12th Spring 522 AV – Courtyard Cantina
Alric has remembered his promise to Moritz, though he’d take no offense of the Kelvic would forget and not turn up. It would be unlike the lad but given what he had experienced the day before he was half-expecting that Moritz might be too busy engaged with whatever Syka seemed to be experiencing. He was still vague on that, a few letters and trust really all he had to go on – and he was short on trust these days. He had yet to get Moritz a gift, he wasn’t sure what he would appreciate, and so had decided instead to wait for him to turn up and then offer him the option for one, and a say on what it would be.
“Drink?” the waitress asked him, and he flashed her a smile, enjoying the view, almost as much as she enjoyed the looking by her face.
“Please…wine…Riverfall if possible. No food yet, waiting for a friend. So, if you’d like to come around later, I’d call it an honour” he went for a charming smile as she theatrically rolled her eyes and went to fetch what had been requested.
He watched her walk away with disguised interest before he began to thumb some tobacco into his corn cob pipe and used a candle to light it. The wine arrived as the smoke began to curl around his cheeks and he thanked her before settling in to puff away patiently. The smoke was smooth and relaxing, his muscle soothing and the pains of new wounds partially eased with each inhalation. His crossed ankles stretched out in front of him as he gripped the mouthpiece of the pipe between his teeth and he pulled out the book he had brought to pass time – his journal and various notations upon magic. He’d never be caught with it in Sunberth but at the Outpost there were different rules he had learned. But mostly his attention was not taken up with the magic, but with the letters tucked into the pages, and a drawing of a woman she he had apparently forgotten.
“Strange petching life, I swear” he muttered to himself as he kept the book open with his thumb, frowning at the words as his free hand could hold the pipe as he smoked away thoughtfully.
So far, the day before had been filled with drunken incident after his apparent initiation into Reimancy. This day had been spent in reflections and curious attempt at piecing things together. He had made some progress but there wasn’t much information given that his mind had been scoured of this mysteriously pretty woman. He had gone through the others he had met from Syka and they had been remembered, and so he was torn between wondering if something magical – like hypnotism – were at work, or if something larger were afoot. Written words were something, but difficult to relate to in terms of emotion without a larger frame of reference. He did not disbelieve the prose, the fact that he had let the initiation happen as evidence she he won him over perhaps. Yet he was puzzled…and he liked puzzles.
So he continued to pick at it as he waited for Moritz to arrive, his clothing his usual fare of Isuas and cotton. His gloves and belt were the items found last season and his weapons were dotted around himself, not that he expected to need them, but old habits died hard.