15 Summer 522 Once more Crylon awoke in Syka. At times he still forgot where he was, thinking for the first few moments the light streaming into his eyes was some other place... Zeltiva, Sunberth, Ravok, various places he had lived among humans. But after a few more moments and having a chance to hear the sounds and smell the smells he recalled where he was again. However once he was all the way awake his mind was churning away steadily as was the norm, thinking and sorting and considering. A structure in his head as most of his thinking was. Crylon liked to think that this was due to some of his experiences and nature as an Isur, but also his nature as a planner. A thinker and worker out of things. And so rising for another day the first thing to hit his mind was what to do on this day. Not having anything specific and seeing the sand once more Crylon's mind hit upon Reimancy. He had spent some time a bit earlier in the season working on it, and with nothing to do he figured today was a good day to work on it some more. He still had so much to learn and improve upon. And what had he been thinking of last time? Something about bringing his Res to the sand instead of vice versa. Moving a bit away from his tent and wearing just a pair of bottoms Crylon sat upon the sand and closed his eyes. Once more he focused his mind, clearing it as best he could, thinking on magic. His res. The power within him. Slowly willing it to surface. This time though he tried to just focus on the task without going through the entire thing, struggling mentally and holding one hand out palm up. Focusing on res coming out... He kept at this for a bit, until finally... Nothing. With a sigh he returned to his normal method, picturing a room. A dark room slowly lighting up... A forge, of course. The flames in the smithy flickering to life. The smell of smoke... The sound of hammers striking metal... And a door at the back of the room. Inside that was a dark cave, smooth stone dug out from a mountain... And in the middle he pictured a familiar scene he usually saw with his magic. A mineshaft with cut sides, and full of grains of black sand. Reaching in he pulled, willing it to be his res, for his djed to work and turn and form into res emitting from his body. He dug in with his fingers and pulled, willing it to rise, to come forth, to exude... And then feeling something, a change, magic, he opened his eyes to see... A tiny puff of res. Letting out another sigh he shook his head, seeing it was once more only a tiny bit. More. For any proper practice he would need more. And so silently he dug back in, closing his eyes and thrusting his mental hand back into the black grains. WC: 513 |