Did you know you can cut lines of coke with Drano?
Some things you learn from experience, some (most) from Wikipedia, but what I know now is that getting me to come back to Mizahar was easier than getting that pair of drunk women to make out at the Halloween party the other night. That I instigated. Digression, I should make a heartfelt statement filled with a myriad of pretty things and deep emotions, but watching my roommate tear things apart on the giant TV in my face inspires little more than violent drudgery. The real meat of the returning festival is all the new faces you have to learn. Friends you have to make. There are certainly some folks I recognize, some I never lost contact with, but having to figure out who is an ass, who is awesome, and who I want to strangle with a live snake is a chore all in itself. It's not that I don't care, I just don't care. I'm glad to be back into a site where I can pursue my creative obsession with a bit of history, but I don't think I want to do all of that. Again. For a third time. I can spew witty anecdotes and smile at people I'd just as soon stab and - when all is written in its hypocrisy - I will, of course, fall into the same bullshit, I'd rather just beat my head against my keyboard until some sort of story comes out.
God I love streaming my consciousness all over a public forum. You must too, otherwise you are Captain fucking Magic for getting this far. I can clout this post with all sorts of fun bits. Whether it's an evolving life style that has never really changed, moving across a country, or hurling the entire course of my life down a separate, far less successful path, none of it would get the detail it deserves. And hey, this opening up
stuff has never really been my
thing. Really. Anyway. I'm not going to apologize this time. I don't rightly believe anyone gives a damn and I certainly feel no guilt over it, so instead of weepy exchanges I'll dive right back into half-cocked story lines and sub-par adventures.
And there's a thought. Does anyone "important" even care? You're always curious about your reputation, what everyone thinks of you, what they wanted to think of you when you left. Does it matter? To a point, for sure, my ego won't let it not matter, but the thing about matter is that it is awfully volatile. You never know when it's going to right up explode. Maybe it's better not to know. Then again, knowing is half the battle. Whatever battle that is. I imagine it has lots of men in clean uniforms chasing their own tails around a beach condominium.
Silliness and cocaine, funny stories and dumb ideas, damn good relationships and wasted break ups, perhaps even a little bit of humor and a happy ending, one of these days I'll be able to sum it all up in a grandiose tale of insidious intent. So until next time favored reader, stay strong, live long, and have plenty of sex.
"Why in pluperfect hell would you piss on a corpse?"