The Tower-Shield spoke of meat and fish was also provided. Including some facts about a successful fishing trip of his. "Really? Sure to come handy next time you got wilderness survival." Markus said with a smile as a turned to his food. Breaking some bread and dipping it in the soup for added flavor. He let the charismatic squire talk to his lady friend, he didn't want to interrupt anything between the two. However, it seemed that the Tower-Shield changed to a new person to talk to. Rather quickly. Speaking to the three squires in rapid succession. Markus swallowed the bread he had just put in his mouth. He liked that Tower-Shield had listed the shield as a weapon. Subconsciously or not. "Yea, I have received training with a few other weapons. Mainly the composite bow. A fine weapon, though I am still having some trouble hitting my marks with it." He said with a shrug and a grin. "What about you guys?" Markus asked the squires around him, the female squire, the Tower-Shield and the last one who had joined them. |