- that thy brain must know;
- such harmonious madness
- from my lips would flow.
- The world should listen then, as I am listening now.
-Percy Blysse Shelley, Ode to a Skylark
Victor Lark ![]() [Overview] A male human, age 20, born Winter 24, 491. [Appearance] His grey eyes, light olive skin, and soft edges are characteristic of the beautiful and hedonistic Lark family. His dark hair was cut to be styled, but it has lain flat and grown long since he left home. At 5’6”, he is shorter than most of his cousins, and the habit of compensating is seen in his unconscious posture. If he is not wearing a suit, he dresses in well-fitted button-downs and colored trousers, carefully fashionable but not remarkably so. The silver chain of a necklace can always be seen on the back of his neck from beneath his shirt. While his skin is smooth from a life of luxury, his face, which has often been described as feminine, is often wrinkled with some deliberate passion. Smiles quickly turn into frowns, but these expressions are never anything but echoes of what he has observed in others. (It should be noted that, unless otherwise specified, Victor’s face holds no expression.) His recklessness has lead to a growing collection of scars. Victor sports a long mess of dark lines on his left leg, from the middle of his inner thigh to just below his knee; an arc of ten claw-marks across his chest; a pair of black circles on the inside of his bottom lip; and a thin line across each palm. On the left side of his neck, Victor wears a chevas mark that depicts a bird in flight over a crescent moon. He shares the mark with Seven Xu. [Concept] Presumably from birth, Victor has been incapable of feeling profound emotion. He is familiar with frustration, envy, curiosity, and contentment, but is otherwise ignorant to the passions that drive even the simplest men. Because he cannot feel, he also has trouble observing the feelings of others. Nonetheless, he has begun to recognize that he lacks something, and has devoted himself to the impossible mission of discovering it. He watches others, their reactions and their expressions, seduces and irritates them if only to learn more about their thoughts. He mimics what he sees because he thinks that it is the face which makes the emotion, and not the other way around. He is reckless because he is entertained by pain and adrenaline, which can be felt stronger than any emotion. When it comes to ethics, he is simply selfish. His sense of morality is dependent on the people he is with, and it is arguable that he cannot personally fathom it. Every expression is a calculation and every action is a move in the game of emotion. Because he does not understand the extent of his handicap, none can be told what he is; if they did know, they might call him empty or psychopathic. [History] Chapter One: Comfort :
Chapter Two: Rebellion :
Chapter Three: Purpose :
![]() [Skills]
Skills Accounting :
[Languages] Common (Fluent) Symenos (Poor) [Lore] Acting Like You Belong An Act Of Heroism Acrobatics: Rooftop Freerunning The Alvadas Underground Back And Forth With Mother Baiting The Curious Bandaging A Wound Battle Chatter Bending the Rules A Bittersweet Wager Bringing Out The Beast Caiyha (Partial) Calling Out To Ionu Captain Lark Cleaning a Wound (Partial) Court Etiquette Conflicting Emotions The Consequences of Magic The Crespi Residence A Curious Attraction Cutting Yourself Cutthroat Bargains Dangerous Whispers Dangers Of The Bog Dangers of Morphing Dressing A Woman Drinking Game: Truth or Strip A Drunken Brawl Falling For The Illusion Fashionable Falling Finding the Right Shop Fists Speak Louder Than Words Frailty Of Symenestra Freeing The Lark Forgetting The Truth A Game Of Boundaries A Game Of Seduction Giving Chase Guards Assume Wrong Gods And Their Marks Harassing the Youth Having An Empty Stomach Hedges That Move, Roots That Reach Hiding From Mommy Hiding In Weird Places How To Kill A Symenestra How to Smile How To Treat A Slave Ignoring The Deadly Truth In Search Of Fear It Takes Wings To Fly Jacob Nitrozian Kalinor (Partial) Kelvic Shifting Killing No One Kindling Fire The Lark’s Song Learning From The Best Making Promises A Memory Of Father Model: Seven's Vocal Apparatus Model: Seven Xu Morphing False Injuries Murder My Friend, the Murderer Not Shutting Up The Other Side Of Akalaks Overpaying For A Drink Passing The Blame Playing At The Slave Market Prying For Secrets Punched In The Face Race: Ethaefal Race: Nuit (Partial) Race: Symenestra The Ravokian Rumormill Reading Tells While Gambling Religion: Ionu Religion: Krevas Seeing The Face Of The Dead Selling a Kelvic Slave So Everyone Wins Song: Rhysol’s Ravok Staying Calm Story Of Fenwick The Fisherman Stalling For Time Standing Your Ground Staying Off The Road Stealing A Girl Stirring Up Trouble Stitching A Wound (Partial) Streetplan of Ravok Streets of Syliras Survivor of the Wild Djed Storm Sylira Wildlands (Partial) Symenestra Poison Thorren Belvare A Toast To Rhysol The Treval Codex True Fear Trust Underpaying For A Pastry Using Ale To Loosen Lips Using All Available Resources Wearing A Girl’s Face Whistling To Birds Witnessing Secret Conversations Yukmen ![]() Inventory
![]() [Residence] The Stallion's Rear upstairs bedroom: full bed, desk, chair, chest of drawers, personal trunk [Worn]
[Chest of Drawers]
[Personal Trunk]
![]() [Total] 2071 gm, 6 sm, 4 cm
[Thread List]![]() [Summer, 512] 91: [Dark Compulsion] Paragon, Seven 89: [Such Harmonious Madness] Montaine 81: [Talk is Cheap] Wrenmae 75: [The Drop-In] Tock 22: [Crossing the Angry Sea] Daske, Seven 19: [Rest in Normalcy] Nixie, Seven 17: [Which Way] Nira'lia 09: [Begun Again, Part Two] Seven 06: [Out of the Valley] Ifran [Spring, 512] 89: [Every Day The Rules Change] Mirage 54: [Luck, Be A Gentleman] Pash [Winter, 511] 52: [Out of the Frying Pan] Liandra 41: [Things Friends Don't Do] Bob [Flashbacks] [Take Your Skin Off] Murmur; 88 Fall, 506 Archive :
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