[ Continued from:
Drykas Landing ]
Upon feeling the ground hit her feet as she slid off the back of Serenity, her knees wobbled frantically before she finally collapsed onto the cool grassy earth. A secondary attempt at weathering the rough ride of a stryder left Hex with sore muscles in places that made it difficult to even walk but after a short session of deep breathing and stretching her legs, she was able to beat the stiffness and carry on with helping Kayiri set up camp.
With the back of her hand, Hex swept the perspiration from her forehead after securing the last tent peg into the ground with the blunt end of a dagger. She stood up then and turned to face in the direction of the setting sun that melted down until it lay cradled in the valley below. While working through the soreness she deliberately stayed active by gathering twigs and dry leaves for kindling. Large stones were placed in a circular pattern and sand was dispersed around the fire pit for added protection.
The interior of the tent was methodically organized by Kayiri who even considered her space when he placed her bedroll a comfortable distance away. A blackish blue haze filled the air as the sun burrowed beneath the horizon, winning a tug of war with the moon who rose submissively into the sky. On the first night, Hex graciously slept in the tent to show appreciation for the young man's hospitality but somehow she felt uneasy because the tent fabric dampened her ability to detect enemies at a distance. She knew one day she would adjust but by the second night she was aching to bask in the moonlight and be lulled asleep by the stars who winked and buzzed about the sky like celestial insects.
Three trying nights had passed until she gave into her instinctual urges and crawled drowsily out of the tent onto the grass in the middle of the night.
"May I sleep here next to you?" She yawned to Serenity as she fluffed the grass to make a bed. Soft moist earth was her natural mattress and although she wasn't always lucky to get a comfortable bed, she felt all forms of earth were equally inviting. The great steed snorted and shifted lethargically and Hex understood it to be an acceptance of her company. With a smile on her face Hex laid onto her back and rested her hands above her head gazing up with sleepy, heavy eyelids that slowly fell down her face.
During the early evening of the 10th night of Winter (their 5th day together), Hex brought back to the camp site a bundle of the various berries and grasses she learned to pick during her meeting with Rhylen at the beginning of the season. She had an incredible memory for details and was thrilled when she did not have to rely on hunting meat as often as she had before when she was unsure of the edible plants of the area. A thick soup was made in a cauldron, borrowed from another member of Kayiri's clan who sat amongst the rest to eye the bubbling stew with salivating mouths and eager stomachs. When all were fed and full of ale and stew, they staggered to their tents in the distance to leave the two acquaintances at the rumbling fire. A poking stick was used to send sparks flying and encourage tiny flames to lick the drier bark of the overturned log that met the orange embers smoldering beneath like a forge.
The bed roll for Hex in the tent often served as a space for socializing with Kayiri who talked to her for hours to help her practice and improve her common. They spoke of their pasts and childhood memories, reacting in awe to the cultural differences of each other. Before long they were yawning more than talking and by habit Hex bid her friend goodnight and slinked out of the tent to her place next to Serenity.
A rush of wind not far from the tent brushed across Hex's face and she frantically scratched her tickled nose in response. Footsteps broke the atmospheric pattern and her eyes shot open, turning in her skull towards the noise but not moving her body at all. When it was clear that a stranger was approaching the tent, she had to fight against the sound of her heart hammering the inside of her rib cage just to hear the subtleties of their movements. They were skillfully agile as they barely even disrupted the delicate blades of grass around the tent.
Silently raising onto her haunches, she kept a low profile as she snaked her way along the side of the tent to peek around the corner at the dark visitor. She swallowed a loud gasp as she saw something she had never seen before. Two large wings folded and stretched as the intruder contemplated the entrance to the tent. The body of the flying creature was familiarly humanoid like, slender and thin, possibly even malnourished.
Hex was unsure what the intentions were of this person with wings but she felt a very nefarious, complex energy from them that was jagged and sharp, and very unpleasant to read the aura of. The creature slipped into the tent with ease, they were very skillful in their movements, frighteningly dexterous and without a doubt - strong. After a painfully long hesitation filled with fear, Hex anxiously pulled out a small knife she had hidden in her boot and assumed an offensive stance as she yanked open the tent flaps, yelling incoherently to rouse Kayiri if he was not already awake...