30th Day of Spring, 522
Ialari had been spending less and less time in her Dominion. The effect was not unlike one going through withdraw from a addiction. With the effects of the curse already threatening to consume her, the separation from the Ukalas was having a more pronounced effect. Her senses were becoming dulled. She could not feel things in the physical world the way she did in the Ukalas. It was the danger one encountered by spending too much time in a place so separated from mortality. Upon first reentering her Dominion, Ialari felt something akin to a mother's embrace. Stepping through the doorway, her nervousness and insecurity faded away. The physical world was so loud, so intrusive and all-enveloping. In her Dominion, Ialari felt control, power and connection. In her Dominion, she was connected to all things, all life, unliving and those things that never lived.
As she welcomed the renewed feeling of control, there was something different. A decade of time spent in the Ukalas, Ialari recognized the difference. It was the conflict between the two worlds...another aspect of the balance that she had recently become intimately aware of.
Ialari made her way to her work area. It was a collection of items gathered over the years from many sources. The work area itself was made up of a few tables topped with a variety of implements and tools; her philtering lab. Although not nearly as advanced as others, it was adequate for what she needed.
What she needed at the moment was the opportunity to prepare some things for Syka; things that would help the settlement prosper and grow. Focusing on the task at hand, Ialari prepared the makeshift lab for production.
She had a few supplies that, while limited would be more than enough for what she had planned. First, she retrieved a bottle of distilled water; one of a handful she had at her disposal. She then looked through her assembled collection of ingredients. After a bit of searching, she found what she was looking for in tea leaves. She had a barrel of them that she retrieved years ago from a shipwreck on the east coast of Sylira. The base of the potion she had in mind was tea infused with something...something more.
She began assembling her apparatus. Retrieving some flint and steel she proceeded to light the burner. She then moved to pour the distilled water into the distilling flask. She filled the flask so that there is still room for the steam to form and rise. Ialari poured water into the lower bulb of the flask which had two tubes extending out of it. One tube was short and off set from the other; it was the one she poured the water in and had a cork to seal it. The other extended straight up from the top of the flask and fitted into an upper bulb.
Where the tube extended from the lower flask, another flask was fitted at the upper end. A small piece of copper punched with several small holes was placed over the point where the two flasks connected; a filter.
Ialari assembled the other half of the apparatus separately with a coiling copper tube that fit into the upper flask and stretched downward, dipping into a basin that would hold cold water before continuing into another flask. There was an oddly shaped object made of copper and glass connected with resin seals that split into two separate receptacles; another flask and a small vial. Her assembly was simple and not the highest of qualities but she did what she could to make it work.
Ialari held up the oddly shaped copper and glass piece and attached it to the rest of the apparatus. She then grabbed a bowl and filled it with water from a nearby basin. Focusing on her connection with her Dominion, she concentrated on the water in the bowl and the temperature. Slowly, the water began to cool; her bond with her Dominion causing the water to gradually freeze.
Ialari then pulled out the tea leaves from their barrel, and dropped them into the main upper flask and packed them in with a wooden dowel.
Ialari then took the receiving flask in her non-metallic hand and braced it against her body. With one finger of her metallic hand, she ever so gently used her finger nail to carefully create a light etching into the glass. As she drew her finger nail barely over the surface of the glass, she etched a series of lines that quickly formed angles and straight-edged geometric shapes. She worked with a surprisingly steady hand as she created a moderately complicated geometric pattern in the glass.
The whole idea was to create a glyph that would focus and contain the intended magic into specific patterns.
She then retrieved her dagger with her metallic hand and held her other hand over the upper flask containing the tea leaves.
Ialari drew the dagger across her hand; the sharp looking blade cutting into her thick skin. She formed a fist and allowed the blood to drip onto the peppermint leaves. After several drops, she wrapped her hand in a bit of cloth and put her dagger away. She then made the final connections on the apparatus, lit the oil burner, put several pieces of ice into the bowl of water and stepped back. Eventually she would put the ice back in the odd cabinet; retrieving it as needed to keep cold water around the condenser.
Ialari concentrated on the intent she wished to placed within the glyphs and the overall desire for the final product. Her goal was to create a potion that would carry the qualities of an isur; denser skin and stronger bones. In the end, if successful, the potion, when consumed would temporarily thicken one's skin and allow their bones to resist breaking or cracking.
There was at least a couple of bells before the distilling of the potion would be complete so that left some time for Ialari to contemplate her current situation.
Ialari looked up at the Tree of Death that was always there, looming above all else within her Dominion. The bodies, hanging, stapled with swords and daggers, grown into the bark; they were a constant reminder. They were a reminder of what she'd lost. Pulling away, she pushed the thoughts aside. It was part of a different curse. Every time she entered her Dominion, she felt the conflict. It was both an answer and a barrier to discovery.
Bells passed and she continued to ponder to the complexity of who and what she was.
Taking a look at the flask Ialari noted that as the water dripped into the flask from the receiver, the patterns etched in the glass began to glow ever-so-slightly with the barest hint of red. As the flask filled, the water had a light pink color while the lines began to slowly grow a deeper shade of red.
After just over four bells had passed, Ialari extinguished the oil burner. She then adjusted the seal on the receiver to drain excess water before reaching the oil which she then allowed to drip into the vial. Taking the receiving flask, she held it up and examined the contents. The etched lines in the glass had a deep red, soft pulsing glow while the liquid inside was a cloudy pink color swirling with wispy trails of red.
Retrieving three vials slightly bigger than the one she used to collect the excess, Ialari proceeded to pour the contents of the receiving flask into each vial before placing a stopper in each. She placed each vial in a small holder.
Where the product of the process would have been divided between oil and waste, this time, Ialari observed a concentrated amount of magic infused into into a potion. The glyphs focused magic into the water. Where there would otherwise be oil from process, there was concentrated amounts of magic. Ialari combined the various vials and flasks to bring about the final product.