What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

Postby Hadrian on April 17th, 2011, 7:20 am

40th Spring, 511 A.V.

Hadrian went to the kitchen to fetch himself something to break his fast. He never ate much, but it was good to fuel the body or it would run out of energy and be unable to perform magic, which would be the end of the world. And so he got some fruit, some cheese, a bit of leftover meat stew, and some milk; a bounty by his standards. But instead of eating, he set them on the table by the window which was open to the Suvan Sea breezes. He was lucky, he reminded himself, to have a rich father and so a nice place to stay in Syliras. Nicer than most people could afford.

He sat cross-legged on the floor and brought his breathing under control, the first step he always took toward a meditative state, a light trance where he was conscious enough to perform magic, but calm enough to be much more logical, rational, and precise than normal. He wondered if it was similar to a Severing by one of the Ano Cult.

His eyes, relaxed into a soft focus, began to pick up the Auristic spectrum all on their own. He could see the sunlight slanting into his room. He could see the quiet, domestic, and protective hum of the stones that made up the wall. He could see the crystallized forms of what the wood of his table had been when yet it lived.

Holding out his right hand, he willed it into the shape of Vizyous' hand, a pale, slender Symenestra appendage with claws for battle. Looking to his left hand, he bade it change into that of Kendall. The one was monstrous by human standards, the other a capable male hand.

Fluxing energy from his core down his arms, he produced a large ball of res in Vizyou's hand and a similar ball of Shield energy in Kendall's. As the res spiraled up into the air, transmuting into water, the Shield energy was manipulated into the shape of a bowl to catch the water. When the entirety of the res had been converted into water and had made the wide arc from one hand to the other, the sides of the Shield bowl rose up and closed it off into a bubble that floated toward the door.

Abandoning his trance, Hadrian stood up to lean out the window, directing the Shield bubble a few feet away and then a few feet more until it hovered in front of someone else's window. Then the Shield bubble winked out of existence and the water dropped onto the hapless squire below. Hadrian fell back into his room, out of sight, to quietly laugh at his harmless mischief.
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What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

Postby Ageru on April 17th, 2011, 5:05 pm

There was something about today that was interesting, something that silently whispered to him that he had a chance for a little excitement himself. Something in him had him know that this was possible, and that he wouldn't be quite as bored as other days. Most days he could be found wandering the streets for something interesting to happen, but today it seemed the interesting was brought to him and his curiosity unbound, would lead the way. So following his little instinct he found himself at an unknown residence.

Nothing was quite exciting or as dreadful as meeting new people, or exploring new places. Time from everyday was taken for this venture even though it brought up mixed feeling it was the only thing he could do to combat going crazy. He needed his daily interaction with the city, admitting it or not it was the people that kept him here, and stayed him from moving on. The people were endlessly interesting each and every one holding a secret, something dark that should be brought to the light. It was rather fun unraveling these mysteries and shoving them into the light.

Looking up at the place that he seemed to be drawn to, there would be a slight look of attention as he sat down. He watched it carefully until his gaze was drawn to a window where he saw the queerest thing, water floating. Eyeing the floating liquid he watched as it hovered towards another window and then dropped on the target, a poor person who seemed to yell with surprise. How funny. Yes, he was right, this place before him was worth maybe a look, if not two.

Eyes flicking back to the window from where the orb of water originated he caught a glimpse of a person going back in, obviously just as amused with himself as the cat was of the mischief. Finally, someone with a sense of humor. Getting up he glanced back to the victim of the attack, nodding, before making his way to the window. It was open and really the only way for him to get in.

It took him a couple tries to scale the wall that lead to the ledge, but with one final hop he was up. He really wasn't the best kitty at climbing, but he could. His first glances in he saw that he was in a kitchen, and one that was rather... Well, nice, almost reminded him of the one of his old master. Though this one had a charm all of its own. So in ways, in terms of niceness, it brought back memories but it wasn't exact. Though nothing ever was.

The next sight was of the food that seemed to be strategically place right by window. Fruit, cheese, stew, and milk. What a meal indeed. He hasn't exactly eaten much today, and this food would be fit for a king by his standards of eating scraps off the streets. He jumped from the window to the table, eyes looking starved for food before taking notice of the other. His quiet advancement to his target was halted as his green eyes watched the person.

Attention glued to him he slowly, oh so slowly, continued to advance towards the food before sitting down in front of it, his tail waving calculating behind him. Eyeing the stranger whose house he was in, he tilted his head a little at him before dipping it towards the stew trying to go for a quick steal of the food. It was all or nothing, and he had learned to just go for what he wanted instead of waiting for permission because permission usually wasn't granted.
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What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

Postby Hadrian on April 18th, 2011, 1:48 am

His attention so recently riveted on what was going on outside the windows, Hadrian noticed the little cat's arrival almost immediately. They had a bit of a stare down, and while Hadrian knew that nobody won a staring contest with a cat without resorting to less than sportsmanlike means, he watched as the daring little thing began to munch on his breakfast. Amused, he merely watched. Not very hungry himself, he could stand to donate some of his food to one of Syliras' many cats.

"You don't have to look so nervous about it," he said reasonably. "If I was going to scream at you and shoo you away, I would have done it by now. Just leave me some of the fruit and cheese, I suppose. You probably prefer the stew and perhaps the milk. When you're ready for the milk, just let me know. I'll have to come over, of course, to pour it in the bowl for you properly. I'd prefer if you didn't leave a mess for me to clean up by knocking it over, though. Thanks. I hope it's good. Spring catches are rather lean from a winter of hibernation."

That said, he continued to watch the little thing eat. Animals were just interesting to watch.
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What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

Postby Ageru on April 19th, 2011, 8:52 pm

The cat gave the man a quick glance as he looked up from the food that he stole. Giving a quick meow as the guy spoke he went back to his meal. It was nice that someone would give up some of their food for him. Usually his attempts ended rather badly; getting thrown out, yelled at, shooed, and the famous broom being swatted at him. It was almost cliché how hungry he was.

The stew was good, well better than anything he has had in a while. It really hit the spot, and when you didn't want to spend money begging was the way to go. A free meal was a happy meal, and he got what he could off of strangers. He wasn't a trained thief, but he knew how to attempt to use his looks. Something that hasn't quite being so successful, but then that might be because this city had a lot of cats. He needed to try to stand out... somehow, and that was the problem.

Licking up the stew he soon finished the portion that was in the bowl. Sure it would seem like a lot for a kitty but he was very hungry, enough to even start licking the remnants of sauce that was left around the bowl. Looking up he meowed at the kind stranger giving a sharp look to the glass of milk. He had asked for him to try not to make a mess, and being so kind to share his food with him he wasn't going to go against his wishes. So he would wait until the milk was poured into a bowl for him before going up for a drink.
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What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

Postby Hadrian on April 21st, 2011, 3:56 am

"Don't get skittish, kitten," he warned with an amused smile in his voice and on his face. He walked up gently and, when the little cat didn't run away, he reached out for the milk and poured a goodly amount into the bowl, more than enough for the cat, whose belly couldn't be all that big.

"Cheers." He lifted the remains of the milk to his mouth and drank it, then considered the other food, wondering if he should make soulmist out of it. He hadn't done much practicing at his spiritism, but then he had been otherwise occupied. There was always something that needed doing, and too many disciplines to practice them all everyday.

"What do you think?" he asked the cat whimsically. "Should I just eat or should I make soulmist so I can be better prepared in case I ever meet another hungry ghost?"
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What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

Postby Ageru on April 26th, 2011, 5:55 pm

Ageru didn't back away when the milk was reached for and poured in a bowl for him. There was something about the human that didn't seem to threaten him. He could tell, somehow, that he was a 'good' person, but then again he was never a good judge of character. However that didn't really stop him from using his own judgment when engaging with people. He trusted himself more than others, misguided as that may be.

He meowed a 'cheers' before he started in on the milk of his own, again being careful not to make a mess or spill the milk. That would just be horrible, but even if it was spilled he would lick it up. He just loved milk that much, and it was something that he only got once in a great while. Today was a great day indeed and his curiosity was being satisfied. If only everyone would feed a cat like this.

he looked up from his milk as the question was asked to him and he cocked his head to the side. He had no idea what soulmist was, or even what a hungry ghost was. The only value he had ever given to food was to be eaten, a refreshment. it would be easier to answer the question more directly if he were to go be a human. He silently wondered what the other thought of nudity. If he could smirk there definitely would be one. The cat would think about as he meowed again before going back to his milk.

There was so much to consider, and he still found interactions with people a little weird. He was far too blunt, curious, and even flirtatious for his own good. Most of the time though, he didn't even know what he was doing, and just said what comes to mind. It was awkward for him, and so he would usually keep silence unless he needed to talk.

Finished with his milk, even though there was still quite a bit of it in the bowl, he took a step back from the bowl and once again sat down and watched him, still weighing in his mind the act of transforming or not.
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What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

Postby Hadrian on April 27th, 2011, 1:09 am

Hadrian was disarmed by the little cat, wondering if it were a kitten or just small from malnourishment. Clearly the little cat wouldn't stay little for long if it started hanging around Hadrian's window, which was most often open to let in the breezes off the Suvan Sea now that it was getting warmer out. Soulmist was forgotten for the moment as he merely watched the cat lap up the milk, wondering if he would ever be so content with nothing but a meal.

Finally, the little cat had drunk its fill and it wasn't until then that Hadrian raised a long-fingered hand, showing the cat that it was empty, and carefully reaching forward to see if it would allow him to pet it a bit.

"Do you want to sit with me for a while?" he asked. "Nap away the food coma?"

He glanced at an armchair and decided he would take the little bit of fluff over there to sit in his lap if it wasn't adverse to a relative stranger touching it.

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What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

Postby Ageru on May 3rd, 2011, 2:33 am

The cat looked suspiciously at the hand as it was extended towards him. He knew the price of physical contact, and it wasn’t like he didn’t like it more as he was somewhat fearful of what the person wanted. Silently and quickly weighing his odds he backed away untrusting to buy himself some more time to think about it. The man was nice enough to provide him with food, and it was because of him that his belly was now full and he was somewhat in a better position. But also he wondered what he could want. What he desired and what he would ‘see’ if the contact was made. Nothing was certain and everything far too possible, but maybe that was the stupid in him.

Finding it best to ‘pay’ the other with the pleasure, most likely mutual, of setting a cat in his lap for a while he advance slowly towards the outreached hand, head moving cautiously examining the appendage as he sniffed it curiously. One thing he wasn’t was selfish. If that was what the other wanted, to touch him, he would let him. Who was he to say no? Who was he to deny others happiness at the expense of his own being? That is selfishness, and, possibly being a side effect of his mark, he didn’t want to be selfish.

A purr would escape him as he rubbed against the others hand for a brief while before he was scooped up and carried to the armchair. Nothing was better than physical contact in the cats book, but… sometimes he gets a little too selfish and lets his mark hold him back when, in reality, he was granted the best gift of all, and one that could only be shared between two people. He was given the gift of giving others joy in life, and if it was some sort of enslavement it was worth it to see the smiles and the happiness that it brought with them. He could feel that the mark was already having an effect on him, and good or bad was yet to be found out.

Being sat in the armchair with the stranger felt nice, even though he was a stranger he couldn’t help but feel some closeness. It has been far too long, he thought, since he has been treated like a regular cat, and decided it was best to stay being a cute little cat for a while. Besides his human form wasn’t nearly as cuddly, or so he thought because most people would cuddle with a cat but not when he was a human. It confused him slightly, but he wondered if they still knew that he was the same old cat they saw only in a different body?

Throwing all thoughts away he just relaxed in the strangers lap purring slightly as he was petted, eyes half closed from how good it felt. Yes, it has been far too long since he has been treated like a cat. If a cat could smile he certainly would be right now, but he guessed he would have to make do with continent purrs. The funny thing was the feline sure was friendly if you fed him.
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What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

Postby Hadrian on May 5th, 2011, 6:34 am

Hadrian's desires -- for once -- were simple, and Ageru fulfilled them just by allowing Hadrian to pick him up, repair to the armchair, hold the bit of fluff in his lap, and pet him. There was something therapeutic about a purring cat under one's hand, even a human body perhaps sensing on some level how that vibration carried through the body, aiding in many of its restorative functions. It was no wonder then that stories of witches often involved cats black as Akajia's dreaming. He was very tired of late, burning his energies on behalf of knights, squires, and friends with deathwishes that involved travel to Ravok. Then, too, he had never really confronted his feelings toward his mother's recent death, and for a moment all he wanted was to feel her hand in his hair as he often had, hardly noticing it really, as he had read at all hours of the day and night, wasting away the family fortune on candlelight, she had said fondly on many an occasion.

He sighed, feeling older than his years. When he had made soulmist at Kova's Well, part of him had hoped to draw her shade to him, to feed her and ask her what it was like to be dead, whether she was happy, content, numb, or some other thing, but then she had probably moved on to her next incarnation. So far as he knew, she had been content with her life, and was content with its ending.

A flash came to him, an image of himself spitting soulmist into a cauldron over a fire, this little cat sitting alongside curiously like some familiar. He almost laughed, but shook his head, still petting the cat from ears to tail as they supposedly enjoyed. It wasn't until he sniffed at the sudden arrival of snot that he realized that tears were leaking out of his eyes.

"Oh, petch it," he mumbled.
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What Dragged the Cat In [Ageru]

Postby Ageru on May 7th, 2011, 3:47 am

Ageru was glad that sometime desires were not so complex and can be easily done. This one was one of those times where, influenced by the mark or not, he would enjoy just as much being petted and held there in the mans lap. There was something soothing, relaxing, healing about being held and just physical contact in general, and that is what he tried to convey when he gives people massages. He knows the power of touch and what great pleasure it can bring, and so this rather hastily interpreted desire had to be the best one he had gotten in a long while.

He purred softly as he was being petted, and even nuzzled the top of his head into the guys hand every once in a while to encourage more. Eyes still half closed he laid his head on one of the man’s knees just relaxing and enjoying. There was no way he would rather spend an hour or two, but that much time taken from this guy would be greedy. Although at this point it wasn’t like he cared much, but he had to remember his mark and what it brought him. He was urged to follow the desire translated by the mark and that included leaving, or worse moving from this position he was in.

He sniffed the air curiously as he thought he smelled something off, something that wasn’t quite there before. Curious, but not wanting to move he moved his head a little across each knee not bothering use any more energy than necessary, for he was far too relaxed. Not finding it by the initial scan of the area he looked his curious little kitty face up to see tears were leaking out of the guys eyes as he was petting him. Getting a sudden chill the kitty shivered and slowly stood up, careful not to let the purr die down. Why was he crying? He was getting what he wanted, what else did he long for? This just didn’t add up, and crying is no way to spend the day.

He nodded to himself, he would cheer him up. A person nice enough to share food needs some cheering up, Gods willing, he will do everything in his power to cheer him up. Then jumping up on one of the arms of the arm chair he quickly adjusted and set his two front paws on the mans shoulder and carefully poked his head to the guys neck and rubbed his little furry head against him. Again, purring while he was doing so as if trying to say not to be sad, or just trying to comfort him as a whole. No one deserved sadness, even though it comes sometimes.

oocHa, my kitty used to do this to me whenever I was sad. It was so cute, but he would also lick the tears but Ageru will just settle for the light nuzzling :D
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