Notice: As of the 41st of Fall, 512 AV, the CEB was destroyed by the terrorist group known as the Rising Dawn. UPDATE: As of Spring 517, all CEB business will be handled by the Citizen Registration Office. Located in the City Center in relatively close proximity to the Vitrax is The Center for Employment and Business Licensing. A building of medium size and built much like the rest of the structures in Ravok, the Center, also referred to as the CEB, is the central location for all things business. It is operated by high ranking members of the Ebonstryfe tasked to oversee all matters of civilian business and employment within the city. If one wishes to establish a business in Ravok, the must seek the permission of the CEB and abide by its rules. If one wishes to attain some form of employment within Ravok, they must register with the CEB. This may be done at the CEB or is done automatically when someone is granted a job directly by a business owner. While outsiders may consider the CEB as an extreme form of order and control; ironic in a city controlled by the God of Chaos, it should be noted that it is The Voice who oversees the majority of all official operations within Ravok is quite organized and focused. For those wishing to establish a business, the CEB also can give out small business loans. Inside the CEB, visitors are directed to one of a handful of desks where officials can answer questions and help citizens gain employment or start their own business. Procedures Secret :