Nyahna Sasin
Basic Information
Race: Dhani (Viper)
Birthday & Age : 95 (65th of Summer, 416 AV)
Alias: Sasin Arelen
Physical Description
Sasin, as he likes to be known, looks like a viper, and nothing more. Nearing adulthood, he is already adept at using his human form. As a snake, he is 8'9" long, and as a Dhani, 10'11" His scales are striped black and gold, while his tail and hood are a slightly duller yellow. His eyes are yellow, with black slitted pupils.
As a human, he is quite unobtrusive, and very unnoticeable, at least until you notice him, after which you wonder why you didn't before. He has dark hair. He never really cared to check exactly what color it was. Given his parent's features, it's likely that his hair is dark brown, but really, who cares? His eyes are a greyish bluish color, and when he stares at people, he can be quite unnerving. He can blend in quite well with humans, apart from the fact that he’s about 5'2" tall. People tend to give him looks for that. He's used to it, of course.
He has no tattoos of any sort, nor any really obvious scars. Yet
Character Concept
[Note: Check Plotnotes for more detail]
Personality:Sasin is normally a cheerful, carefree, bouncy person. Normally. He does, however, tend to yell and snarl and hiss when angered, and sulk afterward. If asked about this, he claims he's stuck in a younger mentality. He is very sociable, especially when drunk, and makes new friends everywhere. It just happens that he is a cruel and vicious, if not exceptionally talented, assassin. Those who hire him tend to want to make an impression on the victim before death.
The cold, however, brings out the worst in him. During winter time, he is grouchy, snappish, and generally irritated. He's been growing accustomed to the cold lately though.
Ethics: His moral compass is pointing to "Meh". He has no qualms about killing people. If someone asked him to kill his friends, however, they would soon find themselves at the pointy end of a knife. Most of the time, anyways. If he had to choose between his own life and that of a friend, he would generously allow the friend to sacrifice himself. If the friend didn't feel like sacrificing himself, Sasin would gladly sacrifice that friend for him. After all, not many races live as long as his do. They were gonna die anyways, might as well save himself while at it.
He almost never targets the elderly or the young, not out of any real morality, but because these people are usually most well protected, and killing them invites harsher retribution. Act chivalrous, and people will be far more generous.
He's not evil, per se. He likes to think of it as simply self preservation. He dislikes killing needlessly, as it, by it's very definition, is really rather pointless, and not worth the risk. Nor does he try to inflict pain without cause. Again, pointless. He has no qualms about killing or torturing, but simply sees it as a fact of life, one that he had no problems with enjoying.
Likes:Killing, making friends, learning, eating, the satisfaction of a job well done, being helpful, and stealing.
Dislikes:His work being interrupted. He will likely take his ire out on the one who did it, meaningful or not. He also dislikes idiots, and people who are racist to him.
Character History
Pre-creation: Eldest of his clutch, Sasin was interesting in that he appeared to be motivated by sheer curiosity alone. He had always been something of a drifter, learning bit's and pieces of everything, not really specializing as his siblings and peers did. This worried his parents, but they let him be, for the most part, since he was quiet, and never really bothered anyone.
His decision to leave the nest at the age of 90 was much the same. There was no dramatic family death that forced him to leave in shame, nor was there a fair maid he fell for. (As a matter of fact, Sasin has shown a remarkable disinterest in the fairer sex, something he's chalked up to youth.) He simply decided there wasn't much to do in the nest that was of much interest to him and left. It was a very quiet affair. Others had long since given up any hope of him settling down.
His current "profession" is as much a hobby as it is a way of life. His thieving was self taught, part of the reason he's not exactly an expert at it. Assassinating people came later, when he was caught stealing in sunberth. The man who caught him was impressed, and gave him a choice. Kill a rival, or die. He chose the first option, of course. He did his job, and was told that he was now working for "Sharpeye" Smith.
A few weeks later, a fisherman found Smiths body, looted of all valuables, with both eye's gouged out. Sasin, on the other hand, was at that moment, humming a song as he headed out to Syliras.
Since then, the only truly noteworthy event has been The Game, where Sasin, along with several others, were given information about Sagallius by his former human heart, and (supposedly) became threats to the puppet god.