Hey there!
I've been reading the lore quite thoroughly because I don't want to begin playing before at least being comfortable with some basic elements, and while reading, this particular idea came to me that I'd like to share with you guys.
Since I'm some sort of a neat freak I'd like to have a character that's consistent with its avatar, or vice versa.
I really like my current avatar, especially after photoshopping some runes onto his forehead, in an attempt to emulate the body transfer ritual's repercussions on the new host as described in the Nuit race page (although I'm not sure if these painted runes would stay on a body after the transfer is complete).
You'll notice the avatar doesn't have nostrils or mouth, and appears to be blind. Although Nuit don't need to breathe or eat, it would be difficult to explain exactly how he would verbally interact with other characters. That's when I thought about using magic... Now I've read that the use of magic in Mizahar is quite frowned upon and that massive negative consequences could come upon the user, so I'd like to ask just exactly how much is too much, and give this specific example of application.
I thought about comunicating using a form of air based Reimancy. Ghede would expel his Res, converting it into air, for the single purpose of creating air compressions and distentions around him, effectively making... sounds!
Another question about the fact the he doesn't have a mouth: would this make the body transfer ritual impossible, since it involves vomiting ichor onto another corpse? Would Nuit be able to expel ichor from other orifices (eyes, ears, pores, or self-made cuts?)
So to summarize:
1. Can I use air elemental Reimancy to talk? What level of mastery would that require? Would I be able to start with that magic knowledge or would I have to learn it during my adventures?
2. Can a Nuit perform body-transfer if one or both of the bodies doesn't have a mouth?
3. Am I over-analyzing?