanted below the belt…reactions…they had spent every waking moment trying to cause him to die internally. “Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish Ruby would slap the Associates as well as the guards” he muttered to himself as he sat in his chair, though his heart wasn’t in it. If anything, he had bene told by Garth that he should be flattered. Mostly I feel like a cornered rat he sighed and looked at the fire, the od crackling away merrily as he finished the last vestiges of his pipe, the smoke curling around his face as he mentally prepared himself for his next exploration into Auristics and Shielding. He was planning on being more careful this time. For starters he had managed to get plenty of sleep between waking up at the scratching of overly irritable straw from his mattress. He had had to move to the Outpost so that he had had a bit more padding for sleeping. He had eaten and he had spent two days, long days, in thought about what Eyris had told him and what it meant for him personally. He had many questions, few answers, but at least he felt more…balanced this time. As he finished his pipe, tapping it empty and scraping the remaining embers under his boot, he sighed and put it away, peering carefully at the cup in the middle of the table – pride of place as usual. This time, however, he was sat in the apartments that he shared with Taz - though she had not popped in over the last few days he had been there. In many ways that was lucky, due to his skin feeling like it was crawling with clothes on most of the time he had been nude for a lot of it, keeping to the second floor just in case she had turned up. He turned his chair to face the cup, placed his hands either side as usual, and closed his eyes. He was going to take it slower this time, simply hanging above his ‘well’ and taking in the imaginary scenery in all its splendour. The trees had grown in number and the snow had been replaced with a brighter sunlight, as if reflecting his newly found settlement with himself over what he was doing. The scene felt more…welcoming…but not yet truly comfortable. The mountains had grown larger, more rugged and cragged, the water that stood in for his Djed seeming deeper and darker than ever. He hung there for a long time, perhaps a half-Bell though he couldn’t be sure with his eyes closed and retreated into himself. It was long enough that he felt that no stray thoughts of import were going to ruin him this time, not again. He slowly dipped his fingers into the pool, inviting it to shift, pull and crawl over his imagined arm until he felt the now familiar trickle of Djed slipping into him. He kept a tight hold on the ‘tap’ but didn’t shut it off, letting it slowly but surely fill him. Eyes still closed he simply took a long while to hold it, once full the kept the connection there, a tiny pearlescent thread between him and the ‘well’. Yet he didn’t draw any more, not until he was sure would he risk further pulling into himself. |