Solo Lets Try Gardening - Basil

Eva gets some seeds and plants Basil first

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Lets Try Gardening - Basil

Postby Evalynn Frostfawn on November 3rd, 2023, 5:20 pm

Fall 20th-26th, 523AV

Eva rocked her small child in her arms as he suckled from her tit. She had a new hobby in front of her that she has always wanted to try, and now seemed to be a good time to do it. On the table in front of her was a three inch planter pot, two seed packs, and a small spade and hoe. She had gotten these supplies back when she was in Syka, as they had suddenly appeared in her home one day. It was very strange, but also something she was trying to do for a while, so she accepted them without question. Actually, she had received other items too that she forgot about and was kind of happy to have them.

Either way, she now had the items needed for gardening out in front of her. She picked up a seed pack and looked it over, finding a name and furrowing her brow. What was Vyfox? She had neer heard of this kind of plant before and pursed her lips at the strange instructions on the back. Setting that one down, she picked up the other and found that one to be called Lidgefar. What? This one was just as strange as the other.

“Am I going to be able to grow these with no knowledge? There are only three seeds in a pack.”

She mumbled to herself before putting the seeds down and tending to her son who had finished eating. She put him on her shoulder to burp and softly rocked him as she wandered away from the table to think. The packs instructed her to plant them in soil, but did it have to be from the preferred regions or could it be any soil? Both plants had vastly different preferences in where they usually grow, and Sunberth did not seem to fit that bill. But would it matter if she was planting it in a pot? Wait, she only had one pot. She would need to go buy a new one, and that meant a trip to the market. Honestly, she may as well try buying new seeds as well. Ones preferably easier to grow for a beginner and being indoors.

Eva called out to Moritz through the house to let him know she was heading to the market and was taking the child. She grabbed a long piece of fabric and started wrapping the child close to her body on her back, making sure they were snug and secure. They would usually protest and want to try to walk, but today, they seemed to enjoy the view. Eva then grabbed a small pouch, some snacks for her child, and a few coins of gold before making her way out of the house.

She tracked her way through the silence of the area and made it into the city without much difficulty. Heading to the market, Eva began the search for her seeds and made her way over to an herbalist, Hanhi’s Herbologie to be exact. Logic said they should have knowledge on basic plants good for the indoors and beginners.However, Eva quickly realized that she didn’t have a clue how to get to the shop as she had never been there. So here she was, sort of standing at the edge of the market, now a bit lost but trying not to show it. So, Eva had approached a woman to begin her journey into finding the herbalist shop.

“Excuse me ma’am, I am trying to find the herbalist shop. Do you know where it might be?” Eva didn’t get too close, but just close enough to be able to hear her talk.

The woman turned and pointed to the south west, explaining that she believes its in that direction. When Eva asks for a bit more information, the woman clicks her tongue and walks away, mumbling about greed. She watched her walk away before she sighed and made her way in the direction the woman pointed. She walked for a chime or two before stopping a man and asking the same question. He pointed to the south and explained that Eva would need to head down this alley to the next street and follow it west a bit more, the shop should be on the right but he was still uncertain. Eva nodded and thanked the man, taking off and heading down the alley that the man suggested.

WC: 738

Last edited by Evalynn Frostfawn on November 18th, 2023, 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lets Try Gardening - Basil

Postby Evalynn Frostfawn on November 3rd, 2023, 5:21 pm

Eva felt eyes on her from behind, and when she turned, the man who gave the directions before stood at the end of the alley. Eva instinctively put her hand on her dagger and began to take it out before the man paused and turned to walk away. At that, she quickened her paces to get out of the short alley and into the street. It took another chime or so before Eva once again had to ask another individual for directions. This one seemed to be a merchant, so she hoped they were knowledgeable about it.

“Oh little lass, you are nowhere near there. The shop is on the north east side of town, along the edge of the river near Robern’s Reaches. Take this road east until you reach Orinthal, then to north until you hit the river. Take that river road north and you will easily find the shop then. Once you get close you will notice a scent of herbs and such.” The man winks and taps his nose. “Just trust this right here and it won't betray you when finding the shop.”

She thanked the man and made her way down the road before turning onto the road the man mentioned. Eva was a bit irritated about the whole circle she was having to walk, and was slowly losing her energy as she carried her child on her back, who was now getting irritated at being held. She calmed the child some with a few snacks she had packed and started walking again, realizing that the place she had come into the city from home was near the herbalist's shop. She groaned and made her way down the rivers road before finally picking up on the scents of herbs and oils.

It took about two bells and a chime to find the shop, but now Eva was in front of the place and it looked like a small residential building. It was much nicer than the dilapidated places around and the added flora gave it a homely feel. With no more thought to it, Eva went in and was greeted by the chime of a bell. Inside, Eva was then met with a woman with slightly curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. They had a slight almond shape to them and a gentle smokiness from what seemed to be make up. Her features were soft and gentle and her build looked petite as well.

“Hello, I was looking for some recommendations of plants good for a beginner. Specifically, ones I can grow mostly indoors.” Eva inquired as she approached the counter with a smile. The herbalist seemed to smile with a nod and grabbed a couple of packs of seeds.

“Here you go ma'am. These seeds are easy to grow and versatile as they can be used in cooking once mature and some medicines. Would you like some basic knowledge on these plants? I can give you the information with just a little bit of silver.” Eva was considering the information before nodding, inquiring about the price difference. “Without the knowledge, everything will total to about three gold and five silver. I will pitch in the knowledge for an extra two silver and even write it down for you.”

Eva gave the herbalist three gold and seven silver before stowing away the seeds in her pack. She was told to browse around the shop while she waited, and that she did. Cooing to her child to sleep, Eva took a slow stroll around the peaceful shop and looked at baby things. She didn’t notice it before, but the scent of lavender and sage began to make her feel relaxed and protected. It is probably a reason why the weight on her back felt like it increased and a gentle snoring followed.

WC: 637

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Evalynn Frostfawn
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Lets Try Gardening - Basil

Postby Evalynn Frostfawn on November 8th, 2023, 5:30 pm

“Miss, I have finished writing your journal.” The woman called Eva over and opened up the book. “Alright, so on this page, I listed each herb that you bought in the order of how fast they grow. On this page, you can see the name of the plant and what the seed looks like. If that isn't helpful then just match the color of the seed pack to the color I have written here.” She flipped a couple more pages and got to a list. “These are growing instructions. For basil, you will need to plant them into loose, damp soil about a half inch deep. It also says you can use heat from the bottom to speed up germination, which is the first growth of the plant.”

Eva took in all the information before she smiled and gave the girl another silver before thanking her and leaving to head back home. She was excited to apply the information she got into her gardening experience, and finally decided on a use for the journal she bought so long ago. She was on cloud nine until the child on her back began to fuss, then she was focused on getting home as soon as possible to feed them. It only took a bell to get home and get a snack ready for her kid and get them sat down to eat. After that, she made her way over to the table and pulled out her seeds and put them down with the notebook before heading to the room to get changed into something fit for gardening.

When she returned, she immediately grabbed the notebook and started to figure out what seeds she was given. Green was basil, blue was mint, and there was even a red one which sait it was chives. The colors definitely helped her find what seeds were what and therefore helped her organize them in the book as well. Now that she had the seeds organized, Eva turned her attention to getting the pots ready for the plants. She took one of her three inch pots and scooped some soil into it until there was roughly an inch of headspace on top. Opening the basil seed pack, she carefully struggled to take out three tiny seeds and placed them in the soil with roughly an inch in between. She then carefully covered them with a thin layer before watering the plant according to the instructions in the book.

“Alright, so it says to leave in a warm and sunny area. Well, Sunberth is always warm and sunny, so maybe on the window sill in the room? It gets nice sun.” Eva muttered to herself as she read and raised a brow. “Oh, I need to put some clear plastic over it? For humidity and germination? I don’t know what that means, but I am following the instructions.”

She searched around the house before coming across a small piece of plastic and a bit of thread. She tied it on top of the pot before taking a small skewer and poking a tiny hole in the center. She was worried that the seeds would suffocate and wouldn't grow right if she left them covered. It was the one thing she decided to not follow in the instructions.

WC: 549

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