[Verified by Gossamer] Skaye

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Postby Skaye on July 19th, 2023, 3:24 pm



Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Birthday: Fall 13, 498 AV
Birthplace: Ravok

Appearance: It's said that her body was carved from marble, but that's a lie, like many of the others she has whispered into the night. The truth is far simpler than that; she was born of man and woman and grew until she was 5'7. She lacks the weight of prolonged years upon the earth, the muscle of one who works hard, of a man. Encased in a slender frame, Skaye has porcelain skin, akin to a delicate alabaster. Her pale skin is accentuated by the stark contrast of her dark hair, the color of a raven's feathers, which tumbles over her shoulders and cascades down her back in a silken waterfall.

High cheekbones lend an air of elegance to her countenance, while her lips, tinged with a soft, rosy hue, offer a gentle contrast to the pallor of her skin. However, it is her eyes that tend to capture the most attention. They are a mesmerizing shade of grey-green that seem to shift with both light and darkness, like the calm before a storm.

Skaye bears the mark of her god between her shoulder blades. It is the color of burnt blood, a series of thin, wavering tendrils that look like they could be the beginning of a spider web or a more abstract sun.

Character Concept

In the manner of all wise folk hailing from the dark city that is Ravok, Skaye harbors a profound affection for her home and the deity presiding over its shadowed spires. An inexhaustible wellspring of enmity courses through her being, fierce and unyielding, for those who dare defy Rhysol and his revered precepts. Skaye, a scheming and cunning woman, knows no bounds when it comes to ensnaring her desires, even if it means thrusting a blade into another's back.

With a demeanor as cold as the wintry mountains, she conducts her machinations with meticulous precision, her trustworthiness hanging by a slender thread. Beneath her veneer of icy composure lies a heart as relentless as a forge's bellows, stoked with fanaticism for the dissemination of Rhysol's gospel throughout the land, drawing the worthy to her side like moths to a beckoning flame.

In the quiet chambers of her mind, she nurtures a fervent vision — to witness the dominion of Rhysol cast its shroud over the entirety of the world, and to ascend the ranks of the Ebonstyfe, becoming a high-ranking emissary in the grand tapestry of his shadowed design.

Character History

In the early days of Autumn, in the year 523 AV, Skaye came into this world, the cherished offspring of two devoted parents who aspired to ascend the social echelons of their beloved Ravok. The Lauriers, a family with aspirations conspicuously etched upon their hearts, fervently sought to win the favor of well-established Ravokian families. To this end, they diligently channeled their energies and that of their sole progeny into the family's enterprises, assuming the roles of gifted informants among other things.

Just as all children born within the shadowed embrace of Ravok, Skaye was reared to hold an unwavering love for her city and the god who reigned supreme within its enigmatic confines — the Lord of Lies, Rhysol. While she engaged in occasional play with the few peers of her age, her bonds of friendship remained scarce, for a substantial portion of her formative years were spent under the exacting tutelage of her parents. By the tender age of ten, she had acquired a rudimentary understanding of hypnotism, a skill wielded with varying degrees of finesse, an art her mother had masterfully applied in her profession.

In her father's realm of expertise, she was schooled in the arts of combat, both weaponless combat and the employment of smaller blades, suited to her more delicate frame. By her sixteenth year, she could actually believe the lie she whispered to herself: that she could hold her own in a skirmish with him, yet the chasm between their strengths and skills remained a formidable one. Should she ever entertain notions of matching or surpassing him, a lengthy path of dedication and discipline lay ahead.

As she marked her twentieth year, an ember of ambition ignited within her, as she expressed her ardent desire to join the revered ranks of the Ebonstyfe. With fervor, she pursued their acceptance, petitioning for admission into their fellowship. Regrettably, the discerning eyes of the Ebonstyfe found her abilities lacking, and they withheld their endorsement. Nevertheless, their rejection did not extinguish the fire in Skaye's heart. Rather, it served as a crucible, a test of her unwavering determination.

Undeterred, she has embarked on a relentless journey to enhance her skills, resolute in her pursuit of their approval. She has yearned for nothing more than to be an instrument in the dissemination of Rhysol's doctrine across the realm and ascend to the zenith of the Ebonstyfe's hierarchy, becoming one of their most esteemed and eminent members.
Last edited by Skaye on December 29th, 2023, 4:10 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby Skaye on November 4th, 2023, 2:07 pm


Fluent Language: Common


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Dagger 20 SP 20 Novice
Hypnotism 15 RB 15 Novice
Seduction 20 SP 20 Novice
Unarmed Combat 10 SP 10 Novice


Seduction: Making "Bedroom Eyes"
Religion: Rhysol - Lord of Lies


1 - Chaon


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Black Dress
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Black Cloak
-Simple Boots
-Twin Cold Steel Daggers
1 Backpack which contains:
-1 Waterskin
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 Eating Knife
-Flint & Steel
-A One-Person Tent
-50 ft. Hemp Rope

Heirloom: Requiem: a flametongue her mother used to own. Given to her by her mother upon her 16th birthday.


Location: Sunberth

House: Skaye is currently traveling about and spends her time either in an inn or within the walls of a shoddily-built tent.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
House Cash-In +500 GM 600 GM
A One-Person Tent -2 GM 598 GM
2 Daggers of Cold Steel -6 GM 592 GM
50-ft Rope (Hemp) -1 GM 591 GM
Last edited by Skaye on December 29th, 2023, 4:06 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby Skaye on November 4th, 2023, 2:08 pm

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