Spring 17, 511 AV
Dimitri was sitting atop a rock overlooking a muddy brown lake. He had been creeping through the wood looking for something to shoot and bring back to town. He followed a set of tracks, unknowingly, for nearly two bells. After giving up, he continued exploring the woods, cautiously of course. Then he came across an amazing site for fishermen. He saw a lake, with a rocky outcrop, perfect for fishing. But that wasn't the best part. There were rainbow colored fish leaping out of the water. He was intensely overjoyed that he had brought his fishing pole and kit today instead of his axe and shield. But out of necessity brought his sword.
He began stringing his pole. He didn't attach a wooden bobber or metal sinker though. He simply figured if the fish were leaping out of the water they would eat off the surface. So he strung the hook and tightly knotted it, cutting the excess with his teeth. He then strung a worm on it and prepared to cast from a sitting position. He whipped his hand forward and watched the baited hook land atop the water. He then watched as the hook was ignored for a whole bell while the fish continued leaping. He didn't understand at all.
Meanwhile as he sat there, he was being bitten constantly by these huge mosquitos. Their bodies were about an inch long. He'd swat and swat but they kept coming back. One flew down toward his face and he managed to snag it out of the air in his fingers. He flicked it toward the water. As it neared the surface he watched a fish leap out of the water, swallow it whole, and splash back down. This epiphany dumb struck him. They leap out of the water for the mosquitos! He knew he would soon have him a fine fish.