Sentalia's Plot Notes

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This forum is an OOC forum for PCS and Organizations to work out plans in hardcopy. Each PC or Organization gets a single thread where their players can help work out plans for their PC. Quests, mini-sagas, and Trips can all be organized here as well working out timelines and points of travel and things PCs need to do along the way. Each PC however gets only one Plotnote for their individual PC. Groups get one as well. There is no limit on individuals posting saga or trip plotnote threads. Please denote [PC Plotnotes] or [Group Plotnotes] or [Quest/Trip/Saga Plotnotes] when titling your threads.

Sentalia's Plot Notes

Postby Sentalia on October 19th, 2024, 6:50 pm

Primary Character Goals

I. Continuously develop the following core group of skills until the level of Expert is reached, no matter how long it takes:

    Wilderness survival
    Apiculture (bee raising)

These skills form the basis of her worldly life and her means of earning money.

II. Become a Witch

Though her mind is inextricably linked to Leth as an Ethaefall, he doesn't take much active involvement in her life until much later on. In the meantime, both out of necessity and fascination, she develops strong associations with Caihya as she learns to embrace the flora and fauna of the land she fell to. Parts of the general plan to become a witch/phylonurist/gnosis-bearer are as follows:

    - Become a priestess of Caihya by earning 3 of her gnosis marks

    - Acquire many different lores of plants and animals

    - Develop strong familiarity with the language of botanical description

    - Care for sick and wounded animals wherever possible, or otherwise put them out of their misery with a swift mercy-killing

    - Simply observe life around her with ever-increasing awareness and precision

    - Learn to write and eventually create a "Codex Floralis", a botanist's and nature lovers' journal and compendium of floral life

    - Encounter and develop at least three magical disciplines to a high degree of competency


III. Business plans

    - Eventually develop an apiary and sell bee products (honey, wax, etc.)

    - Dive deep into the art of flower-arranging and sell bouquets of different themes

    - Collect and sell different fruits, make a juicing station

    - Become an herbalist; sell different teas for varying purposes

    - Create botanical salves, ointments, creams etc. for sale

    - Become proficient in the art of bartering and bargaining to get best prices

    - Eventually create/open a papermaking workshop with employees and botanical info leaflets/brochures

IV. Become fluent in all three starting languages

    Common (fluent to start)
    Fratava (basic to start)
    Kontinese (poor to start)

V. Long term goals:

    - Start some sort of Archaeology guild or society to systematically examine local ruins

    - Politely talk with Gossamer/other players about the possibility of eventually developing the gnosis of Qalaya

    - Coordinate with others to construct a "library temple tower" (perhaps through Animation Magic?) that houses written archives of personal histories, botanical information, artistic creations, mercantile bookkeeping, a literacy centre, devotionals, cookbooks, etc.

    - Special access archaeology library that addresses the pre-Valterrian ruins in Syka

    - Create a shrine of Qalaya with regular devotional service and trance states of automatic writing (connection with spiritism/mediumship??)

    - Train translators, scribes, calligraphers specifically for the temple's encyclopaedias

    - Travel to different parts of Mizahar on trade excursions to explore and document and then return to Syka

    Write 1,008 prayers and praises to Leth
    Write 108 prayers and praises to Caihya
    Write 81 dream threads

More details and plotting to come!
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Flowers are also feelings
Posts: 18
Words: 16980
Joined roleplay: October 17th, 2024, 5:47 pm
Race: Ethaefal
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