[Verified by Gossamer] Esefir

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Postby Esefir on February 16th, 2023, 11:35 am

E s e f i r


RACE Konti
SEX Female
AGE 24 (konti adolescence)
BIRTHDATE 81 Summer 499AV
BIRTHPLACE Mura, Konti Isle
OCCUPATION Apprentice Ranger (½ wage 2.5GM)
RELIGION Avalis, Laviku
GNOSIS Divination, gifted at birth

     Esefir, like all her Konti sisters, is a little short in stature, standing at five foot four inches tall, and slight of build. Possessing of the lightest blonde hair, which reaches the middle of her back, and tends to dry in waves after being wet. Other tell-tale signs of her origins lie in the gills behind her ears, the light webbing between her fingers and toes, and a cascade of iridescent scales, which shimmer across her shoulders and swirl about her feet and legs, tracing lightly up her neck to her jawline. While some of her sisters' scales are Leth-like, with cool, silvery tones, Esefir's takes after Syna's energy, shining a subtle gold in the light, giving her a hint of a sun-kissed glow to her, otherwise, light complexion.
    As do most of her sisters, Esefir possesses a divination gnosis, gifted to her by Avalis at her birth. It appears like a stylised lily tattoo on the back of her left calf amid her scales, it shimmers a luminous blend of pink and gold.
    She smiles easily, tends to cry easily as well; her heart-shaped face is an expressive display of every emotion going on within. Despite her small stature, from all her life spent swimming, there is a toned, wiry tenacity in her build. Strangers usually underestimate her at first glance and get a surprise by her sharp strength and agility, which Esefir is proud of. Besides her notable konti features, are her green eyes, possessing of a gaze intense and searching.


The Rebel — Esefir is incredibly independent, she tends to do her own thing and likes to find her own way. At times this had made her insolent or rebellious towards those who she finds overly stifling. Rules don't hold much meaning to the konti, although she believes in morality and has an even sense of right from wrong. It is that the konti hates more than anything being told what to do. Although she isn't rebellious just for the sake of it—if she trusts the authority, the konti can be tame, eager to please even. It's earning her respect in the first place, by listening to her, and giving her a chance to show up as she is. It's not that she is wild, as other konti might experience her. Like other konti, there is a feeling of peace about her—when she is allowed to be herself, to not sit still, to explore—the calm of water in flow—even if a riptide.

The Lost Girl — Esefir does feel a sense of abandonment, having left her mother so young. Part of her does possess the self-doubt of youth. Has she done the right thing? Is this the right path for her? She has little experience of the world outside of the stories she used to listen to, the books she read cover-to-cover in a day, and so there is a naivety about her and an uncertainty. She hides it well under a thick armour of sarcasm. The konti has found that prayers help ease her anxieties, and spends a great deal of time contemplating her faith and the gods. Esefir seeks her Calling—looking for herself in the process.

Little Sister — Wherever the konti wanders, she deeply impacts and is deeply impacted by those around her. She smiles easily, cries easily, and angers easily—wearing her heart on her sleeve. At times this can make her seem an easy target, easily manipulated—and this is usually a false impression of her. Born the youngest of five sisters, amid a matriarchy of Seers—Esefir knows how to stand up for herself with all of the snark of the kid-sister. Yet she is, when it comes to it, kind-hearted. She'd rather make a silly face to cheer you up, than hold a grudge for long.


        Esefir was born the youngest of five sisters on Konti Isle. Asthe youngest, she had a tendency to vie for attention, as her mother and grandmother had other important duties to attend to, guiding and preparing their older daughters for their roles in the world. As such, Esefir grew wild, restless. She was labelled a troublemaker, unable to sit still for too long, but she was just curious, imaginative. This konti wasn't designed for the grand courts to be a sage and steady advisor, or a seer—but, an explorer, perhaps.

As Esefir's gift meant she could sense wherever home was, she could never really get herself lost, so Esefir grew up with a design after the adventurous, trusting wholly—sometimes naively—in her gift to keep her from harms' way. Esefir didn't get on much with her sisters, who saw her as a nuisance—and generally felt cool around her. Their mother often made them take Esefir with them wherever they went, hoping their calmer natures might rub off on her. It was to little avail.

   " She's wild, what can be done with her?" The Konti threw her hands up in exasperation, "Never will she sit still for her studies, or even just to eat dinner. Meditation doesn't work, that girl's got too much imagination to find any peace." —Esefir's Mother

Esefir did, however, adore her eldest sister, who travelled often to the courts of Syrilas to be an advisor. Whenever her beloved sister visited the isle, Esefir hung on her every word, as she described the world beyond the Konti shores. They wrote to one another often, and as Esefir poured out all her troubles to her sister, against their mother's wishes, her sister eventually told her about The Calling that some Konti experienced, those not destined to stay on the Isle.

A letter from Esefir's Sister— "Dearest Sister,
     Your last letter has moved the oceans in me,
my heart breaks for you. I know how very deeply you feel the currents of the world. I wish I could help you love yourself better, as your eldest sister I feel I have failed you in that regard. You are wonderful, Esie, you bring light and laughter wherever you go. I wish you saw yourself, really. I know mother would have us all one way, I know you say the others think of you as disruptive, but I know you're meant for somewhere.
       Oh my little Esie, I hope you follow your own current—listen to your heart—go wherever it is that you're needed. Because your gifts are needed, somewhere. I will see you very soon, my love, and I will tell you all about The Calling...."

   When Esefir's grandmother, who she also had unending affection for, died, she put her Suvai into Esefir's hands and spoke words of inspiration to her—find the purpose for her gift. With her eldest sister's help, Esefir made plans to leave Mura, and seek her Calling. Her mother was furious, and forbid Esefir to leave Mura before her studies were over, but her sister was a rallying support and helped her onto a ship with a merchant who was sailing to Syka.

       "Oh ay, that girl there's a konti, ay. But she's a bit feral like, not serene or that like them others I've see. She was on m'ship naught two days and I found 'er up the crow's nest! A tiny waife of a thing like her. I mean, just last night I had to give her swabbing duties fer being in my cabin. Pouring over me maps, so she was. I don't know what she was looking, mind, when I asked 'er, she didn't seem to either, like, she says, 'just seeing what's out there'. I couldn' help laugh. 'Minds me of someone I used to know...always asking questions, always curious 'bout the world. I suppose I'm a tad to blame; keep tellin' 'er these stories, fillin' 'er 'ed. Well, she did swab 'em decks well an' good, so 'e can't be bad to her, eh. Found my book I lost, you know, the one about survivin' in the jungles, good ol' Rob'N'Cruze, in her pack. Great book that, full of knowledge on wilderness survival. Just a kid, y'know, with a big heart. 'Minds me of myself, some times, heh. Taking her to Syka, as promised to her sister, you know. Good luck to 'em, keeping her, they'll need gallons of patience, and then some, ha!" —Captain of A Merchant Ship Headed For Syka

     Esefir regrets the way in which she and her mother parted, yet there's an undeniable rightness in this new path and she knows deeply she must follow her heart—wherever that Calling will lead her.


Esefir can sense the direction of "home", wherever it is that she anchors herself. No matter how far, the konti can see a golden glow on the horizon—the closer, the stronger the glow, the farther she is, the weaker the glow. The sensing is unmarred by poor weather, even in a thick fog, the konti will see the tinge of a glow, even if obscured slightly, in the direction which will lead her to wherever home is for her. In a forest, it will appear to her as if the sun is shining brightly through the trees, if she is in the mountains there will be a golden glow on the ridgeline she needs to follow. Unfortunately, the glow doesn't help her find the way home—only the direction—so she has to find her way around physical obstacles in the path.

When Esefir focuses on the glow, or follows it, a warmth and sense of familiarity washes over her, a feeling of relief and nostalgia. This means, even when she can't see, say her eyes are covered or she is blinded, she can still sense the direction, though it might be harder to follow it this way. At times, when the konti feels conflicted on where "home" is, the glow is lost too.


KONTINESE fluent  COMMON basic  TUKANT poor

Medicine 10RB 10 Novice
Unarmed Combat 15SP 15 Novice
Weapon: Suvai 10SP 10 Novice
Wilderness Survival: Ocean 25SP 25 Novice

* Note from the Swimming Skill Lore: As konti are natural swimmers, swimming XP cannot/need not be earnt


Medicine: Disinfect an open wound to prevent infection
Wilderness Survival: Making fire in damp conditions


Simple Shirt (1)
Simple Pants (1)
Simple Undergarments (1)
Simple Coat (1)
Simple Boots (1)
Powder-blue silk dress (1)

Wood comb (1)
Wood toothbrush (1)
Toothpowder (4oz)
Soap (1)
Face powder (2oz)
Lip pomade (1oz)
Rouge (2oz)
Scented Water (6oz)

Backpack (1)
Eating knife (1)
Flint & steel (2)
Waterskin (1)
Fishing tackle & hooks (1)
Large tarp (1)
Rope (100ft)
Lantern (1)
Bedroll (1)
Blanket (1)
Sykan Survival Knife (1)
Woodsman's knife (1)

Balanced rations (7)

HEIRLOOM - Her Grandmother's Suvai with scabbard and belt: A weapon with three sharp spiral prongs carved from the horns of a white whale. The horn is toxic to non-Konti, causing extra damage when blood is drawn


Esefir lives in tarp-shelters at the moment, moving according to need. In harsh weather she intends to rent a room at her local inn.


330GM  5SM  9CM

Scented water (6oz) -3 330.59
Powder puff -0.2 333.59
Rouge (2oz) -0.2 333.79
Lip pomade (1oz) -0.1 333.99
Face powder (2oz) -0.2 334.09
Dyed, Small, Silk Dress with buttons -1.95 334.29
Sykan survival knife -23 336.24
Woodsman knife -0.5 359.24
Torch sᴘ +0.02 359.74
Torch sᴘ +0.02 359.72
Toothpowder -0.3 359.7
Wood toothbrush -3 360
Wood brush sᴘ +3 363
Large tent (sᴘ) +10 360
Horse & tack (sᴘ) +250 350
GAME START sᴘ +100 100

All currency in mizas unless otherwise stated


3 As Darkness Falls Moderated thread

Last edited by Esefir on July 31st, 2023, 6:25 pm, edited 59 times in total.
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