![]() 5th Spring, 511 A.V. After parting on the street earlier that day, Hadrian had expected Kendall to find some other thing to do, some other place to be, or just some reason why he would not want to come to see him as they had agreed. But despite hours of nervous moping, Kendall had come after all, finding Hadrian wearing the blue shirt he had chosen for himself, and then decided looked better on the young enchanter. Repairing to his room, they had kissed, removed that shirt and some other clothes, marveled at each other's bodies. But eventually, embarrassed perhaps, they had laid down on the bed in a chaster gesture of what they both wanted. Bare limbs entwined under blankets still on the bed until the last of the winter chill left the breezes from the Suvan Sea and the Bronze Woods. The blankets was hardly necessary while curled around an Azenth, whose body burned with Ivak's fires banked within, but the propriety made it all a bit easier to bear. With Kendall's fair head resting on his shoulder, his arm around the pyromancer, Hadrian stared at the ceiling and occasionally turned his head toward Kendall to say something, to smell the sun in his hair, or, when he was feeling boldest, to kiss his forehead. "I really only bought it to study harmonics," he said of the ashwood flute Kendall had taken from under his bed and taken to study like some marker of who Hadrian was. "I can tell you about the mathematics of it, but it's different to actually hear the thing... And anyway, I work more with percussion. There are all these special hammers I use in my magecrafting... But I'll... I'll learn how to play you a song if you wish." He would promise many things to this girl trapped in a boy's body and consider himself blessed rather than cursed as Kendall saw it. The form mattered less to him than what inhabited it. |