Lance's Plotnotes

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This forum is an OOC forum for PCS and Organizations to work out plans in hardcopy. Each PC or Organization gets a single thread where their players can help work out plans for their PC. Quests, mini-sagas, and Trips can all be organized here as well working out timelines and points of travel and things PCs need to do along the way. Each PC however gets only one Plotnote for their individual PC. Groups get one as well. There is no limit on individuals posting saga or trip plotnote threads. Please denote [PC Plotnotes] or [Group Plotnotes] or [Quest/Trip/Saga Plotnotes] when titling your threads.

Lance's Plotnotes

Postby Lance Windhelm on October 25th, 2023, 5:34 pm

IC Goals <- FALL 523 -> :
Complete first Job threads: 1st: 4/4 2nd: 0/4
Stealth: 0/20
Weapon: Dagger: 0/20

IC Long term goals:
Bardic Shadow Wizard

Ancent weapon
Sloop, 24000 gm
Magical Tome he can learn magics from

Lore: About the Gods
Lore: Any about different cities
Lore: About Magics
Lore: Battles
Lore: Laws
Lore: Nights Eyes
Lore: Daggerhands

Wanted Skills:
Musical Instrument- Flute: MASTER
Weapon-Dagger: MASTER
Unarmed Combat: MASTER
Carpentry: COMPETENT
Philosophy: COMPETENT

Magic Interest:
I want Lance to eventually become a very well known and powerful Mage throughout Mizahar. His love for music and seeing how it can change people will translate well into his love for the mystic arts. Being able to bring change to himself, help others, and most importantly, make a name for himself. His drive for moving around in the world will hopefully expose him to a wide verity of techniques and people, shaping him along the way.

(Open to all magic abilities)

Wanted Items:
Magical Dagger
Tome to learn Magics from
Last edited by Lance Windhelm on November 10th, 2023, 6:49 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Lance Windhelm
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Lance's Plotnotes

Postby Lance Windhelm on October 30th, 2023, 10:17 am

NaNo Tracker:

1. Only Time will Tell WC=5815
1.2. Only time will tell pt 2 WC=(R) 5871
2. Stabbing in The Wind WC= (R) 430
3. A meal to Meddle WC=2095
3.2 A Meal to Meddle: pt 2 WC= (R) 2492
4. A Dagger in and a Dagger Out WC= (R) 2838
5. Music of The Night WC= (R) 2440
6. A Challenge to Adventure WC=2475
7. An Arrow in The Wind WC= (R) 1590

Running Total: 26536
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Lance Windhelm
Posts: 61
Words: 74164
Joined roleplay: October 21st, 2023, 7:51 pm
Race: Human
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