[Kelvic] Wretch

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[Kelvic] Wretch

Postby Wretch on April 13th, 2011, 10:30 am


Basic Information
Race: Kelvic (Crow)
Gender: Male
Birthday: Spring 57, 497 AV
(Aged 14 yrs. - appears about 30-35 in human form)

Physical Description
Rough around the edges...

Human Form
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 157lbs.

When appearing as a man, he sports jaw length hair - black as his feathers - and maintains a two-day beard. His skin is a healthy tan, though pockmarked by occasional scarring on his chest and back, and especially his legs. He's not terribly concerned with fashion and wears loose clothing - normally simple breeches and a worn vest with a tawny undershirt. Wretch is certainly not the image of class, instead fancying a more roguish look.

On the top of his right hand, there's a Ravok slavery symbol - half a black sun - burned into his skin. He wears gloves to conceal it in his human form.

Crow Form
Wingspan: 35"
Weight: 15.9 oz.

When in the form of a bird, he's nearly unrecognizable but for the same light brown coloration of his eyes. Small scars exist on his legs still - not from anything in particular, but this is the most unprotected part of his body. Though he preens often and keeps his feathers well groomed, he can never seem to quite escape the mangy look, and molts fairly often.

Character Concept
At a glance...

Formerly Percy, short for Percius, this Kelvic took to calling himself Wretch after being abandoned by his previous bondmate. True to his corvid nature, Wretch is exceedingly clever and very adaptable, loves to play, and turns many situations into personal games. He is highly urbanized, and spends much of his time among humans in both forms. A compulsive gambler, his innate, obsessive infatuation with shiny objects - especially coins - has evolved into an insatiable lust for games of chance. It's a delectable concept that combines his two favorite things: games and money.

In human form, Wretch maintains his sharp eyesight as well as a keen sense of smell. He is ever observant and analytical, memorizing faces very easily, as well as the daily motions of traffic flow on city streets. Despite his penchant for pushing the limits and taking risks, he does display a healthy sense of caution. The moment he begins to sense danger, Wretch's immediate and most dire wish will be to escape as quickly as he can, no matter what it costs him.

Though he is capable of compassion and kindness, Wretch's primary concerns are for himself above all others - with the exception of his bondmate.

Wretch is aged and experienced for a crow, and living among humans for much of his life has given him a heightened ability to understand them through observation.

A skilled mimic...

Anyone who pays a reasonable amount of attention would conclude that for a Kelvic, Wretch is surprisingly humanized. However, someone who studies Wretch's habits more closely would realize that he merely has learned how to act human. Possessing an alarming amount of wit and candor, he's always quick with a joke and adapts to each person's conversational style - he navigates conversation easily and naturally, as opposed to seeming more animal-natured. In actuality, this is more of a tactic he's developed using his ingenuity as a crow. He has observed and learned how to use colloquial etiquette as a sort of tool to help control social situations. One might say that as a Kelvic with higher intelligence, he's simply taken the crow's trademark tool use to an entirely new level.

Wretch gives in easily to fear, dispensing no value toward notions of honor, bravery, or self sacrifice. As strong as his love is for personal trinkets and money, he values his own life above all else and will sacrifice anything and everything - even his own pride if it will save him. The one exception would be his bondmate. For all his conceit, nothing rivals his desire to please and assist the one he pledges to serve. His loyalty is very nearly unconditional, and he even displays a certain gluttony for punishment - it only makes him all the more joyful to weather a storm if his bondmate is made happier for it.

Character History
A mysterious ellipsis...

Born in Sunberth to an alleycat Kelvic, Wretch was very quickly acclimated to life in the city among its treacherous, often cutthroat denizens. After reaching maturity at just around two years, it didn't take long for an uncertain rift to grow between himself and his mother - their animal natures being naturally opposed to one another. By the time he found it in his best interests to seek his own path, she had already taught him basic street survival and other knowledge on how to get by in Sunberth.

Nameless at this point, Wretch became an adept little thief, collecting shiny objects with very little discretion (from coins to silverware to strands of wire). He soon began to learn however that some shiny objects had more value to the people of Sunberth than others, and quickly learned the value of money. He also became aware that in human form, many people expected him to present them with a name, and he took to calling himself Crow for a time. (For the sake of avoiding confusion, I'll keep using Wretch as his descriptor.)

First Bondmate: Cali

Falling victim to a devastating loneliness after parting with his mother, he began seeking out companionship among humans. He began to grow fond of a dark-skinned pirate woman who often wandered the streets in the early morning. She wore metal beads in her hair which shimmered in an absolutely delightful way, and it was easily the first thing he loved about her.
After introducing himself to the girl, named Cali, who was quite fascinated by the idea of a sentient crow, he decided he wanted her as a bondmate. The bond was made, and she began touting him as her pet, keeping him perched on her shoulder to add flavor to her character at trade deals, gambling games, and a good number of her dealings as an illicit smuggler and trader. Wretch was more than happy to accompany her, and became intrigued with gambling. He already enjoyed playing games with people, cawing at them to confuse them, distracting them to steal food, or teasing the local animals like stray dogs and cats. But here was a concept that combined his second favorite thing - games - and his most favorite thing - shiny objects. More importantly, it involved the most valuable shiny object of all: coins. So began his obsession with gambling.

When his bondmate didn't want to be disturbed, Wretch would head out on his own and try gambling for himself, with whatever money he could steal beforehand. Not surprisingly, he was terrible at it, but over time he began to understand the expressions on people's faces, the truth in lies and bluffs, and how to use both of them to his advantage.

This way of life ended when his bondmate learned that Wretch had been using some of her money to gamble. For a pirate, this was the gravest of betrayals - stealing from someone who trusts you. Pirates don't trust anyone but she trusted Wretch. Hurt, she decided to sever their bond and go her own way. Her revenge was ruthless. Asking Wretch to go into crow form, she collared him with a small metal bracelet. In this form, she had his wings clipped so that he could no longer fly (at least not until his feathers grew back). In this state, she sold Wretch to a Ravokian slaver who'd traveled to Sunberth to round up some profit.

Second Bondmate: Mathis

Upon arriving in Ravok, his collar was removed and he was instructed to change into his human form. He was then branded with the symbol of a Black Sun to solidify his place in Ravokian society as a slave. Re-collared in crow form, he was auctioned off to a new owner - a human named Mathis. Mathis then named Wretch "Percius," and he began going by Percy. (Again, to avoid confusion, I'll keep calling him Wretch.)

Mathis was a very quiet individual who rarely talked about himself. He was tall and somewhat aged, sporting long black hair traced with gray. Despite Wretch's outwardly talkative demeanor, Mathis was very patient, though stern with his new Kelvic slave. After Wretch's incessant questioning, he explained his previous bondmate's motives and the reason he was enslaved. Though Mathis firmly enforced his dominance over Wretch, he also seemed to show the Kelvic some respect as another sentient being. Mathis was demanding, but never cruel.

After some time, Wretch decided to bond with Mathis. Slavery itself did not bother him overmuch - Wretch loved servitude - but he did eventually take it to mean that he was treated like scum by most other people. Because Mathis was for the most part kind to him, he built up respect for his master and worked with him willingly. With this bond solidified, Mathis felt safe letting Wretch's wings grow out so that he could fly again.

Though Mathis used Wretch as a house slave initially, his use of flight was a sudden new tool. As a practitioner of Malediction, he used Wretch to scout out fitting subjects. Having a keen sense of vision and being naturally attracted to death, and the smell of disease among weak animals (and people for that matter), he was a great help in not only locating, but learning the life story of some of these individuals. Mathis grew in power thanks to the work of his slave.

Wretch found himself fond of Mathis, both as a master and as a mysterious, dark individual. Though Mathis was reluctant, a light romantic relationship did seem to form between them. Wretch was emotionally enthralled with the raven-haired man, but Mathis remained distant, rarely sharing of himself, and did not seem to return Wretch's emotional bond. This was fine for Wretch, who saw fit to love him anyway, as his bondmate, his master, and his romantic fascination.

To Wretch's surprise, Mathis one day brought Wretch to the Temple of the Black Sun. Though it required a good deal of effort, he went through the process of arranging for Wretch to be freed from slavery. This gesture took Wretch completely by surprise; he had no idea that Mathis cared that much for him. Wretch, again, enjoys servitude, but had reservations against being treated like nothing. Unfortunately, the black symbol on his hand could not be removed, and it remains still as a relic of his past.

There was not much time for that symbol to create much confusion with Ravok, because he and Mathis left the city shortly after. They traveled to Ahnatep, a dangerous place for humans. Mathis said he was forced to go there himself, in search of a potent venom. Lately he'd been showing interest in developing and applying poisons. Wretch was for the most part left out of Mathis' dealings in Ahnatep. The rift that had existed between them from the start seemed to grow wider.

The Bond is Severed

Shortly after their arrival, Mathis seemed to get what he need, then approached Wretch to give one last order. He asked Wretch not to follow him, then left Ahnatep. Abandoned, Wretch was both confused and devastated by Mathis' sudden departure. He began wondering if Mathis had been using him all along, and never had any feelings for him at all. He lost both his bondmate and his lover at once (even if that love had been unrequited). Feeling broken, he forsook the name Percius and adopted "Wretch," describing himself as what he thought he was.

Down, but not defeated, Wretch has gone about to make a life for himself in this new city. True to his nature, he's back in the gambling game again, learning new tricks and amassing his new wealth. His heart is weary and he's less sure of himself than he used to be, but he continues to be on the lookout for a new potential bondmate.

Skill Level Score
Larceny Competent 26
Impersonation Novice 10
Negotiation Novice 8
Persuasion Novice 6
Hunting Novice 10

Heirloom: A small, metal bracelet - given as a collar by his first bondmate.
Equipment: 1 set of Clothing, waterskin, backpack.
1 pair of Canvas Gloves
Ledger - 99gm, 99sm, 95cm
1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table (Starting Package)

Wretch owns his previous bondmate's home, a small dingy hut in one of the ruined areas in the city.[tab=Lores,#555555,white]Knowledge of Common Gambling Games
Loss of Two Previous Bondmates
Basic Street Survival - How to Scrounge up Scraps
Rudimentary Card Games
Common - Fluent
Arumenic - Basic
Snaketongue - Poor (understands several key words from some experience being around Dhani, but of course cannot speak it).


Fall, Day 67, 502AV [Flashback]The Lark and the Lyrebird - Victor Lark
Winter, Day 64, 510AV [Flashback]Into the Snake Pit - Kalasshmalah
Winter, Day 13, 509AV [Flashback]The Patience of the Hunt - Eshatoh
Last edited by Wretch on June 10th, 2011, 10:09 am, edited 4 times in total.
The crow flies at midnight.
Posts: 19
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Joined roleplay: April 13th, 2011, 2:52 am
Location: Ahnatep
Race: Kelvic
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[Kelvic] Wretch

Postby Wretch on May 11th, 2011, 10:15 pm


The following NPCs are attached to Wretch during their listed years. Both NPCs only appear in Flashback threads. For more information, feel free to send any questions my way.


(Will draw her myself eventually.)
Race: Mixed Blood (Myrian, Human)
Age: 27 (upon meeting)
Location: Sunberth
Bond Duration: Winter 499 AV - Winter 501 AV
Wretch's Given Name: Crow

Hot tempered, Cali worked closely with pirates and sailors, helping to smuggle illicit goods out of Sunberth. Capable of appearing sweet and kind one moment, and becoming ruthless and bloodthirsty the next, she usually made sure she got her way. Cali was as strong as she was irrefutably beautiful, but her real advantage lie in her many connections around Sunberth - she knew who to talk to whatever needed to be done, wherever, and whenever. Her real weakness was her taste in men - they had to be stronger, faster, and more conniving than she was, which often left her scarred and in the dirt, and often broke.

Meeting Wretch:
It was actually Wretch who approached Cali, having watched her from afar for some time. He was attracted to her power and her presence, two things he very distinctly lacked. Though he was a weak-hearted individual, Cali found him somehow charming - unlike her many lovers, Wretch was non-threatening and had nothing to gain or lose by knowing her. Though she saw a potential for using Wretch as a spy - or a wonderfully subtle way to cheat at card games - he filled an emotional niche that she so desperately craved - a real friend that she could truly, deeply trust.

Reasons for Parting:
Intrigued by the concept of gambling, Wretch often went out on his own to try it for himself, when Cali wanted her privacy. Having no job of his own, Wretch would have to steal money to gamble with - a simple enough task for a bird who could get virtually anywhere. However, sometimes it wasn't so easy, and when he was hard up for finding his own coin - especially to pay off his gambling debts - he dove into Cali's own purses. Though he had no intention of hurting her Cali was furious when she found out Wretch had been taking her money. He betrayed her trust - something she had never given to anyone but Wretch for most of her life. After all the men who had scorned her, no one broke her heart so thoroughly as Wretch. He was confused, because he didn't truly understand the concept of stealing, or why it bore so much weight on her. Nevertheless, she was ruthless, vengeful, and indifferent to his ignorance. She sold Wretch to a Ravokian slaver who had been staying in Sunberth.

Weapon - Scimitar: 10
Negotiation: 10
Larceny: 10


(Still working on this picture of him.)
Race: Human
Age: 43 (upon meeting)
Location: Ravok (502-508), Ahnatep (Winter 508)
Wretch Purchased as a Slave in Spring 502 AV
Bond Duration: Fall 505 AV - Winter 508 AV
Wretch's Given Name: Percius

A man of mystery, Mathis maintained the air of a recluse and kept few friends. He became a citizen of Ravok at age 38 in 497 AV, but had lived throughout the Sylira region all his life. Constantly jaded by the world around him, he mostly kept to himself, pouring his soul into his work. He was vastly interested in developing his skill as Maledictor, but also at creating and developing poisons. Mathis was cunning and self-serving, perhaps wicked to some, as he was entirely focused on his own goals and thought nothing of anyone else. Often enough, he chose to wear hoods and masks - there wasn't any reason to shroud his identity, but it seemed to be his strange, personal preference. There were a lot of strange things about him.

Meeting Wretch:
When Mathis developed an interest in purchasing a slave, Wretch caught his eye immediately. The Kelvic was caged and confined to his crow form, which Mathis recognized as a carrion-eating scavenger. As a Maledictor, he considered himself a student of flesh and death, and saw potential in owning a Kelvic more in tune with these elements. Mathis made Wretch a house slave and kept him confined to his home, only leaving under his personal supervision during occasional weekly outings (sort of like a boy getting to go to town with his dad. No real purpose, just for company.) To prevent Wretch from attempting to escape (not that he would), he kept his wings clipped in his crow form, and seldom allowed him to change. Though Mathis couldn't prevent Wretch from switching forms if he wanted to, Wretch was obedient and faithful.

After roughly two years of knowing Mathis, the ever obedient Wretch had grown to see his owner as more than just a master. Mathis may have acted cold, but the Kelvic had begun to recognize a secret pain hidden within the aging man. Though Mathis was quiet, Wretch was quite talkative, and often asked questions about the world and the meanings of certain things - and Mathis was surprisingly willing to educate. Occasionally, Mathis spoke of a family he once had years before, often with a certain hint of remorse. It was this realization that Mathis was truly more human than he let on that drove Wretch to become emotionally enthralled with the man.

Aside from that, Mathis had a certain power about him that intrigued Wretch. Though he wasn't as brash or forthcoming as Cali, he certainly retained a commanding presence, controlling the people around him with more of an air of intimidation and terror than open-faced threats. The subtle control that Mathis commanded was what eventually grew Wretch to formally bond with Mathis as Kelvic and Bondmate. Over time, Wretch even became romantically fascinated by Mathis - who only sometimes reciprocated the affection. Easily, Wretch got the impression that Mathis' heart truly lie somewhere else (most likely his lost wife and family), he was content with his unreciprocated admirations. Mathis would seldom let on, but Wretch really did help to cure the incredible loneliness that had taken root in his heart. His affections were appreciated, and though he never truly loved Wretch as the Kelvic loved him, there was certainly a deep caring.

It was for several reasons that Mathis arranged for Wretch to be freed as a slave - the foremost being that Mathis intended to travel, and keeping a slave in certain cities which didn't allow slavery was an obstacle. He was also not sure how long he would be around, or whether he and Wretch would stay bonded, and he didn't want Wretch ending up with some other owner who wouldn't see his true value. So it was true, Mathis did care for Wretch. The bottom line, for him, was that freeing Wretch from slavery was practical.

Reasons for Parting:
It was an abrupt change of plans that led Mathis into traveling to the Eyktol region. After arriving in Ahnatep with Wretch in search of a special poison to help in his studies, Mathis abandoned Wretch there only a few short weeks later. Originally, Mathis had intended to leave Wretch in Ravok, but as a former slave (not to mention a Kelvic), he foresaw potential conflicts for Wretch if he stayed there. After making some quick enemies in Ahnatep, he was forced to leave very quickly.

Just as well, Mathis hated long goodbyes. Fearing for Wretch's safety if he stayed with Mathis, he implored that the Kelvic not follow him. Though it was painful for the both of them, true to form, Mathis never showed an ounce of feeling as he left his Kelvic friend behind. So self absorbed as he was, he could never fully understand how terribly he had broken Wretch's heart.

Malediction: 10
Intimidation: 5
Animal Husbandry: 5
Disguise: 5
Poisons: 5
The crow flies at midnight.
Posts: 19
Words: 21719
Joined roleplay: April 13th, 2011, 2:52 am
Location: Ahnatep
Race: Kelvic
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