14th of Spring, 511 AV
Things had finally begun to start looking up for Marcus. After a good amount of rest, Marcus had managed get his job as a weapon smith at the Ironworks the day prior. It was the first time Marcus had been genuinely happy in a long time. He was excited to get back to work and start building up a reputation as a weapon smith. After all, it was half the reason he came to Syliras. The other half was dead, and Marcus needed to forget about it, and what better way to do that then to pound metal all day long. But no amount of smithing would be able to make him forget about the winter, but that was a musing for another day.
Marcus walked the streets of Syliras with a warm smile on his face. He wore his cloak as it was still early in the spring. Winter had not quite disappeared yet, although Marcus wished it had. The ground was damp in the early morning, most likely due to a light rain over night. But the sky was clear and Marcus expected a warm day. Marcus proudly walked forward with his father's smithing hammer at his side. He passed through the crowds with ease and once again began to feel like apart of Syliras. Rather than fighting with the crowd, he easily merged into it. Before he knew it, he had arrived at his destination, the Ironworks.
Marcus casually walked inside, as if he had been working there the entire winter. A few people who recognized Marcus gazed at him, probably wondering where he had been. A few of his co workers even shouted out and asked where he had been.
Marcus simply smiled and said "Just some personal business", although he was tempted to say "hell", but he didn't want to spark anyones curiosity. He had told the story before and realized it is better a story left untold.